
Software testing terminology

I'm trying to research a term for software testing. Specifically, that applies to the following scenario: You've got software "S", which is in version V S has functionality to "whiz," "bang," and "zoom" You find a bug with S's zooming You apply a patch to address the zoom function S can now zoom S can no longer whiz. My question: Wh...

What is the common name for declaration, definition, expression and statement?

If established name doesn't exist, what name you can suggest? ...

What is the Difference between a Heuristic and an Algorithm?

What is the Difference between a Heuristic and an Algorithm? ...

Name that technique (it may be called 'piggybacking')

What is the name of the following method/technique (I'll try to describe the best I could, background on "memoization" is probably needed to understand why this technique can be very useful): You start some potentially lenghty asynchronous computation and you realize that an identical computation has already been started but is not done...

Name of class of programming languages that execute its own code

What do you call a programming language that can execute its own code (passed as a string literal)? The setting in my mind is something similar to this (forgetting for a moment typing of code, results, etc): string eight = "5+3" int result = run(eight) Where run is keyword. Is that a reflective programming language? ...

routine to generate a 2d array from two 1d arrays and a function

I'm guessing that there's a word for this concept, and that it's available in at least some popular languages, but my perfunctory search was fruitless. A pseudocode example of what I'd like to do: function foo(a, b) { return a * b // EG } a = [ 1, 2, 3 ] b = [ 4, 5, 6 ] matrix = the_function_for_which_I_search(foo, [a, b] ) print m...

JavaScript try/catch: errors or exceptions?

OK. I may be splitting hairs here, but my code isn't consistent and I'd like to make it so. But before I do, I want to make sure I'm going the right way. In practice this doesn't matter, but this has been bothering me for a while so I figured I'd ask my peers... Every time I use a try... catch statement, in the catch block I always log ...

What do you call functions which get and set?

The jQuery framework has a lot of functions which will either retrieve or mutate values depending on the parameters passed: $(this).html(); // get the html $(this).html('blah'); // set the html Is there a standard name for functions which behave like this? ...

.NET platform, .NET environment or .NET framework which is correct? And what's the difference between platform/environment/framework?

In some documents (i.e. ECMA-334) the name of '.NET framework' is used, but in other documents (in many books), '.NET platform' is used. I saw someone refer .NET as .NET environment. Which one is correct nomenclature for .NET? In general, what's the difference between platform/environment/framework? ADDED It's not easy to see that t...

accessor and mutator?

when using doctrine i stumble upon these 2 words: accessor and mutator. are these only used in doctrine or are they specific for php? and what do they mean? thanks ...

Is there a name for a pure-data Objective-C class?

This is less of a code-specific question and more of an Objective-C nomenclature question. In C you have struct for pure data. In Enterprise Java, you have "bean" classes that are purely member variables with getters and setters, but no business logic. In Adobe FLEX, you have "Value Objects". In Objective-C, is there a proper name ...

What is the name of this operator =>?

Possible Duplicate: What is the => token called? What is the name of this operator in C#? ...

name for a function that transforms assignment statements to expressions

update Since one effect of these functions is to provide a way to use method chaining on methods that would not normally support it *, I'm considering calling them chain and copychain, respectively. This seems less than ideal though, since the would-be copychain is arguably a more fundamental concept, at least in terms of functional pr...

What part of the C# language is .ForEach()?

If I'm explaining the following ForEach feature to someone, is it accurate to say that #2 is the "LINQ foreach approach" or is it simply a "List<T> extension method" that is not officially associated with LINQ? var youngCustomers = from c in customers where c.Age < 30 select c; //1. traditiona...

What is the act of creating objects from XML data called?

In the context of loading an XML file, what's a good name for the step in which you create internal data structures (be they objects, structs, or whatever) to hold the data in memory? What do you usually call the other steps? LOAD, OPEN, or READ the xml, by opening a file. PARSE the xml, with some XML parser. ??? the xml, creating data...

XML element names

I need to redefine an XML document and schema for my company. The document in question is split into a number of sections that each contain information about a medication, for example; <dosage>overview of dose info <elderly>doses for elderly patients</elderly> <children>doses for children</children> </dosage> <administration>info...

What are docstrings called in java?

Before Java methods we have something like: /** * Takes a number and returns its square root. * @param x The value to square. * @return The square root of the given number. */ public float getSqrt(float x) { ... } Does this have a name (like docstrings in Python)? ...

Is the following JavaScript construct called a Closure?

(function() { //do stuff })(); EDIT: I originally thought this construct was called a closure - not that the effect that it caused results (potentially) in a closure - if variables are captured. This is in no way to do with the behaviour of closures themselves - this I understand fully and was not what was being asked. ...

What is the etymology/meaning of the term "value object"?

I am a programmer with a .NET / PHP background. I recently reviewed a video training on Flashbuilder 4 / ActionScript. One of the videos in the video training is named "Creating a Data Model with a Value Object". I mentioned that "value object" was an unfamiliar term to me and didn't really know if he meant by it "model" or not and it w...