
how to extrude a path in 3d ?

Hi, I'm trying to extrude a path in 3d. Nothing fancy yet, just following some points and using a regular polygon for 'tubing'. I'm using Processing for now to quickly prototype, but will later turn the code into OpenGL. My problem is rotating the 'joints' at the right angles. I think I have a rough idea how to get the angles, not sure...

Matrix classes Directx & OpenGL

I have the following C++ matrix class: transform.h transform.cpp I am using this coupled with a renderer, for which there is an opengl and a directx implementation. I have a test example where the coordinates of the mouse within the window are used to position a graphic under the cursor. This works as expected under OpenGL. Because d...

Simulated time in a game loop using c++

I am building a 3d game from scratch in C++ using OpenGL and SDL on linux as a hobby and to learn more about this area of programming. Wondering about the best way to simulate time while the game is running. Obviously I have a loop that looks something like: void main_loop() { while(!quit) { handle_events(); D...

Using Blender/SketchUp Models in OpenGL

I'm making a renderer using OpenGL. I have textured models in Blender / Sketchup (I can exchange between the two easily), and I'd like to be able to export those files into my renderer. My initial idea was to simply export the raw faces and render those triangles, but I'd like to easily slice my texture files into texture coordinates as ...

Hiding the Cursor

I have a windows program with directx/opengl renderers, and a custom mouse rendered as a quad. The program currently runs windowed. The problem is the standard windows mouse is overlaid ontop of my custom cursor. How do I hide it when its inside my window? ...

Help debugging GL_VERSION error in a Java3d application

I'm working on a 3d globe application written in java using java3d for the rendering. I've got a windows installer that basically copies files from a development snapshot to the program files directory. It runs fine from the devel snapshot, but when running after an install it does this: Java 3D ERROR : OpenGL 1.2 or better is require...

OpenSource library to make OpenGL ES GUIs on the iPhone?

I'm looking for some kind of OpenSource library that allows me to make OpenGL GUIs on the iPhone ( for example the game menu , and some in-game pieces of interface like a player inventory ). Does anyone know if some sort of library/middleware exists for this ? A very big commercial example of this ( not for the iPhone ) would be: Scal...

iPhone, rotated + EAGLView, rotated =

...frustration. I want my game to be run only in landscape mode. I have added the appropriate key/value to the Info.plist file that forces the device orientation to be correct at launch. I'm now trying to rotate the OpenGL coordinate space to match that of the device. I'm trying to use the code I found here, but it's not working. My...

iPhone 3GS OpenGL strange bug

I am developing a 2D game for the iPhone and iPod Touch using OpenGL ES 1.1. Everything works ok on the iPhone, iPhone 3G and all iPod Touch models. The game usually renders the scenes at ~60 FPS. This happens on the iPhone 3GS also, but sometimes (it's completely random) the 3GS drops the framerate to around 40 FPS and the animation se...

OpenGL for space simulators

Hi all, with a few friends we started this amateur platform-independent java-based project for a space combat simulator game (something like the long dead saga of wing commander). None of us though is a 3D programmer, so the road is gonna be long. My question is: in our place would you start learning OpenGL (maybe via GLUT) or is there...

World-Coordinate Issues with gluUnProject()

I'm currently calling Trace (method below) from a game loop. Right now all I'm trying to do is get the world coordinates from the screen mouse so I can move objects around in the world space. The values I'm getting from gluUnProject are however; puzzling me. I was using glReadPixel(...) to get the Z value but that produced little to n...

pygst - glimagesink callback

I'm trying to use 'glimagesink' element with python. The element (which is GObject inside) has client-draw-callback property which should (in C++ at least) contain a function (bool func(uint t, uint w, uint h)) pointer. I've tried element.set_property('client-draw-callback', myfunc), and creating function pointer with ctypes, but every t...

Coloring grayscale image in OpenGL

I'm trying to draw grayscale image in color as texture in OpenGL using two colors. Black goes to color1 and white goes to color2. Texture is loaded using GL_RGBA. I have tried two solutions: 1) Load image as texture Draw image on screen Enable blending glBlendFunc(GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, GL_ZERO); and draw rectangle with color1 glBle...

Why is my glutWireCube not placed in origin?

I have the following OpenGL code in the display function: glLoadIdentity(); gluLookAt(eyex, eyey, eyez, atx, aty, atz, upx, upy, upz); // called as: gluLookAt(20, 5, 5, -20, 5, 5, 0, 1, 0); axis(); glutWireCube (1.); glFlush (); axis() draws lines from (0,0,0) to (10,0,0), (0,10,0) and (0,10,0), plus a line from (1,0,0) to (1,3,0). ...

Emulate big NPOT textures for old GPUs

In my 2D game I need textures that may be arbitrarily large, can be NPOT and nonsquare. They are only ever mapped to one kind of primitive: rectangles via GL_QUADS (the four QUAD corners are mapped to the four texture corners). Sometimes the texture matrix has been scaled before drawing. I want my game to work everywhere, even on old/ch...

OpenGL with GLUT on windows 7, fullscreen mode not showing the message box

Hello, I wrote an OpenGL app in C++ a while ago, back when my operating system was Windows XP. I used GLUT (plane ol' version) to show the window and also used full screen mode. There are times when I displayed a message box (MessageBoxA method, using the MB_TASKMODAL modifier). In windows XP the message box was being displayed nicel...

JOGL Snow Leopard and Eclipse

Hi everyone, I'm trying to get JOGL running in Eclipse 3.5 on a MacbookPro 64bit Snow Leopard with Java 1.6. The code runs on my XP machine, however, when I try to run it on my macBook, I get this error in Eclipse's console: Invalid memory access of location 00000000 eip=8fe11f32 And thats it. I've tried a few different codes, ...

determine pitch, yaw, roll from up front right

Hi , In my didactic openGL appl , I have some objects on the scene, and when I click on one of them I want my camera to look at that object. For that after I determine the clicked object , I compute the up , front and right vectors of the camera and then I need to be able to calculate the pitch, yaw, roll angles of the camera. However...

Can I have multiple full-screen OpenGL views (EAGLView) displayed at the same time on iPhone?

Can I have 2 full-screen EAGLView-s (the OpenGL layer implementation from Apple's sample code), stack them on top of each other, draw on them independently and then see both images? (I suppose the top one will need a glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0) to be transparent -- does that even work?!) In my initial experiments, the 2nd EAGLView complai...

How to change a GLSL shader parameter in Processing

I'm playing with shaders in openGL using Processing. I'm pretty noob at this and a bit lost. I found this thread that has an example on how to use GLSL shaders in Processing. I'm just trying to the change LightPosition parameter in the shader I'm using. I don't know how to access it though. Here's my code so far: import processing.o...