
2d openGl game in iphone?

I want to develop simple 2d opengl game with that animation I have to clip the image frame and draw it. Any single tutorial link or book which gives step by step Teachings to animate the image frame(sprite) and to do calculation. ...

Example from Chapter 1 of iphone 3D programming book not drawing to screen.

Hello kind people, I'm currently trying to learn opengl-es using O'Reilly's 3D programming for the iphone. It's first tutorial involves drawing the background of the screen grey. I've entered in all the code to the letter and it runs without error. Thing is I get no color... just black. What makes this such a hard problem to solve is t...

Mesh deformation and VBOs

In my current project I render a series of basically cubic 3D models arranged in a grid. These 3D tiles form the walls of a dungeon level in a game, so they're not perfectly cubic, but I pay special attention to be certain all the edges line up and everything tiles correctly. I'm interested in implementing a height-map deformation, whi...

How to draw a texture as a 2D background in OpenGL ES 2.0?

I'm just getting started with OpenGL ES 2.0, what I'd like to do is create some simple 2D output. Given a resolution of 480x800, how can I draw a background texture? [My development environment is Java / Android, so examples directly relating to that would be best, but other languages would be fine.] ...

Android OpenGL ES Framebuffer objects - rendering to texture

I am using an Android device running Froyo supporting OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0 I want to render the depth buffer to a texture. Having seen a number of examples for OpenGL, OpenGL ES on other platforms (including iPhone) I have tried a number of FBO configurations. I seem to be able to get an FBO set-up with a colour texture but ...

Open GL ES Texture image quality

Hello, I have been having a bit of trouble with this issue with a while and have decided to ask for help! I have a textured 1024 x 1024 area in my iphone application. I am texturing it using an image that i converted to .pvr4 format using Apples texturetool. Now the user has the option of zooming in on this textured object.... The ...

GLSurfaceView textured rect as button clicks

I just want to ask a simple question related the GLSurfaceView and drawn objects on it. I am drawing a rect and bind a texture to it. It works great. Then, the textured rect I am drawing is on a GLSurfaceView. I am drawing a "button"-like object for which I should know whether the user clicked on the button or not. I imagined that like...

Has anyone got a fix for the GLImageProcessing sample for the iPad simulator?

This is sample code from the Apple and yet does not work correctly on the iPad simulator. I don't have an I've been trying to get it to work correctly on the iPad simulator. The image is offset to approx the center of the screen, but not exactly. ...

Iphone OpenGL ES Reuse or draw once Texture scene

Ok guys, so I am drawing charts in OpenGL for Iphone. And everything is ok, until I use that Texture2D class to draw X axis labels and Y axis labels. The function of drawing labels is executing at each frame which I think is time consuming. In order to solve animation slowing, I have 2 ideas, but I still can't find how could I implement ...

How integrated is Collada to OpenGL ES

All over where I read about the Collada file format I see some hint as to how integrated Collada is to OpenGL ES - or the other way. How integrated is it really? I suspect not, but are there functions that directly work with Collada files? - or even parts of Collada files? Or do I need to create my own parser from the ground up? ...

GL_LINE_LOOP not drawing correctly

Hi, I have a square which I'm rendering using four vertices and GL_LINE_LOOP. It works fine. However, if I start to rotate this square on all axes and part of the square leaves the emulator screen, the loop appears to drop the vertex that has left the screen. I then get a triangle for a while until the fourth vertex returns to the screen...

Using libRocket with iOS

I'm trying to use libRocket in an iPhone application (with cocos2d), but I can't seem to get over OpenGL error 0x0500 in -[EAGLView swapBuffers]. It seems to be triggered when calling glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, num_indices, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indices); in ShellRenderInterfaceOpenGL. I had to change GL_RGB8 to GL_RGB in the GenerateText...

Animated transition between UIViewController and EAGLView

My iPhone app has two main "views": a UIViewController with some buttons, text etc and a window where all the OpenGL ES stuff happens. When I transition from the UIViewController to the window (when the user clicks "play" for example) I just do: [window ExchangeSubviewAtIndex:0 withSubviewAtIndex:1]; Perhaps this is not the ideal wa...

iPhone OpenGL: Moving around a 3D enviroment

Hello all, this is probably a long shot I am looking for an example / tutorial of how to render a floor (or room) and move around it. There seems to be the perfect example here: However the download (which is required) is missing. Does anyone have any code sam...

iOS using GL_RGBA8

Is there a way to use GL_RGBA8 on the iPhone/iPad? My textures show up as blank when I try to use GL_RGBA8_OES instead. GL_RGBA is causing problem when using transparency. I haven't tried it on the real device, only in the simulator. ...