
Undefined offset PHP error

I am recieving the following error: Notice indefined offset 1: in C:\wamp\www\includes\imdbgrabber.php line 36 the code is for getting information from IMDB. The link is posted to the page using ajax on another page, I have tested that i am getting the correct response using echo $url <?php $url = $_GET['link']; echo $url; //$...

[Rails] I have a has_many relationships and I want to set custom limit and offset. as well as to count them.

Hy, My code: @profile.images and i would like to get only 10 images at time and with a 10 offset, like this @profile.images(:limit => 10, :offset => 10) and not like this has_many :images, :limit => 10, :offset => 10 Then I would like to count in someway all the images for that profile. @profile.count_images Thanks (: ...

MySQL: I need to get the offset of a item in a query.

Mysql: i need to get the offset of a item in a query. I have a image gallery: this show 6 image per stack, so when i request image 22 it shows images from 18 to 24. It should first get the offset of the image 22, then get the images from 18 to 24. Another example: i request the image number 62(and offset 62), it will select images with...

Is there a practical benefit to casting a NULL pointer to an object and calling one of its member functions?

Ok, so I know that technically this is undefined behavior, but nonetheless, I've seen this more than once in production code. And please correct me if I'm wrong, but I've also heard that some people use this "feature" as a somewhat legitimate substitute for a lacking aspect of the current C++ standard, namely, the inability to obtain the...

Reading text files line by line, with exact offset/position reporting

Hi. My simple requirement: Reading a huge (> a million) line test file (For this example assume it's a CSV of some sorts) and keeping a reference to the beginning of that line for faster lookup in the future (read a line, starting at X). I tried the naive and easy way first, using a StreamWriter and accessing the underlying BaseStream....

jQuery offset combined with jQuery UI doesn't update on drag

I need to get the offset of the element that is being dragged and I use: $(function(){ $(".draggable").draggable({ stop: function(){ var offset = $("#boxone").offset(); alert(offset.left); } }); }); the element is positioned absolute and has a CSS of: left:100px; that is the value ...

Finding proper offsetLeft within CSS3 columns on webkit

I'm the author of the multi-column articles Greasemonkey script (, which I'm trying to port from Firefox to WebKit-based browsers like Chrome. In doing so, I ran into this WebKit issue (I'm the reporter of the bug). In essence, the offsetLeft property doesn't seem to be set correctly for paragra...

Windbg + IDA: calculate an address in a module

Hi all, I'm debugging remotely a windows XP machine. One of my drivers is loaded at address 0xb2c4c000 up to 0xb2cb9680. Now when I open my driver in IDA, the offset I want to set a breakpoint on is at 00017619. How can I effectively match my IDA address into windbg? I've tried the obvious which is to sum 0xb2c4c000 + 00017619 = 0xB2...

jQuery check offset

HTML: <ul class="clients"> <li> <div class="over left">Description</div> <div class="inner">Image</div> </li> </ul> CSS: .clients { margin-right: -20px; } .clients li { float: left; width: 128px; height: 120px; margin: 0 20px 20px 0; border: 1px solid #c2c2c2; } .clients .over { display: none; position: abso...

Jquery sortable stange mouse offset

I'm working with the jQuery sortable plugin( 2 connected lists) and have a strange bug. When you drag the picture the mouse is above the dragged item screenshot: Html for one of the lists <ul class="flickr_key_ul ui-sortable"> <li><img style="display: inline;" src="http...

PHP Codeigniter Undefined Offset Error

Hello, I am building a Codeigniter shopping cart. On the cart details page I have a form input field allowing the user to type in the quantity required of a product, and a submit button to post the information to the update function. When there is just one item in the cart, when updating the quantity everything works as it should. Ho...

How to find the byte offset of an object in C++?

Let's say I create 5 objects, all from the same class. Would the byte offset of the first object be 0? How would I find out the byte offset of the other objects? ...

Read a file from line X to line Y ?

Hello, Is there a way to read a file in PHP5 from line X to line Y into a string, without reading the entire file. I would like to return huge files (10,000+ lines) using ajax requests. Each request will provide the client with additional lines. And due to the fact that the file can reach large sizes, I would like to avoid reading it w...

Positioning decorated series of div tags on screen using offset, DOM JQUERY RELATED

Hi, I am using JQuery to position a series of div tags which basically use a class inside of the tag which decorates the divs as bars. So the div is a green box based on its css specifications to the glass. I have a list of STARTING postions, a list of left coordiantes- for the starting points I wish to position my DIV say 556, 560, ...

Offset of a given timezone from GMT in linux shell script

Is there a way to get the offset of a given timezone (identifier like EDT or America/New_York) from GMT in linux shell script? ...

How get the offset of term in Lucene ?

I want to get the offset of one term in the Lucene . How can i get it ? I vectored my content as Field.TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS Is there any method in Lucene that give me offset of the term in one Document ? ...

UINavigationController change position of pushed UIViewController view

I tried to solve this in so many ways but always failed. Basically what I need is a NavigationController with a customized NavigationBar (different height and smaller back Button) which I already achieved. This creats two problems. If I use the default NavigationBar of the NavigationController, I have a smaller NavigationBar but the v...

How can I offset the pointer on a JSilder?

In Java how can I offset the knob from my JSilder track? \/ |------------------------------| I want it above the track, not on it. ...

Need to calculate offsetRight in javascript

I need to calculate the offsetRight of a DOM object. I already have some rather simple code for getting the offsetLeft, but there is no javascript offsetRight property. If I add the offsetLeft and offsetWidth, will that work? Or is there a better way? function getOffsetLeft(obj) { if(obj == null) return 0; var offsetLeft...

Find UTC Offset given a city

In C++ on Windows, given a city, lets say london or newyork or sydney or singapore etc.. how do I find the UTC offset for each of them, ie the function should be able to accept a city name and return the UTC offset in the current scenario ie taking into account daylight savings. Any ideas how this can be done using win32 APIs ...