
OpenCV on Embedded Platform

Can some suggest a test/development embedded platform to use with OpenCV. I would like to develop an embedded video analytics solution, but I don't know where to start. Some suggestion/ideas/hw starter kits? Maybe some Pc-104 solutions with Intel Atom? Has someone made some test about performances on this platform or any other embedded ...

Convert float array image to a format usable for opencv

Hi, i wonder if there is a easy way to convert my float array image to iplimage, which can be handled by opencv. Of course i could create an empty iplimage with the same size and just copy ever pixel from my float array image to the emplty iplimage, but is there more elegant solution to this. Maybe a faster less memory consuming method,...

cvCanny and float 32 bit (IPL_DEPTH_32F) problem.

I have some problems with OpenCVs cvCanny(...) and the Image data types it can handle. Well, maybe you guys/gals know a solution. I have a 32 bit float image and I want to perform cvCanny on it. The problem is cvCanny can only handle "IPL_DEPTH_8S" or U (signed / unsigned short), or at least that's what I suspect. The OpenCV manual doe...

eye detection sensitiveness

// face implant.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. #include <stdio.h> #include "stdafx.h" #include <cv.h> #include <cxcore.h> #include <highgui.h> void drawImage(IplImage* target, IplImage* source, int x, int y);// function prototype int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CvMemStorage* storage = cvCrea...

opnecv tracking dots

hi i want to put dots to cordinates to a video frame which i determine and track them like opencv sample "lk demo" i didnt understand the sample. which functions put the dots and track them thanks for suggestions /* Demo of modified Lucas-Kanade optical flow algorithm. See the printf below */ #ifdef _CH_ #pragma package <openc...

OpenCV Grid Area

I want to find the non-white area of an image from a camera using OpenCV. I can already find circles using images from my web cam. I want to make a grid or something so I can determine the percent of the image is not white. Any ideas? ...

Threading with .NET and OpenCV?


OpenCV Multi-thread call

I have made a program that has two threads, soon to be three, that is trying to get an image from a web cam from both threads at the same time. Is there a way to do this or is there a better way to do this? (using openCV 1.1) ...

About installing the open cv library

sir, I have tried my level best to install open cv library 2.2.0 version.but it has'nt suceeded it shows that errors in linking the library hughigh, whether we wanted to insatll the ipp library prior to install the opencv? please help me ?.............. ...

Adding libraries to Visual Studio problem

Can someone link me a good guide for using libraries in a c or c++ project? Right now I'm trying to add OpenCV to a newly created project. I've added all the directories I can think of in "Project and Solutions -> VC++ Directories" and to make sure I've dragged and dropped all the .lib and .dll files into the project. The project buil...

OpenCV Multi-Threaded Thread Message

I am writing a program using .Net 3.5 and OpenCV 1.1. I have multiple threads that need to get an image variables from the web camera on my computer, the problem being I get memory violation errors when multiple threads try to access the camera at the same time. I know I can use PostThreadMessage and GetMessage to send a variable to the ...

Searching a C++ Vector<custom_class> for the first/last occurence of a value

Hi, I'm trying to work out the best method to search a vector of type "Tracklet" (a class I have built myself) to find the first and last occurrence of a given value for one of its variables. For example, I have the following classes (simplified for this example): class Tracklet { TimePoint *start; TimePoint *end; int angle...

How do I create an OpenCV image from a PIL image?

I want to do some image processing with OpenCV (in Python), but I have to start with a PIL Image object, so I can't use the cvLoadImage() call, since that takes a filename. This recipe (adapted from does not work because cvSetData complains argument 2 of type 'void *' . Any ideas? ...

OpenCV K-Means (kmeans2)

Hi, I'm using Opencv's K-means implementation to cluster a large set of 8-dimensional vectors. They cluster fine, but I can't find any way to see the prototypes created by the clustering process. Is this even possible? OpenCV only seems to give access to the cluster indexes (or labels). If not I guess it'll be time to make my own imple...

Visual Studio 2008 .exe problem

I wrote a program and when I compile and run it in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 it works. I learned that there is an exe file in the projects folder. I found in "project name"->debug folder. When I select it does not work and give me an error. The error is below: What should I do? ...

Where can I find these libraries to install in Ubuntu 8.10?

Here is some information saying some libraries are needed to build OpenCV for programming: -- checking for module 'libunicap' -- package 'libunicap' not found -- checking for module 'libucil' -- package 'libucil' not found -- checking for module 'libv4l1' -- package 'libv4l1' not found I tried to look...

how to configure opencv 1.2 in visual c++?

hello, i am trying to do a project in visual c++ using opencv library of version 1.2. but i cannot proceed forward due to the difficulty in configuring opencv 1.2 in vc++.please anybody help me.... ...

OpenCV matrix access produces EXC_BAD_ACCESS

When I run the following program with scalefactory higher than 1.5, the program throws an EXC_BAD_ACCESS. The program scales an image. #include <iostream> #include <OpenCV/cv.h> #include <OpenCV/highgui.h> #include <cmath> using namespace std; using namespace cv; int scale (int xyvalue, float scalefactor) { return ceil(xyvalue/sca...

EmguCV/OpenCV Image addition/subtraction

I am using EmguCV and am trying to subtract 2 images to create a filter similar to AForge .NET's MoveTowards filter. This is what my slightly modified version from the above URL tries to do. Given 2 images, the source and the overlay - it slowly moves the source image towards the overlay. It does this based on the following: result = s...

image processing projects

i need some idea to make an image processing projectby using c++ opencv libarary ...