
Problem with Thread and NSTimer

Hi I have a problem in my code. I want to launch the thread but when it is launched they can't start a NSTimer istruction. Can you help me? -(void)detectionMove:(NSTimer*)timer{ int indexArray = [[[timer userInfo] objectForKey:@"arrayIndex"] intValue]; // do something } -(void)callDectectionMove:(NSNumber*)arrayIndex{ ...

How to start an NSTimer when i click on a button?

How can i start an NSTimer when a user clicks a button? EDIT:i had the code working and everything, but i put the code to hide the button above the NSTimer code, and when i placed it below the NSTimer code it worked! ...

Removing a subview my timer keeps running - iPhone SDK

I have a NSTimer running in a subview of a view. I want to remove the view and of course stop the timer. I seem to be able to remove the view (it physically disappears) but the timer keeps running, I can see the trace statements still. This is the code to remove the view... for (UIView *subview in [self.myViews subviews]) { NSLog(@...

Invalidate NSTimer not working

I am have created a timer where I convert the remaining time to a string with a format of:"mm:ss" and when the string value of the time is 00:00 I would like to invalidate the timer. For some reason it doesn't work, even when I log the remaining time I see the the value has the correct format so I don't know why my "if" branch in "countT...

running an NSTimer in the background of a multitasking iPhone app to turn location service on/off

hey guys i am attempting to make an app that records an accurate location every 10 minutes. the problem with this is that when running is best mode, the battery drains really quickly. i would like a timer to turn of the location service, have didUpdateToLocation get a good location, turn of location service and then wait for the timer...

Cocoa Touch - Timers

How can I make a timer that counts down from 3 and then runs a method? How would I do that? ...

How to work with NSTimer

Im using alot of timers in my application. For recording time, moving object, fading etc. I use the same timer for several puposes in the same view at different times. How should I declare and invalidate or release my timers properly? Atm Im declaring the timers like this: fadeTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.1 target:...

NSTimer selector calling

Can someone explain to me how exactly the NSTimer behavior is? Basically I want to know if there is a way to always have the NSTimer event happen. Event if there is currently something executing. For example, in: NSTimer* testTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:.01 target:self selector:@selector(testMethod) userInfo:nil re...

Crash with NSTimer while handling HTTP Connections

Peace , my eXercice is to make the application connect , send and receive data to remote webserver and this is every 10 Secondes so idea goes to work with NSTimer and adding it into a runLoop , but the connection is established only once and then then ( in the next 10 seconds ) the app Crashes . Here is my Code , THANK YOU for HELPING . ...

Best time to invalidate NSTimer inside UIViewController to avoid retain cycle

Does any one know when is the best time to stop an NSTimer that is held reference inside of a UIViewController to avoid retain cycle between the timer and the controller? Here is the question in more details: I have an NSTimer inside of a UIViewController. During ViewDidLoad of the view controller, I start the timer: statusTimer = [NS...

Invalidating an NSTimer?

If I have an NSTimer that starts in viewdidload, where is the proper place to invalidate it when leaving that view? Is it also necessary to release it as well? ...

How should I manage my NSTimer in a tabbar iPhone app?

I have a tabbar-based app with three tabs, one of them is a running clock. To animate the clock UI, I use an NSTimer that fires once a second. If the user will be switching in and out of the various tabs, how should I manage this timer? Can I just use scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval to create and schedule the timer when the app is fi...

How Do I write a Timer in Objective-C?

I am trying to make a stop watch with NSTimer. I gave the following code: nst_Timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.001 target:self selector:@selector(showTime) userInfo:nil repeats:NO]; and it is not working in milliseconds. It takes more than 1 millisecond. ...

What's the most accurate way to get timed actions on iPhone?

I want to have something happen about 6 times a second, consistently and accurately. I tried setting an NSTimer, but it had very low accuracy and consistency. What would you recommend? ...

Problem with NSTimer

Edit2: Why only progress got updated in "doSomething" method but not point0? Edit: with the code I have. I know I must overlook something, but I just could not find it. I am writing an iphone app which uses NSTimer to do some tasks. In the program, I could not get the updated value of the variable updated inside NSTimer loop. Here is m...

NSTimer : applicationDidEnterBackground : countdown (how to keep state)

I have a simple countdown timer that updates a label every second. How do I keep state or the illusion of it when hitting the home button or when the app gets put in the background? ...

timer differently behave on simulator and device

Hi frends my problem is as under: timer1 = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0/5 target:self selector:@selector(Loop1) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; timer2 = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0/5 target:self selector:@selector(Loop2) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; timer3 = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInt...

Problem regarding timer,device and simulator

HI Frends there is a problem regarding alert and timer. The problem is: timer1 = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0/30 target:self selector:@selector(Loop1) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; timer2 = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self selector:@selector(timrClock) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; -(void) tim...

Frame by frame animation using an NSTimer following a circular path

Hi, I'm using an NSTimer to animate an array of objects across the screen. Currently they move from left to right. However, I would like them to move in a circular fashion instead. How can I do this? scrollItems = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0/30.0 target:self ...

Why isn't iphone SDK NSTimer calling the function I told it to?

I'm writing an application that has a timer functionality built in. Unfortunately, I'm having problems with the NSTimer and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Here is where I'm declaring the timer... if(!myTimer) { NSLog(@"Setting up the timer!"); myTimer=[NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:1 ta...