
Efficient way of drawing in OpenGL ES

In my application I draw a lot of cubes through OpenGL ES Api. All the cubes are of same dimensions, only they are located at different coordinates in space. I can think of two ways of drawing them, but I am not sure which is the most efficient one. I am no OpenGL expert, so I decided to ask here. Method 1, which is what I use now: Sinc...

Does iOS OpenAL support directional sound or only positional sound?

Hello, For the 3D iPad app I am writing I want audio to increase/decrease in volume as a single virtual listener turns towards/away-from sound sources. The listener is always stationary. The listener can only rotate. The sounds are always stationary. The sounds fill a sphere of directions around the user. The sounds are all of equal dis...

In Java Android OpenGL ES, my extended GLSurfaceView sees getHeight()/getWidth() as 0

Well, the title/subject pretty much covers the issue. Using various examples and and the API on googlecode, it seems like my extended GLSurfaceView class ought to be a good place to work my onTouchEvent inputs but when I try to set variables involving getHeight() and getWidth() when I make the call to my "where did the user touch class"...

iOS OpenGL ES compatible with Android OpenGL ES?

In theory, can I write a game for iOS in openGL ES and expect to easily port it to Android? How about from Android to iOS? ...

How to use gesture recognizer in an OpenGLES application of iPhone?

While I know how to use gesture recognizer in a view-based application,but when I apply the same ideas in a OpenGLSE-based application: for example, I add a TapGestureRecognizer,and when I tap on the EAGLView,it crashes. So can anyone show me a standard usage of UITapGestureRecognizer in an OpenGLES-based application? best wishes. ...

render to floating point texture under iOS

The iPad now supports the OES_texture_half_float extension. Unfortunately I'm having trouble binding a floating-point texture to a framebuffer object. Here's my attempt: GLuint textureHandle; glGenTextures(1, &textureHandle); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureHandle); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_LUMINANCE, 256, 256, 0, GL_LUMI...

iPhone openGL error : ERROR: 0:1: '<' : syntax error syntax error

Hi Friends I am new to openGLES, trying to work with HelloArrow program using shaders from a Site but when i compiled i got the following error, Source code Download ERROR: 0:1: ' attribute vec4 SourceColor; varying vec4 DestinationColor; uniform mat4 Projection; uniform mat4 Modelview; void mai...

GlSurfaceView is completly black when reloaded

Hi all In a nutshell, I use regular views for all my application except for on that uses a GLSurfaceView. the UI flow works well. I can navigate form one to the over except whith the GLSurfaceView when I open the first time the GLSurfaceView everything works fine, but when I switch to another view and come back (pause menu) my view...

OpenGL ES - How to Draw a filled Polygon?

Hello ! I tried googling and searching on stack but I didn't find anything :-( ( ) I want to draw a filled polygon in OpenGL ES on iPad (2D, don't need 3D) (I'm new to OpenGL && OpenGL ES) It seems simple on OpenGL ...

GL_BLEND issue with drawing 2D sprites on iPad

Hi all, When we draw 300 sprites on the iPad using opengl 2.0 with glEnable(GL_BLEND) (which we need because the sprites need tranparency and alpha blending) we get an framerate of around 40. But when we disable the blending we get an framerate of 60. Now is (alpha) blending really that costly or are we doing something wrong? Thanks f...

Target only fast Android devices in the Market

I've been looking for a way to only show my game to "fast enough" phones in the Market but I can't find any good answer. Some people suggest to target by SDK, but that has nothing to do with the speed. I've seen some to target by screen size, but some Acer phones and the HTC Legend are fast enough for my game but have the same screen t...

Is there a good rule of thumb to help decide when it is appropriate to use Quartz 2D v. Core Animation v. OpenGL in an iPhone/iPad app?

I'm looking for is a heuristic for determining which of the primary graphics methods for iPhone/iPad development would be the most appropriate solution for a given problem. ...

How to use X3D xml in android ?

I have an X3D xml used to create a 3D object in iPhone. Is there anyway I can use the same XML for developing same 3D object in android 1.6 ? ...

OpenGL ES 2.0 Extensions on Android Devices

Hello, As this page for OpenGL ES 1.x, i collect OpenGL ES 2.x Extensions for Android Devices on this page. The list can be found with my benchmark tool gpubench. Thanks for your help, ...

Issue with Android OpenGLES lighting.

Hey all, I'm writing a little 3D engine for android to better learn the platform and opengl. I hope to eventually use it as a base for little 3D games. I'm trying to implement lighting right now, and generally following the NeHe opengl android port tutorials. I have a simple spinning cube and 1 light that should not change posit...

Android OpenGL half screen problem

I have follow an example of an opengl application and I don't know why is this thing happening... I have a GLSurfaceView with it's corresponding renderer drawing a triangle. But, instead of getting the whole view on screen, I have just the upper half, and it's also duplicated as you can see on the picure. I'm using a Nexus One the xml...

OpenGL ES 2.0 (specifically for the iphone) rendering is slightly off. Best guess is it's a projection matrix problem.

So I bought O'reilly's Iphone 3D programming and found what I believe to be a bug in there code. However I can't figure out what the problem is, and unless I do I can't move forward with my own code. I will paste what I consider to be the appropriate code into this post but luckily all the code is available online at: http://examples.or...

OpenGL ES, How to manipulate texture content on the fly

I have an iPad app I am working on and one possible feature that we are contemplating is to allow the user to touch an image and deform it. Basically the image would be like a painting and when the user drags their fingers across the image, the image will deform and the pixels that are touched will be "dragged" along the image. Sorry if...

Error messages when using OpenGL ES template

I made a new OpenGL ES application, and without modifying anything, I ran the program. It runs, but I see these error messages: Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone: open$UNIX2003 called from function _ZN4llvm12MemoryBuffer7getFileEPKcPSsx in image libLLVMContainer.dylib. Detected an...

Anyone know iOS library or sample for drawing diagrams like mind maps/ visio/ gra

Anyone know iOS library or sample for drawing diagrams like mind maps/ visio/ graphing sw. Doesnt have to be full library or full example. Can be UIKit or OpenGLES I want to have a app that is like a tree structure with root topic the sub topic etc. Clicking on root will open subfolders and so on and they get laid out so they dont over ...