
Looking for Google Reader javscript commands for controlling events

I've played in the /reader/ui/ code for a few hours now, and couldn't figure this out. Also, I didn't see any exact help when searching StackOverflow. This is really a JavaScript un-obfuscator question. I'm looking for a way to call the obfuscated Google Reader javascript commands... and am having trouble determining what actual funct...

Javascript library: to obfuscate or not to obfuscate - that is the question

I need to write a GUI related javascript library. It will give my website a bit of an edge (in terms of functionality I can offer) - up until my competitors play with it long enough to figure out how to write it by themselves (or finally hack the downloaded script). I can accept the fact that it will be emulated over time - thats par for...

How can I obfuscate email addresses contained in 'free input' text fields in Django

In my models I often use text fields that are intended to contain large pieces of textile-formatted input. I'd like to automatically obfuscate any email addresses that are entered into these text fields, so that when they're printed in a template they're not visible to spiders. Is there a smart way to do this? Update: Based on lazersc...

Deobfuscating Javascript

What is this monstrosity? Anyone know of a way to make it readable? <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ <!-- var x="function f(x){var i,o=\"\",l=x.length;for(i=0;i<l;i+=2) {if(i+1<l)o+=" + "x.charAt(i+1);try{o+=x.charAt(i);}catch(e){}}return o;}f(\"ufcnitnof x({)av" + " r,i=o\\\"\\\"o,=l.xelgnhtl,o=;lhwli(e....

Use maven + yguard

Has anybody used maven and yguard for obfuscating jar files?How to do so? ...

Can obfuscation (proguard) lead to MIDlet malfunction?

Hi, Im trying to obfuscate a Java MIDlet with proguard. It runs ok on the PC, however, when I run it on the phone, the program opens, connects to the server, and then freezes. If I disable obfuscation, it runs ok again on the phone. Ive tryed all the obfuscation levels for apps (7, 8 and 9 at NetBeans), and none of them seems to work pr...

Is there any program that obfuscates C# source code?

Our requirement is being able to integrate our DLLs with ClickOnce. Dotfuscator does the obfuscation job nicely but the obfuscated DLLs cannot be deployed with ClickOnce on customer side. On our side, we can handle it perfectly. Moreover, the obfuscated assemblies sometime crash our .NET CF app. It turns out to a solution that creates a ...

What is the best way to go about obfuscating Java code?

Possible Duplicate: Best Java obfuscator ? Well, I'm planning on releasing a Jar into the world but would prefer if the code was not readably available to anyone with a Java Decompiler as I want to control access to the program with usernames / auth codes etc. After some Googling I haven't found any software to do this for me...

How obfuscate part of code?

Hi! I try to obfuscate my project, but not all code. I try obfuscate only code from 1 package. How can i do it in yguard (or somewhere else, proguard?)? Thanks! ...

Compile android project to apk without eclipse

What I have done is I have taken the class-files from my eclipse project and run them trough an optimizer/obfuscator. So I now have optimized class-files that I want to get in the form of an apk so I can sign and publish it. However, I am lost on how to do this. I guess I cant just copy them into the bin-folder of my eclipse-project, bec...

Call Babel .Net Obfuscator from C# Code

Hello, I have a C# WinForms app that I use to create software patches for my app. In noticed that Babel .Net includes Babel.Build.dll and Babel.Code.dll Is there a way, in my C# code, I can call Babel .Net something like: ExecuteCommand(C:\Program Files\Babel\babel.exe "C:\Patch\v6\Demo\Bin\Lib.dll" --rules "C:\Patch\babelRules.xml",...

Deploy PHP website to client server without showing PHP files

I asked a recent question regarding the use of readfile() for remotely executing PHP, but maybe I'd be better off setting out the problem to see if I'm thinking the wrong way about things, so here goes: I have a PHP website that requires users to login, includes lots of forms, database connections and makes use of $_SESSION variables t...

How to avoid warnings and notes

I try to obfuscate only my package in big Fat jar. But it is always send me notes/warnings. I don't now how to resolve it Note: there were 17 unresolved dynamic references to classes or interfaces. You should check if you need to specify additional program jars. Note: there were 60 accesses to class members by means of introspec...

Software Protection: Shuffeling my application?

Hi, I want to continue on my previous question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3007168/torrents-can-i-protect-my-software-by-sending-wrong-bytes Developer Art suggested to add a unique key to the application, to identifier the cracker. But JAB said that crackers can search where my unique key is located by checking for binary diffe...

How to change the assemblyIdentity of an executable?

I want to hide the tool I used to create an .exe file. I am not doing anything illegal, I just want to protect my intellectual property from being copied. If I open the exe file in a text editor I see the following section. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifes...

Obfuscate Javascript in C# output

Possible Duplicate: .Net Component for JavaScript Obfuscation? Anyone know a way to obfuscate javascript before it's outputted to the browser? I was using http://www.javascriptobfuscator.com/ But I'm hoping there is a library that can do this on the fly. Help appreciated. ...

obfuscated C/asm "Hello, world!" program, I don't understand.

why does the following code print "Hello, world!" (on "my" system)? .file "test.c" .globl main .data .align 32 .type main, @object .size main, 56 main: .value 3816 .value 0 .value 18432 .value 27749 .value 28524 .value 8236 .value...

create javascript code from obfuscated javascript code

I want to know is it possible to reproduce obfuscated javascript code(create javascript code from obfuscated javascript code). I have some javascript code in my website. I want to prevent others to edit it. For that I user obfuscation. So I want to know, is it possible to create original javascript code from an obfuscated code. ...

Android ==> Decompile .apk??

Are the users able to convert the apk file of my app back to the actual code? If they do is there any way to prevent this? ...

Eazfuscator: How to obfuscate public types?

Hi, How can I obfuscate public types and methods with Eazfuscator in an .EXE file? I've read the help file and tried this attribute, but it didn't work: <Assembly: ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute(True)> Thanks. ...