Hi All,
I am trying to setup Mapnik + tilecache but can't see any tiles in the browser when I set bbox parameters in both Tilecache.cfg and Openlayers but when I don't specify the bbox everything works fine and I can see actual map tiles.
I was wondering if anyone can point out the problem in the code. I think I have tried everything (...
hello all as I create a form within the openlayers viewer, deployed in the same way that the switch maps.
see this link:
thanks for any response
Does anyone have a code example of how to add an image overlay to an Ordnance Survey OpenSpace map?
The documentation is not exactly comprehensive :)
The API documentation for OpenLayers.Feature.Vector says that Vector itself has no methods at all.
I know how to let user move the Vector by adding OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature control to map. So if the user can move the Vector then there has to ba a way to move it programmatically too. But I can't figure out how to do it.
I want to have a vector layer of the world, which shows the country borders, states and their names in English. Is there a layer that exists that I can control the colours?
Cloudmade doesn't let me quite do this, nor does openstreetmap and a bunch of others. I'm thinking I might need to create a raster image and overlay that except I do...
I'm using Drupal 6; I created a module for a custom content type and implemented all necessary hooks (hook_form, hook_load, etc.)
What I'd like to do is add a field representing a point on a map and letting user input it with an Openlayers map. I know how to do it with cck, but I'd really like to implement it directly in my code.
I would like to improve the performance of my application that displays thematic maps using OpenLayers, Google Maps & MapServer with TileCache (http://tilecache.org). Therefore I followed the installation instructions and installed TileCache successfully.
Within my application I have the following code to embed a new layer on to...
Using OpenLayers, is there an easy way to tell if a map image has loaded correctly, perhaps using the “loadend” event?
We are reading map tiles from GeoServer, and using OpenLayers to display them. Most of the time, the image displays in a reasonable time. Occasionally (especially when scrolling back and forth using the mouse wheel), ...
We are trying to show a map with a large number of points (ranging from 1000 up to 20000 depending on the users criteria) using OpenLayers and GeoServer. The points are stored in a PostgreSQL database.
Whilst the application seems to have little problem displaying the lower range, its practical limit seems to be around 5000 points. Th...
I am trying something fairly simple, you can see a demo here:
This bug only appears in Firefox, so to see it press either one of the links once (it will take you to either NY or Israel) then press the other link.
The bug is that it will not show me the tiles in that location, instead it will show m...
hola a todos, tengo probleas con este linea , ¿Como configuro un servicio "WMS"?
var mapser = new OpenLayer.Layer.MapServer("Campus","http://my.host/cgi-bin/mapserv",{'wps/mapa.map'});
gracias por cualquier repuesta
How to get the coordinates of a particular point in a map in openlayers javascript libraray?
Thank you.
I have an application with a map-client using OpenLayers. I want to use Mapnik-data as background-layer, as provided with the class OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Mapnik. For that I have to switch to the projection EPSG:900913. But I also want to display some layers, that I can only request in EPSG:4326. Can I combine both layers with the differen...
I'm trying to work with openstreetmap through openlayers, and I have encountered a biit of Javascript syntax that I don't understand (I'm no expert with Javascript - just beginning to learn how it handles objects at the moment...)
Here it is anyway...
map = new OpenLayers.Map ("map", {
new OpenLayers.Control.Navigati...
I wanted to create smth similar to this one Kansas county map
where user would be able to click on the county (or even better cities of his/her interest...) and get some info.
1) How would that be possible using google mashups?
2) Is it possible in google mashup to display only one state, for example Kansas only?
I'm using OpenLayers in a Rails app - through the MapLayers plugin. The examples for adding controls look easy - very similar to the example code on the OpenLayers.Control class -
@map = MapLayers::Map.new("map") do |map, page|
page << map.add_layer(MapLayers::GOOGLE)
page << map.add_layer(MapLayers::YAHOO_HYBRID)
page << map.ad...
I'm using OpenLayers to display OpenStreetMap maps. (Though, I'd assume this should be general enough to work for any map product...)
I'm displaying some very sophisticated vector overlays, and the amount and resolution of the features I'm returning from the server via GeoJSON to overlay has proven too much for many computers.
What I'd...
I am working with openlayers and I can get a point on a map but I can't get the individual coords.
feat = drawLayer.features[0];
var geom = feat.geometry;
var loca = geom.toShortString();
var long = loc.substr(0,9);
alert(geom.toShortString());//returns the correct coords in xx.xxx,xx.xxx format
Hi all,
I'm a Geodjango novice and would like to get some help on the following:
I have a MultiPolygonField field, for a GeoDjango application, and would like to display it on my view as cool as it gets displayed on django admin
Say for example I have
def index(request):
"Index,main view"
border = WorldBorders.objects.get(na...
I am totally confused with this openlayers map. Even there are many examples and wiki, i could not find how to reuse it. I mean i want to show my city map with managable by admin, admin can add points and locations and it should displayed in front end. Please please help me how to do it?