
non repeating texture on Opengl object

For a class assignment I want have a very simple demo with an Glut (glutSolidTeapot ) rendered with one texture. When I do this the texture will map several times in the teapot as if it had several faces. This maybe ok for most common OpenGL usage but in my case I would like the texture to stretch all over the object (i.e. only one bi...

iPhone OpenGl render text

Does anyone know how can i render a string on the iphone? Its for displaying my frame per second with =p ...

Opengl Selection with Alpha Test

From what I've been seeing around the internet, this problem can't really be solved with my approach. I am currently writing a program that uses a selection buffer pass over all the objects in the scene. However, one of the objects is a texture in which a large part of it has alpha 0. It works fine when rendering, the alpha values are n...

I'm seeing artifacts when I attempt to rotate an image

This is the before: znd after: EDIT:: Now that I look at imageshack's upload, the artifacts are diminished a great deal.. but trust me, they are more pronounced than that. I don't understand why this is happening. Imageshack uploads them to jpg, but in my program they are in the image folder as .tif (The reason for .tif is because I ...

I can't get the transparency in my images to work.

Stemming from this question of mine: In the source code there, I am loading a TIF because I can't for the life of me get any other image format to load the transparency parts correctly. I've tried PNG, GIF, & TGA. I'd would like to be able t...

Is there a more efficient way to deal with 2^n pixels size requirement for OpenGL ES texture?

Sorry if my question is uncleared. Let me elaborate. I have a rectangle of size 100 x 200, and I have a graphic size 100 x 200 which fits with the rectangle. Since OpenGL requires all textures to have 2^n width and height, I basically put the 100 x 200 graphic right into a 128 x 256 image for this. It works fine for OpenGL because I sim...

Render a Win32 widget in the OpenGL context

Is it possible to intercept a control's paint event and make it draw in the opengl context? ...

OpenGL Spotlight shining through from rear-face.

I have a Spotlight source in OpenGL, pointing towards a texture mapped sphere. I rotate the lightsource with the sphere, such that if I rotate the sphere to the 'non-light' side, that side should be dark. The odd part is, the spotlight seems to be shining through my sphere (it's a solid, no gaps between triangles. The light seems ...

VC++ OpenGl Framework

Hello, I'm new in OpenGL. I know C# has OpenGl Framework.And we can use it like this: using CsGL.OpenGL; Is there a framework for using OpenGL in too ? Best Regards... ...

Using glTexSubimage2d with a dynamically sized texture array

Have anyone tried this ( with glTexSubImage2D instead? I really need it and I can't put it to work properly, all I get is a striped, funny coloured square on my original texture. Thanks in advance. ...

Opengl on PictureBox toolbox in Visual Studio

Hello, How can I use Opengl in PictureBox toolbox in Visual C++.I didn't come across any document on internet.Do you know any document,tutorial,code example etc. about this topic? Could you help me please? ...

Design question for an SDL\OpenGL Window & Widget library

I want to design & implement a simple windowing & widget for OpenGL running on top of SDL, much like Agar or GiGi, only much closer tied to SDL & OpenGL. My general problem is this: what is the best design for a windowing system within an OpenGL context?? I want to have windows just for controls, and, if even possible, threaded windows...

Rotating a cube (using opengl - Iphone)

I am writing iphone application where in I need to rotate cube. The rotation on vertical and horizontal axis is working fine. Also, rotating cube from bottom right to top left and from top left to bottom right is working fine.(I am using glrotateef(angle, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) to rotate from top left to bottom right). The issue here is, I want...

Rotating a spaceship model for a space simulator/game

I been working on a space sim for sometime now. At first I was using my own 3d engine with software rasterizer. But I gave up when the time for implementing textures was due. Now I started again after sometime and now I'm using Opengl (with SDL) instead to render the 3d models. But now I hit another brick wall. I can't figure out how ...

OpenGL: What's the deal with deprecation?

OpenGL 3.0 and 3.1 have deprecated quite a few features I find essential. In particular, the use of fixed function in shaders. Can anyone explain what's really the deal with that? Why do they find the need to deprecate such useful feature that its obvious everybody uses and that no sane hardware company is going to remove support for? ...

Problem with using OpenGL's VBO

I just tried to render the first redbook example ( the white Quad ) by using VBOs. It works fine with immediate mode and vertex arrays. But when using VBOs the screen stays black. I think i must have missed something important. init: unsigned int bufIds[2]; glGenBuffers( 2, bufIds ); GLfloat vertices[] = { 0.25, 0.25, 0.0, 0.7...

Rendering Webkit into GL texture

Hi, I'm looking for a portable, as-less-hackish-as-possible way of rendering WebKit into texture, and injecting events back into texture. Bonus points for being able to override theme of UI elements (textboxes, buttons, scrollbars). Extra bonus points for being able to render into SDL surface as well. Overall, I'd like to be able to jus...

Can I exploit GPU to do AES encryption from .NET? If so, how?

Interesting paper from Trinity College of Dublin: AES Encryption Implementation and Analysis on Commodity Graphics Processing Units Their technique uses openGL to enlist the GPU to do the numeric transforms required by AES. How difficult would it be to expose this capability - performing stream encryption - via a managed .NET library?...

Will this cause gimbal-lock?

I making a very simple 3d scene, having 5 points in world coordinates. I'd like to navigate across the scene so I'm defining a camera with both an UP and OUT vector. With this information I generate a rotation matrix in every frame, which I'll apply to the vectors in order to get the camera coordinates. The question is: I've read about ...

Nearest-neighbour "pixelly" texture scaling in Cocos2d?

I'm trying to scale a sprite, but have the texture be scaled in a "pixelly" way, like retro games. I know how to do this in OpenGL, but I'm not sure how to do this in Cocos2d. How do I do this? Is there a way of getting at the OpenGL? Or something through Cocos2d? Thanks, uaq ...