
iPhone openID authentication and embed HTML

Question 1 I want to make IPhone application that uses OpenID for authentication. I have found janrain described here : this is exactly what I want! However is commercial licenced is there any open source/free alternatives? Question 2 I also want to later make Android , W...

PHP OpenID geting nickname & email

For the OpenID authentication I'm using "PHP OpenID Library" ( How, with the help of this library, ask for additional information (nickname, email)? I've got some problems with LightOpenID, when I ask email at yandex LightOpenID-> valid returns false( class Ncw_OpenID extends LightOpenID { con...

How do I use my own domain for my own openID login without having to make a myopenid domain account?

I have my own domain signed-up under myOpenID as follows: Everything is verified and seems to be working properly on the myOpenID site. However, now I want to setup my website so I only have to enter the domain name as my openID login. I have read

FailureResponse on otherwise successful OpenID login: Server denied check_authentication

I'm testing OpenID authentication using python-openid on webpy's development web server. Through Yahoo! and myOpenID, I keep getting a failure response with the message Server denied check_authentication. The strange part is, I also receive the correct openid.identity. The same type of authentication works fine with Google (@ https://...

How to confirm a OpenId authorization

Im using Janrains OpenId-Enabled libs to handle OpenID authentication as a consumer. Authorization works fine so far. The problem is: I couldn´t find out how I can confirm if a user allready authorized me without beginning the whole process ($consumer->beginn(), $consumer->complete()) anew (thus redirecting the user or using a popup). ...

How do I get DotNetOpenAuth to open a popup window for authentication?

Hi, I am relatively new to web development, so perhaps this is a rookie question. I am trying to set up an ASP.NET MVC web site to implement DotNetOpenAuth as an OpenID relying party. Right now it is all functioning, so that is pretty exciting. My goal though was to have the OpenID authentication take place it a popup window. This...

What is Auth_OpenID_FileStore?

What is the purpose of Auth_OpenID_FileStore in php-openid? Update: I understood what is a FileStore. Is it safe to save the file in /tmp? Or should i move it to some other location accessible only to me? Is it better to use a database for the store? ...

adding openid to html page

Is adding something like below to my site (for ex,my site is called will work ? <link rel="openid.delegate" href=""&gt; I'm looking for simple stuff,that allows users to first register with their existing openid and then login to my site. There is lot of documents - but im confused.! ...

Implementing access with oAuth or other

I'm trying to think of a way to open a website and part of its database to other third party websites, similar to how Twitter lets webapps connect to its database to retrieve data and possibly store data. My initial research led me to oAuth (or is it openID?). What I need to do is let the third party websites login to a user's accoun...

When do I need to add oAuth?

I'm trying to understand the use cases for which implementing oAuth as a service provider is the way to go. It seems that implementing an oAuth service is a lot of work, so I don't want to go through the trouble just to discover I was barking up the wrong tree. Any examples of such use cases to help me wrap my head around when to use or ...

what is the concept of store in OpenID

Hi so this is what I understand how Openid works:- the user enters his openid url on the site say"" The app does a redirect to the openid provider and either does the login or denies it and sends the response back to the site i.e"" If authentication was succesful then the response object provided by the openid provider ca...

Hybrid demo not returning oauth request token

I'm having a lot of trouble getting started with creating a google apps marketplace application. I've tried numerous demos, including the php hello world example you can download from google. In every case, the openid portion works fine, but oauth is failing. I've tracked it down to the hybrid openid/oauth request not returning an oa...

is it possible to get the email of a user who logs in using open id providers?

i want to know if its possible to get the email of the people who are using open id to authenticate to my site [of course with the user knowing that i am getting their email]? this email will be the user id of the user and i want the user to be able to loggin using any provider and then i will set this email as the user identity. i need ...

Socialregistration: how to make a user-info page that works for both facebook and openid

hi, socialregistration works pretty well but the readme file indicates only how to make a website where openid and facebook users can login. Now how do you: retrieve basic inforamtion like email and name with facebook? retrieve basic inforamtion like email and name with openid? implement a user-info page (like when you click on your ...

OpenID and FB Connect Tutorial

Hi there, Simple question really, I've been looking all over the Internet probably for the past few days for several hours a day looking for some solid information on OpenID and Facebook Connect integration on a website. I have seen the same names popup such as Janrain offering their solution, but I see a lot of websites such as Invisi...

openID component for cakePHP (and an easy way to Google)?

I have integrated the openID component for cakePHP from into my application. When I put in my openID URL ( ) I am prompted to log into Google from the openID page which and I get properly redirected back to my page with a whole lot of stuff in the GET string and a "...

openID and CakePHP : myopenID works, yahoo does not

I have set up a basic openID system using cakePHP ( on my dev website: (forgive the debug output). It works perfectly for myopenID but does not for yahoo (flickr icon) It returns with a identity url but insists "OpenID verification failed: No OpenID information fo...

OpenID implementation like StackOverFlow

I'm looking to implement OpenID the same way that StackOverFlow uses it. I've looked through a few APIs and I've scouted out JanRain but I'm not sure these do what I'm looking for. Has anyone duplicated the login functionality available here? ...

Log-in the user with LightOpenID

Hello I have downloaded LightOpenID ( few hours ago but still can't figure out how to make it work. I got this google example saved in test.php file <?php require '../lib/init.php'; require '../lib/openID/openid.php'; try { if(!isset($_GET['openid_mode'])) { if(isset($_GET['login'])) { ...

how to get access token from request token for OpenID + OAuth using java

Hi, I am trying to implement the OpenID + OAuth hybrid protocol in my application for Google. I am getting the request token. So the next step as document in the Federated Login is exchange request token for an access token. I tried it using OAuth java library but i am not getting the access token. I am trying both the 3-legged and 2-...