
Create lightning in OpenGL ES 1.1

I need to create good looking lightning using OpenGL ES 1.1 (iPhone) and was planning on using shaders. However, when I asked about it in a previous question ( I was informed there that this was probably not an option on the iPhone. So now I am back at square one, wonderin...

Converting OpenGL Primitives to OpenGLES

I'm trying to convert the following code from OpenGL 1.5 spec. to the OpenGLES 1.1 spec (num_x and num_y are passed into the function by arguments) ::glBegin(GL_LINES); for (int i=-num_x; i<=num_x; i++) { glVertex3i(i, 0, -num_y); glVertex3i(i, 0, num_y); } for (int i=-num_y; i<=num_y; i++) { glVertex3i(-num_x, 0, i); ...

Fast drawing in large-sized custom view

I'm developing Piano App for iPhone. I'd like to develop smooth-scrollable keyboard (like Music Sampler). I put a custom view(1440px x 120px) in UIScrollView. I wanted to use OpenGL because Quartz is too slow. But I couldn't make OpenGL view in 1440px. Any idea to make a faster & large-sized custom view? Thank you. ...

Open GL ES on Android: how to use gluUnProject?

Hi, I'm trying to convert window coordinates to object coordinates. There's a gluUnProject in GLU class, which requires current modelview, projection matrices and viewport. My question is how to get those matrices? I tried gl.glGetIntegerv (GL11.GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_OES, model, 0); and ((GL11) gl).glGetFloatv(GL...

How can I render reflections in OpenGL ES on the iPhone without a stencil buffer?

I'm looking for an alternative technique for rendering reflections in OpenGL ES on the iPhone. Usually I would do this by using the stencil buffer to mark where the reflection can be seen (the reflective surface) and then render the reversed image only in those pixels. Thus when the reflected object moves off the surface its reflection...

Trying to include iPhone OpenGLES headers in C++ code

I have some C++ doing OpenGL drawing and am trying to figure out how to include the opengl headers without it giving me thousands of errors in the obj-c code. ...

In OpenGL ES on the iPhone, how do I scroll two images?

Using UIView and Quartz has proven to be too slow for my 2D game ...

In OpenGL ES, how do I load a texture that has transparent pixels?

And then have display correctly? An example would be having a round ball in a rectangle while being able to see another texture in the background. edit: At the moment, when I load the texture the transparent pixels from the source image are displayed as black. ...

In OpenGL ES, how do I convert screen coordinates to world coordinates?

This is for a 2D game so there are only an x and y axis. The game is in landscape mode on the iPhone. I wish to be able to set the screen x and y coordinates of where to render a texture. ...

How to get started with implementing my own VGP code for iPhone OpenGL ES development?

How do I get started with implementing my own Vertex Geometry Processor code for iPhone OpenGL ES development, in order to fully benefit from its VGP Lite chip? ...

Creating a solid (framerate stable) game engine for OpenGL (ES)

I'm having trouble creating a solid game engine for my OpenGL application. It's a game which consists of several sprites with a lot of action. I created objects which are basically all of my sprites. Another object called "gameEngine" loops through a set of calculations every something of a second (a timer), resulting in new game variab...

How to determine which triangle in a model is at screen coordinate x,y?

Developing for OpenGL ES, so no access to glut or glu. I'm wondering what the best way to determine which triangle falls under a screen point at (x,y) is. ...

Bump Mapping on the iPhone

Using OpenGL ES on the iPhone, is it possible to do bump mapping (using normal perturbation maps)? From my google searching, it seems the OpenGL ES extension that supports it doesn't allow bump mapping. According to this guy that writes gaming middleware for the iphone, one can see the potential of the hardware by watching demos on th ...

Setting up glFrustumf in OpenGL ES..

I am having some trouble getting a perspective set up in OpenGL ES. Anyone have any tips? My ortho project looked like this: glOrthof(-8.0f, self.frame.size.width, -12.0f, self.frame.size.height, -8.0f, 20.0f); How can I get a similar set up with glFrustumf? ...

DllImport with different entry points (different DLLs for the same import in different projects)

As a follow-up to my recent question about .NET Compact Framework debugging, I am currently trying to use OpenGL ES from both a .NET Compact Framework and a .NET Framework application. I use this wrapper, which has been created for OpenGL ES and imports from libGLES_CM.dll. To make debugging easier, I created a .NET Framework applicatio...

How to implement water ripples?

I'm working on an iphone game. In that i had to produce water ripples. I dont know how to get that. I heard thatit can be done with openGL. I am very new to this concept. Can any one guide me? ...

What causes fluctuating execution times when presenting the Renderbuffer? (OpenGL)

This is what happens: The drawGL function is called at the exact end of the frame thanks to a usleep, as suggested. This already maintains a steady framerate. The actual presentation of the renderbuffer takes place with drawGL(). Measuring the time it takes to do this, gives me fluctuating execution times, resulting in a stutter in m...

How to do texture modification

I am working on iphone opengl es. I am a newbie to this. Can any one guide me how to proceed.. ...

glScissor help (iPhone OpenGL ES)

I am trying to use glScissor to isolate only the parts of the screen that need updating. I have a game area where I need to update every frame, but the UI area needs to be updated much less frequently. The game area is fine but the UI area is constantly flickering with what seems like old buffer data. What am I missing? Here is my rend...

Implimenting a Texture atlas, with triangle_strip or triangles. iPhone opengl es

Multiple places reccomend using a texture atlas for performance. Apple suggest the function gltexcoordpointer. In my example I have a row of squares each one is given a random texure. I put all the random textures into the super-texture. Now the problem is I can't seem to create a texcoordarray. I can't find any information on how gltexc...