
NSMutableArray - replacing an item causes exception...help!

I am a newbie in Obj-C. I need to learn this better so please tell me what I am doing wrong.. I have an array of Images.... at various points of exec I need to replace the last element with one of the preceding images... so the last image always replicates one of the images before. When I do the replacement, it throws an exception! If ...

How can one sort an NSMutableArray of NSMutableArrays containing NSStrings?

Is there an easy way to sort an NSMutableArray of NSMutableArrays containing NSStrings? I am sure that there must be an easy method for doing this but I can't seem to find it. To Clarify I want to sort the first array alphabetically by the NSString at index 3 of the sub array. ...

Two Dimension NSMutableArray help?

Ok, I have some C# code that looks like this and I was wondering what other developers would recommend if I am trying to put this into Objective-C. List<List<string>> meta_data I'm planning on using NSMutableArray but how to exactly get that two-dimensional array figured out is my problem, since there is no such thing as a multidimens...

Array from iPhone plist

I am trying to get an array from a plist as suggested on an answer here but it's not working. Can someone tell me what I'm missing? Here is what the plist looks like....another weird thing is that I can't get this to open in a plain text file?? when I do it looks like garbage.....but it looks fine in the property list editor: <?xml ver...

Objective-C - How to implement an array of pointers in a method declaration

Ok, if you take a look at my two previous posts (Link #2 in particular), I would like to ask an additional question pertaining to the same code. In a method declaration, I am wanting to define one of the parameters as a pointer to an array of pointers, which point to feat_data. I'm sort of at a loss of where to go and what to do except t...

How to determine an array index in Objective C?

I have two arrays in Objective C and I need to find what index something is so I can insert it in the same place. For instance, lets say I have a "name array" and an "age array". How do I find out what index "charlie" is in the "name array" so I know where to insert his age in the "age" array? Thanks ...

How to write a NSMutableArray of a struct type that also includes NSMutableArray inside of it?

I was wondering if there is any sample code out there for objective-C for implementing a NSMutableArray of type struct. Inside, I need there to be 2 mutable arrays (via NSMutableArray also) declared in the struct. All the code samples in my book show me how to make an array of defined size via C array syntax (with the brackets), but I do...

Setting up NSMutableArray - Can someone explain what this code snippet does?

I've found this snippet of code on the net. It sets up an NSMutableArray in a way I've not seen before ( I'm an Obj-C newb). Can someone explain what it's doing and why you would do it this way? Particularly the @syncronized, static and little plus sign on the method signature. add the following to the .h file: +(NSMutableArray *)allMyS...

Need to store array of an array of class objects in View Controller

An iPhone question for you guys! I have an NSURLConnection that downloads XML from a server and processes it into an array which is a part of another array. I have no way of knowing how many objects I will need, so I cannot allocate an NSArray beforehand. My question is: Would it be better to create the parent array as an NSArray at the...

Copying an NSArray with mutable copies of the original elements

I am creating an array of dictionaries in a class. I want to return a copy of that array to any other object that asks for it. This copy that is passed to other objects needs to be modified without modifying the original. So I am using the following in a getter method of my class that holds the "master" array: [[NSMutableArray alloc] i...

NSMutableSet vs NSMutableArray

What's the difference? In my context, I need to be able to dynamically add to and remove objects. The user clicks on rows of a table that check on and off and thus add or remove the referenced object from the list. A wild guess is that array has indexed items while set has no indexes? ...

[objective c] getting string in NSMutableArray : Why it doesn't work?

I have the error -[NSCFString stringValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1578c when executing this code I don't understand what I'm doing wrong name is a NSString self.searchValues= [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; name=@"Bob"; if(self.name!=nil) [searchValues addObject: [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"N...

NSDictionary into 1 NSMutableArray

Hi Is it possible to take 2 NSDictionaries and populate 1 NSMutableArray? So lets say I have this situation: dict1 = key/value of: id/firstname dict2 = key/value of: id/lastname (These are populated from a database query to the server) Now, I want to combine the dictionaries into an NSMutableArray of "user" objects. the user object ...

objective-c "mutating method sent to immutable object" error

Hi guys, I'm pretty new to objective-c and try to create a small app for the iphone. I'm nearly done beside this little error here. Actually, I've searched hours with google to find a proper solution but unfortunately I'm not able to find a solution which works. I'm using this tutorial here to build up an UITableView: UITableView Tutori...

NSMutableArray containsObject method not detecting object

// Add the button to the NSMutableArray. ... UIButton *btn = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom]; [[self hBtns] addObject:btn]; ... // In another method, try to see if it exists. - (void)didPushBtn:(id)sender { UIButton *btn = (UIButton *)sender; if ([[self hBtns] containsObject:btn]) // Is false every time. ... } Why i...

Nested arrays in Objective-C ( NSMutableArray )

Hi, I'm trying to build a nested array: First, I make a "PlayerItems" array which will contain 10 arrays, each containing item objects, corresponding to the inventories of each player in the game. On the indicated line, I get the following error: error: void valued not ignored as it ought to be What is the void value here? If I use...

ObjectiveC Copying object from one NSMutableArray to another "invalid lvalue assignment"

Hi, I'm trying to make an object in one array equal to another. If I set each property individually, it works fine, but I want to set one object equal to antoher without writing a function to run through each property. -(void)DrawCard: (int) wp{ [self GetNc :(wp)]; if (nc > 0){ ((card*) [[Hands objectAtIndex:wp] objectAtIndex:nc]) = (...

setting objects to nil when releasing NSArray

When I get a memory warning I am releasing a bunch of objects stored in an NSMutableArray. [_children release]; I also need to recurse through objects at some point (potentially after a mem warning has happened), so I need to check if the objects are still around, which I do with comparison to nil- which isn't going to work because re...

Adding Objects to an Objective C Array at Index

I have a synthesized NSMutableArray - theResultArray . I want to insert NSNumber or NSInteger objects at specific indexes (0-49). For some reason I can never get any values to stick in my array. Every index returns nil or 0. NSInteger timeNum = time; [theResultArray insertObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:timeNum] atIndex:rightIn...

Question about NSMutableArray

Hi I currently try to fill and NSMutableArray with something like this: deck = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:52]; for (int suit = 0; suit <= 3; suit++) { for (int value = 1; value <= 13; value++) { ANormalCard *card = [[ANormalCard alloc] initWithSuit:suit value:value]; [deck addObject:card]; [card autorelease...