
Beginner guide to OpenGLES on iPhone

Does anyone know a good beginners guide to using OpenGLES on the iPhone? I have found some but they all require assumed knowledge which I don't have. ...

Hardware-accelerated OpenVG implementation on Desktop based on OpenGL ES

I'm currently trying to get OpenVG up and running on my desktop. The problem comes here: I am / will be developing an application for a Windows CE device (with .NET compact framework), which has hardware-accelerated OpenGL ES 2.0 and OpenVG 1.0.1 (based on TI OMAP35x, if you're interested). The application will definitely use OpenVG for ...

What is the equivalent of glDrawPixels() in OpenGL ES 1.1?

Can anyone tell me the equivalent of glDrawPixels() in OpenGL ES 1.1? ...

How do I render my scene as a mask in OpenGL?

Hello, I've got an EAGLContext drawing into a CAEAGLLayer (via the standard GLGravityView example in the iPhone SDK). What I'm trying to do is place my view on top of another view and use what I render in OpenGL to mask the underlying view. Let's say the bottom view is a picture of a flower and I put my OpenGL view on top and I set th...

How do I generate mipmap images in OpenGL ES?

What is the equivalent function of gluBuild2DMipmaps() in OpenGL ES on an iPhone? ...

How do I make a water effect view with openGLES on the iPhone?

I found this vid: I wonder if that's some kind of standard effect of openGLES. I'm pretty sure it is, since I have seen this pretty often. KoiPond uses it, DuckDuckDuck uses it. A lot of games use it. They're not all astronauts. They're normal programmers ;) So how is this done? Is there any tut...

How do I implement AABB ray cast hit checking for opengl es on the iPhone

Basically, I draw a 3D cube, I can spin it around but I want to be able to touch it and know where on my cube's surface the user touched. I'm using for setting up, generating and spinning. Its based on the Molecules code and NeHe tutorial #5. Any help, links, tutorials and code would be greatly appreciated. I have lots of development...

Are most games on the IPhone done with OpenGL ES?

I was just wondering if most games on the iPhone are done in OpenGL ES as opposed to using Quartz and Core Animation. Are Quartz and Core Animation mostly used for just creating slick interfaces? Or if there is a point with games where OpenGL probably has to be used over using other tools? ...

Trouble porting OpenGL code to iPhone's OpenGL ES

Here, is the sample code which I am using. This code is in OpenGL. I want to port it to OpenGL ES. glArrayElement() is not supported in OpenGL ES. Instead, it was recommended to use glDrawElements(), glDrawArrays(). I am not able to convert this. Can you please help me out to convert the code. glTexCoordPointer(2,GL_FLOAT,sizeof(struct ...

IPhone OpenGL ES single or multiple views?

I'm confused on what the best approach is when writing a game for the iphone. The game will be rendered with OpenGL , but im curious when creating the Start Screen, Menu's, High Score page, etc. Do you do all of that with OpenGL or do you create additional UIViews and use the UIKit? ...

Why is manually moving a UIImageView slow?

I am trying to write a head-to-head iPhone Air Hockey (like) game. When the user touches the screen I move the "puck" by placing the UIImageView center where the touch center is. Also I move the puck (another UIImageView) using a timer. This method is slow and shaky. I know I can get performance out of OpenGL ES but I do not want it to...

iPhone Map Rendering

Hello, I'm with building a map application for iPhone, and I wanted to ask what the best way is for bringing maps from a website onto the iPhone. I want to fetch small images of size 80x80 and show them. This kind of activity might be achieved by using UIKit or OpenGL ES. Also if you can bring to my notice some kind of achievement and...

Possible to change the alpha value of certain pixels on iPhone?

Is it possible to change just a portion of a Sprite's alpha in response to user interaction? A good example of what I mean is iFog or iSteam, where the user can wipe "steam" off the iPhone's screen. Swapping images out wouldn't be feasible due to the sheer number of possibilities where the user could touch and move... For example, say ...

iPhone OpenGL ES 2d background texture

Hi, i have a 1024 x 1024 image I use for a texture in my game for the background. Im wondering if their is a proper way to handle drawing a large background texture. How I am doing it currently: texCoord { 0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1 } vertice { 0,0,0,height,width,0,width,height } texCoordPointer(texCoord) vertexPointer(vertice) bind the texture...

PVRTC textures on iPhone Simulator

Hi everyone. Is there any way to make PVRTC textures work on the iPhone Simulator? ...

iPhone Game Developers - What does your toolchain look like?

For example: source control: git + adobe drive 3d: google sketchup -> *.dae -> blender -> *.obj 2d: photoshop/illustrator -> *.png audio: audacity -> *.caf code: ArgoUML, Xcode, Textmate test: OCUnit build: rake, Xcode Feel free to mention any other tools that you think are awesome :) Changed to Community Wiki ...

Texture2D iPhone SDK openGL

I'm using the Texture2D class in an iPhone game using OpenGL ES. Are their any good tutorials for understanding the Texture2D class? Specifically I'm looking at the initWithString method for printing text. As the way it is implemented, you get white text when you use it. I would like to modify the method so I could specify the RGB colo...

Photoshop blending mode to OpenGL ES without shaders

I need to imitate Photoshop blending modes ("multiply", "screen" etc.) in my OpenGL ES 1.1 code (without shaders). There are some docs on how to do this with HLSL: I need at least working Screen mode. Are there a...

OpenGL to OpenGL-ES - glRectf()

I am trying to learn OpenGL on the iPhone using the "Super Bible" but am having trouble porting from OpenGLto OpenGL ES. My understanding is that the glRectf() function is not available in the latter. What is the substitute approach? Any relevant conceptual information would be appreciated as well. ...

OpenGL to OpenGL-ES - glBegin();

I am trying to learn to write OpenGL apps for the iPhone. How can I port the following code to work with OpenGL-ES? I know that I must store the vertices in an array and then call glDrawArrays(), but is there an optimal way to do this? My thought is to create a very large array and simply keep a counter of how many spaces are filled. Thi...