
updating ontology using sesame api fails

Hi, I'm writing a code to add individuals to a native repository created in the code. I don't get any errors but when I query for individuals I don't get any records. Is there something I am missing here. I create a native repository, add an owl file 'sudoku.owl' to it and then try to add an individual for one of the classes in the onto...

Using Protege owl ontology on Android

I have a practical seminar this semester, and I want to use ontology on Android application. I choose Protege owl ontology as a ontology API and this tool worked in normal Java project. But when I tried to import this jar files which for the owl ontology API in Android project.It will fail and I haven't found any solutions in the Intern...

Vetting Second Hand Knowledge in an Ontology

How would you assign objective certainties to statements asserted by different users in an ontology? For example, consider User A asserts "Bob's hat is blue" while User B asserts "Bob's hat is red". How would you determine if: User A and User B are referring to different people named Bob, and may or may not be correct. Both users are ...

Generating RDF From Natural Language

Are there any tools available for generating RDF from natural language? A list of RDFizers compiled by the SIMILE project only mentions one, the Monrai Cypher. Unfortunately, it seems to have been a proprietary tool developed by Monrai Technologies, which has since disappeared, and I can't find any download links. Has anyone seen anythin...

access all classes of ontology

dear all i have an ontology that it doesnt have only one root class. it has 4 seperated classes(4 sub graph) ---1---- with listclasses() method i can't access 3 of them. this method lists one root class and its subclasses! i want to get all classes of ontology.then i want to get "Thing" class to access all of classes!!! is this possib...

PHP - Words in a db - search via lexical dictionary (semantic similarity)

I'm implementing a small dictionary database where I'd like to do searches based on lexical/semantic similarity between them.. For example, beer has "sister words" such as soda, lemonade, wine, champagne each "different" in a "different direction" (in example: the first two are "moderate" versions of the idea of "beer", while the latte...

How to read out specific values from an OWL Ontology using Java.

Hello, i´ve got an OWL Ontology: <?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns="http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1272923485.owl#" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" xmlns:rdfs="http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#" xmlns:owl="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#" xml:base="http:...

Ontological databases for professions and skills

where can I find a semantic ontology database of professions and skills? I need a database that would properly depict relations such as marketing->online marketing->search engine marketing ...

how can i access "Thing" class ???

In an ontology? i have an ontology that it doesnt have only one root class.it has 4 seperated classes(4 sub graph) ---1---- with listclasses() method i can't access 3 of them. this method lists one root class and its subclasses! i want to get all classes of ontology.then i want to get "Thing" class to access all of classes!!! is this ...

Loading verly large RDF file into openrdf Sesame ontology manager

Hi everyone, I need to load very large ontology represented as N-triples file(1gb) to the openrdf Sesame application. I'm using the workbench interface to do that. I know that this file is too big to be loaded in one request. To get around that, I splitted my files in files of size 100mb. But I still get a error form the openrdf Sesam...

Is there RDF that describes software defects?

Background: I know, via pypi, about DOAP. Is there something similar to describe software defects? ...

Is there an elegant way to store an ontology graph and the definitions/data associated with nodes?

I have written a simple module to store and manipulate an ontology which is provided in a flat file using Perl. For this, I use the Graph module which is excellent. One issue I am having to deal with is how to store the textual definitions for the vertexes in the ontology. Each term has a small text description which I want to store an...

Loading an ontology (owl) using jena and show its graph

Hello!!! Im working in a project where I have to load any ontology (is chosen by the user) in .owl language and display its graph as a tree menu. It means the ontology can be any size. The goal is to show a Taxanomy to be able to classify learning objects. At the moment, using jena I can load the ontology, but I wonder how to show the...

number of links between two resources in an ontology

dear all I am using Jena please help me. i need to compute distances between classes from a specific class. how can i calculate Distance(number of links) between two resources in an ontology,please? thanks ...

mincardinality of properties

dear all i am using jena how can i get mincardinality of a property? thanks... ...

input cnf for sat4j solver

Hi, I a totally new to sat4j solver.. it says some cnf file should be given as input is there any possible way to give the rule as input and get whether it is satisfiable or not? my rule will be of the kind Can ssomeone help me how to solve this using sat4j solver? ...