
NServiceBus Testing Framework and NAnt Issue?

Hi Guys, This is my first post here, and I'm new to NService Bus world. After play around for a couple days, and found that it's really powerful framework to creat service and easy to use. :) Now, I came across a small question. I created a project which uses NServiceBus, it got normal message handlers and Saga handlers. And also I c...

Using NServiceBus with multiple application both act as Publisher and Subscriber

Hi, I'm trying to use NServiceBus to make 4 applications communicating together. All these applications have to act as Publisher and Subscriber. The only way i founded ti get it workiing is to create a "master" queue named Server, on which MessageEndpointMappings in all applications configuration is mapped to, but i think it's not th...

How to have Load balanced web services sending messages with nservicebus to multiple subscribers ?

I have load balanced web servers, that with the existing code base, handles when a user logs into the site. I would like to send a broadcast message to any applications that have subscribed saying 'hey x logged in' ? So have many web servers and many applications subscribing. How does discovery work/configuration work with nservicebus ?...

What is the point of sending timeouts to a different queue and host in nservicebus?

I notice the default config/recommendation of the timoutmanager is running it in its own host and pointing to its own queue. Is it simply for performance? ...

nservicebus compiler error "reference required to assembly nServicebus" in vb.net programs

I downloaded the nServicebus binaries as of May 17th and have two different vb.net projects (one in .net 3.5, the other in .net 4.0) that both have the error "Reference to Assembly nServicebus, Version, culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9fc386479f8a226c containing the type NServicebus.IStartable. Add one to your project. I hav...

NServiceBus & MSMQ: How To Change the Default Permissions on the Queue?

My team is on our first attempt at using NServiceBus (v2.0), using MSMQ as the backing storage. We're getting stuck on queue permissions. We're using it in a Web Forms application, where the user account the website runs under is not an administrator on the machine. When NServiceBus creates the MSMQ queue, it gives the local administr...

DBA's say no to SQL Server DTC?

I am trying to get our DBA's to enable DTC on a cluster of SQL Server 2005. Unfortunately they keep refusing. Their argument that they would need to set up a dedicated host for DTC (Could take months!!) as it is not a matter of ticking a few boxes. Is this true? How intrusive is DTC on a shared environment such as a SQL farm. Do I have a...

How to get the Queue name that NServiceBus pulled the message from.

I can use this code to get the return address. string returnAddress = Bus.CurrentMessageContext.ReturnAddress; But how do i get the "to address" of the message. i.e. the Queue that NServiceBus pulled the message from. I had a look through the source and it seems Bus.Transport.Address is what i want but there is no get on Transport N...

NService bus message not coming in sequence (i.e as it is sent).

Hi , We are using NService bus for our messaging framework.Sometime the message is not coming as par the sequence of sending .Sometimes last message is coming first and than later first message. Please help me out Thanks ...

WCF Data Services: Call to SaveChanges() causes 100% CPU

I am developing a WCF Data Service over an Entity Framework 4.0 data model, but there's no way we can go to Production under the current circumstances. My client application is adding and modifying a lot of objects, around 100,000. Then it calls the service's SaveChanges method to persist all changes in a single action. The WCF Data Ser...

Logging exceptions to database in NServiceBus

If an exception occurs in my MessageHandler I want to write the exception details to my database. How do I do this? Obviously, I cant just catch the exception, write to database, and rethrow it since NSB rollbacks all changes. (IsTransactional is set to true) I tried adding logging functionality in a seperate handler, which I caledl us...

NServiceBus without spamming my solution with IMessage/NServiceBus references

Has anyone found a smart way to use NServiceBus, without having to implements that useless IMessage marker interface for all messages? Especially, when using DomainEvents, I would absolutely hate to couple my domains to a specific servce bus implementation. ...

What happens in a NServiceBus Saga when the IAmStartedBy Message comes after the IHandle Message?

I have an NServiceBus Saga that looks like this public class MySaga : Saga<MySagaData>, IAmStartedByMessages<MyStartMessage>, IHandleMessages<OtherMessage> But messages can come out of order. So what happens when the IAmStartedBy Message comes after the IHandle Message? T...

NServiceBus Publish/Subscribe Question

We are trying to find an elegant solution for reporting exceptions generated from systems across our infrastructure that's easier to operate on than viewing e-mail or checking log files. The publish/subscribe model across a service bus, would solve this problem quite neatly. Services would publish errors/events and a subsriber could filt...

How to remove the NHibernateMessageModule from being called in NServiceBus?

I am not using the nhibernate saga persistence and hence I do not need the NHibernateMessageModule. So how do i remove it? ...

How to swap out MSMQ in NServiceBus 2.0 for a different transport technology

What is the correct way to swap out MSMQ transport layer to leverage another transport technology under the hood from within the NServiceBus 2.0 API? ...

NServiceBus 2.0 considerations when running on Mono and deployed to *nix

Is NServiceBus compatible with Mono? Are you / have you run NServiceBus on Mono? If so what issues did you run into? NServiceBus leverage's MSMQ by default. I know this can be swapped out for different transport technologies, so I would imagine an initial task may involve implementing a provided "IMessageQueue " interface (or somethi...

What transport technology is a viable alternative to MSMQ on Unix based system?

I am planning on experimenting with NServiceBus on Mono to be deployed on Unix based systems. NServiceBus leverage's MSMQ by default. This can be easilly swapped out for an alterntive transport technology. What I need to know is what are the alternatives to MSMQ on Unix based systems, and how to do they differ and what are the pros & c...

Diagnosing MSMQ Access Errors with NServiceBus

Does anyone know of a decent way of diagnosing MSMQ access errors. I'm using NServiceBus in a web application. There is a service running that actually creates the private queues, and the web application sends messages to that queue. The web site uses anonymous access, and the application pool runs using the Network Service account. ...

NServiceBus, why can I Bus.Send, but not Bus.Publish? Need help debugging

Ok, Quick background We're using NServiceBus 2.0 with pretty much the standard config, nothing "crazy" going on. App is .NET 3.5 Dev environment is Publisher and Subscriber are on the same box, Windows 7. Staging environment is Publisher and Subscriber are on different boxes, one Windows 7, the other Windows Server 2008. Behaviour ...