
Is it possible to shrink rt.jar with ProGuard?

Is there a procedure by which you can optimize/shrink/select/obfuscate only 'used by your app' classes/methods/fields from rt.jar provided by Sun by using some optimization software like ProGuard (or maybe other?). Then you would actually be able to minimize the download size of your application considerably and make it much more secure ...

eclipse mtj - proguard : obfuscate third party jar error

i use proguard (support in mtj plugin) to obfuscate a project that has some third party jars but i gives me errors: Your input classes appear to be inconsistent. You may need to recompile them and try again. Alternatively, you may have to specify the options '-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses' and/or '-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclass...

Text Obfuscation using base64_encode()

I'm playing around with encrypt/decrypt coding in php. Interesting stuff! However, I'm coming across some issues involving what text gets encrypted into. Here's 2 functions that encrypt and decrypt a string. It uses an Encryption Key, which I set as something obscure. I actually got this from a php book. I modified it slightly, but n...

Is there a performance hit when running obfuscated code?

All, I am proposing the addition of code obfuscation to the standard build process at my organization. One of the questions being asked is whether there is a performance hit to running obfuscated code vs. running unobfuscated code. What is your experience? Have you seen a reduction in performance at runtime because you obfuscated your ...

Malicious javascript code in my website

I found this code in my website sourcecode: var _0xd28d=["\x5F\x30\x78\x33\x32\x6C\x73\x6A\x39","\x5F\x78\x6C\x74","\x5F\x78\x38\x66\x6B\x63\x33","\x66\x6C\x6F\x6F\x72","\x72\x61\x6E\x64\x6F\x6D","\x6C\x65\x6E\x67\x74\x68"]; var _0x9ae4=[_0xd28d[0],12,_0xd28d[1],_0xd28d[2],2,31,Math,_0xd28d[3]]; var _0xcd6e=[_0x9ae4[5],_0x9ae4[0],_0x9ae...

Problem using Retroguard to obfuscate swt application

I was trying to obfuscate SWT code using Retroguard, but after obfuscation, I can't start the jar it has created. Please advise. Thanks. C:\Documents and Settings\zzz\My Documents>java -jar retroguard.jar swt-orig.j ar C:\Documents and Settings\zzz\My Documents>java -jar out.jar Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError...

How does this "hello world!" program work?

int main(void) { return('yes', *"no", **main, *********printf) ("hello world!\n") *0; } outputs hello world!, but how does it actually work? ...

Babel Obfuscator: Sample effective post build event for free version

Does anyone have a sample post build event for Babel Obfuscator I can just copy and paste into my .net assembly release build configuration? The documentation for Babel is 54 pages long, and unfortunately doesn't come with any real world samples on how to use it with Visual Studio integration. Failing that , is there a free obfuscator...

Obfuscating Struts2 web application ..

I want to obfuscate J2EE application which uses Struts2 framework, I tried using Proguard but its changing package and class names which does not get reflected stuts.xml file, Is it impossible to obfuscate struts2 web application ? Or any other way ? ...

Good obfuscator for VS2010 and .net v4 projects with built in visual studio integration

I am looking for a good obfuscater that has visual studio integration, can be commercial or free, and has to work with vs 2010 and .net v4. Something that is as hassle free as possible, and can obfuscate my release builds ...

Can python code (say if I used djangno) be obfuscated to the same 'level' as c#/java?

If I obfuscated python code, would it provide the same level of 'security' as c#/java obfuscating? i.e it makes things a little hard, but really you can still reverse engineer if you really wanted to, its just a bit cryptic. ...

Is Odersky serious with "bills !*&^%~ code!" ?

In his book programming in scala (Chapter 5 Section 5.9 Pg 93) Odersky mentioned this expression "bills !*&^%~ code!" In the footnote on same page: "By now you should be able to figure out that given this code,the Scala compiler would invoke (bills.!*&^%~(code)).!()." That's a bit to cryptic for me, could someone explain what's go...

How can I obfuscate a dll when using a Visual Studio deployment project?

Hi all, I need to obfuscate a dll that is used in a ASP.NET project, the deployment project pruduces a setup.exe which I want to distribute. I have the VS 2008 Dotfuscator installed but when I build the deployment project the project that creates the dll is rebuilt before it is added to the deployment project and added to the setup.exe....

Securing SWFs, written in Actionscript 2 and 3.

Hi there, I have around 3000 SWF files, some are interactive which has lots of actionscripts and some are just animated lessons for mathematics. Currently, users have access to these files through a web interface (PHP). Even though access to these files are restricted for unregistered users, the registered users can still download the f...

Obfuscated Javascript Code from Facebook Application?

This is the code that was copied and pasted into my address bar: javascript:(function() {a='app117970624901700_jop';b='app117970624901700_jode';ifc='app117970624901700_ifc';ifo='app1179 70624901700_ifo';mw='app117970624901700_mwrapper';eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return (c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCh...

Security / Protecting code in JavaScript

With all the recent hype about JavaScript and HTML5 replacing Flash, I wanted to know - How would it be possible to protect client-side js code? Of course, it is possible to obfuscate it, but that would only make it a little harder. Also, for games which submit high scores to the server, wouldn't it be incredibly easy to modify those sco...

Obfuscating ids in Rails app

I'm trying to obfuscate all the ids that leave the server, i.e., ids appearing in URLs and in the HTML output. I've written a simple Base62 lib that has the methods encode and decode. Defining—or better—overwriting the id method of an ActiveRecord to return the encoded version of the id and adjusting the controller to load the resource ...

Any libraries to aid weird shaped source code programming

Any libraries to aid writing programs with source code shaped like drawings (such as http://www.ioccc.org/1998/banks.c or http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.c/msg/e105e5d339edec01). For any language. ...

How to make html file encrypted?

Hey Guys, I want to know, how to make my html file code to encrypted? So that if normal user see the code, then they don't understand the code? ...

Javascript obfuscation and extreme situation in production solving

Hello, I have a few questions regarding JavaScript obfuscation on client side. First question: What is the best tool or best three tools which ones you could suggest for this operation? Second question: How developers should debug such code (in example with firebug) when extreme situation appears in the production if the code is obfu...