
Should we expect oauth in GAE to support more openID providers in the future?

This isn't a programming question per se, but I'm hoping someone here will notice it and have an answer, I already tried the GAE group but got nothing. I'm working on an app where the GAE component will be an oauth providor, and a mobile client will be the oauth consumer. For logging into the web app, I want to use openid, but right no...

OpenID Provider Question: How do I specify an identity different from the end user's claimed-id

I am using the JanRain library, and implementing code very similar to their server example (essentially creating my own openid provider). I have it working, but when I try to return an identity different from the one specified to the consumer, I get the following error: Request was for, cannot reply with identity ...

Login Once to Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome and C# custom client

I have a C# custom application that obtains a cookie using OpenID in the following way:: using System; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace MyNamespace { public class SignIn : Form { private WebBrowser _browser; public SignIn() { InitializeComponent(); } private void SignIn...

Implementing OpenID (DotNetOpenAuth) with Classic ASP

I've spent countless hours reading through documentation all over the place and I'm still having a problem with implementing the Classic ASP samples provided in the the latest version of DotNetOpenAuth ( Specifically, I'm not sure what values I need to change in the login.asp in order to see if it works / will work for me. ...

How does one send a message to an OpenID URL..?

Is there a standard method for sending a message (or a private link to where the message can be retrieved) to an OpenID URL or URL in general..? I would prefer a way to send a private link, but failing that, any kind of mechanism to send text to a (openID) URL will do.. The purpose is that the owner of the URL will then somehow be noti...

Login system like Stackoverflow's

I want to make a login system just like Stackoverflow's which have at least Facebook, Twitter and Google openid system. Is there a all-in-one library for this purpose which can be used in Asp.Net Mvc 2? ...

What is the status of MSN openID integration?

One of the answers to this SO question said that MSN OpenID was in Beta (as of September 2009). Does anyone know what is its current status? Has the integration been finished? If so what is the URL to perform a discovery? ...

How can I imitate Stack Overflows SSO? Particularly where it federates with

How does Stack Overflow's SSO work? ... whatever it is they are doing it seems to work for all sites in the network. I'd like to learn what Stack is doing so I can see if it's possible to get a similar registration scheme between and under ADFS. I understand that SAML and OpenID are different an...

ProcessUserAuthorization is always null

Hi There, I am trying to use the OpenIdRelyingPartyWebForms, but the line AuthorizedTokenResponse accessToken = Global.YahooWebConsumer.ProcessUserAuthorization(authResponse); keeps returning null. I am trying to use this project as is and the only change I made was change private const string YahooOPIdentifier = ""; to private...

Handling facebook connect and registered users

How to people go about managing users when some people login via facebook connect (or openid etc) and other members who actually register on the website. From what I understand, those logging in via facebook connect will have limited data like just their username correct? You won't have even their email addy. ...

Setting up a OpenID provider for testing

I'm developing a site that uses OpenID for authentication, which is working fine however... I often work on it while travelling without an internet connection. If the session expires and I need to login again, I can't until I have connectivity again. What I'd like to do is setup a really dumb OpenID provider on a local IIS, that I can ...

OpenID Autologin Janrain Example in php

I want my website to automatically detect if a user is logged into google. If they are, it checks the database to see if they are already registered. If they are registered, it logs them in to my site. Otherwise, it redirects them to the login page. I think it might be the experimental x-has-session but I've no idea how to implement it....

OpenId/Custom Hybrid Authentication - Bad UX?

Hi Guys, I'm designing a new web application. Some quick points on it: ASP.NET MVC Web Application SQL Server 2008 Entity Framework ORM 3 User Roles: Anonymous, Registered, Administrators. Anonymous users can view stuff, Registered Users can post stuff, Admins can do anything Heavy social integration with Facebook, Twitter and the lik...

What is an Open ID and how can I use it ?

Hello, What are open ID's and how do they work ? I noticed to login into this website i required an open id. My question is what are they ? and how can i integrade an open ID login. I want to make the user login using their open id and create a nickname of some sort and then use that nickname and their open id to login if thats even p...

How to automate OpenID login with a google apps domain using DotNetOpenAuth

I am trying to implement OpenId for an internal web app. Our college is on Google Apps for Edu, so we have the suite of Google OpenID and OAuth exposed to us. I would like my login page to have the standard username and password, and additionally a button on the side that will authenticate internal users to our app domain. I have ...

No OpenID endpoint found

hi, Got a problem with my openID. A couple weeks ago I noticed I could no longer log in with my URL delegating to an underlying OpenID provider (getopenid). I checked their server and it was returning and error, so I switched over to I'm still not able to log in anywhere though (luckily, my browser hasn't pushed me ou...

SSO with OpenID

I trying to find the way to implement the full blown SSO using the OpenID so that user does not need to enter anything on the new site within the SSO. I removed all cookies and started experimenting. Logged in on Looked at Fiddler and seen that is being contacted started searching to see what is stackau...

How to integrate openId with devise in rails 3

I'm new to rails and just got a simple devise setup working. I'm looking to implement something that still uses the core devise feature set but would allow login via openid provider rather than "register w/ email or username" How might I get started with this using the latest devise gem and rails 3? ...

OpenID with Gerrit not working

When I click to Register or Sign In using Gerrit Code Review, I get this error: Provider is not supported, or was incorrectly entered. And when I enter the URL into the OpenID field manually, it takes me to a Google page stating: The page you requested is invalid. Any clue what's happening here? EDIT: Upon further investigation, I rea...

Is Facebook Connect a practical way of importing users? How does it do it?

Those are basically the questions because I saw you need to create a new table for users that log using "Login with Facebook Connect". Please don't reply with fb connect developers website because I've been there already and I've already read about the "wonderfully unsafe" features of this API .Apparently I haven't fully understood it. I...