
Rendering spatial data of GeoQuerySet in a custom view on GeoDjango

Hello. I have just started my first project on GeoDjango. As a matter of fact, with GeoDjango powered Admin application we all have a great possibility to view/edit spatial data, associated with the current object. The problem is that after the objects having been populated I need to render several objects' associated geometry at once...

OverviewMapControl config

In the map i created in openlayers, OverviewMapControl is basically useless from zoom levels 0-3 - the red "extent" rectangle just fills the entire OverviewMapControl and can't actually be used to drag the map more then a very minuscule amount. ie. the draggable rectangle would not resize regardless of the zoom level. Can any one help me...

[Javascript]Get coordinate from openlayers map

Hi, I would get the coordinate from an openlayers map. When I open my page I would that when I click on a button, I have received the coordinate of top bottom left and the upper right. <html> <head> <title>OpenLayers Example</title> <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; </head> <body> ...

Using the Google Maps API on a site with user login (free)

I'm planning to make a web app where users can register for free. The app will contain a map, and I will most probably use OpenStreetMap data. The problem I've encountered with open libs as for example OpenLayers is that they're really slow and choppy when adding a lot of markers (which will be totally unacceptable). I think the renderin...

Integrating Bing Maps tiles into Google Maps API

Hello, I currently managed to integrate OpenStreetMap into Google Maps API as it is described in this example. I wonder if I can also integrate Bing Maps tiles into Google Maps API. Is it possible? I could not find anything about that. Note: I do know about mapstraction but for now, I would like to stick to Google Maps API. Thanks in ...

Missing IMG src leading to multiple unknown server requests

Hey my application has a map that is drawn with custom marker images rendered on OpenLayers VectorLayer. The problem here is that I see a lot of requests to the page that has this map and this comes to the server and all the server side code written for that page is executed and HTML is returned to the client and I get an error saying ...

IE and Chrome, does not print Google map base layer, FireFox does!

Hi All, I am using GeoServer for extracting polygons from shapefile then I use them with OpenLayers JS API and project them on Google maps base layer. All set, everything works fine. I display 2 WMS layers over Google maps base layer, they looks fine in print preview in all browsers but when I print them FireFox: Got correct print, a...

ExtJS: How to dynamically add child nodes to treepanel

How can you add a child node to an existing TreePanel programmatically using JavaScript? I have a TreePanel that displays the active layers of a map (using GeoExt): treeConfig = new OpenLayers.Format.JSON().write([{ nodeType: "gx_baselayercontainer", text: "Base layers", expanded: true }, { nodeType: "gx_overlaylaye...

how to add map layer overlays in opelayer?

i have 3 shapefile ready in a map file, and rendering it on mapserver. what i need is to and these layer overlay one over the can i do this ...

Running an ASP app in IE with OpenLayers - tile requests getting redirected to ASP web server?

I'm currently developing an ASP application, which is running on an ASP.NET Development Server. When I bring up a particular page in IE (it has an OpenLayers map on it), sometimes the tiles won't load. When this happens, I've noticed that opening another tab and going to the address of the tile (or even, say, Google) results in a standa...

How to draw openlayers features using a google earth basemap

Trying to use OpenLayers to (eventually) load markers, vectors & WMS on top of a google earth plugin base map. Google Earth does not appear to 'play well with others'. If I instantiate a map in the 'google way':'map', initCB, failCB); I get a google map that I can add google placemarks to, but I can't ...

Javascript variables not propogating through

Hi, I'm using OpenLayers with Waze (Maps layers) and having some problems with variables not propogating. I've got this code: var lonlat = new Array(), infodiv = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < stations.length; i++) { if (i == 0) icon_temp = icon; ...

what is actually "EXTENT" in gis slang?

Hi , I am not clearly understanding the extent parameter in GIS applications. for ex, In mapserver map file we are using NAME "CGI-CONTEXT-DEMO" STATUS ON SIZE 400 300 **EXTENT -2200000 -712631 3072800 3840000** UNITS METERS IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png here extent means lower left x,y and upper right x,y. but long,lat values ...

Openlayers inside jquery ui tabs

I want to use Openlayers inside jquery ui tabs but I get error: "size is null"! ...

Display Map like OpenStreetMap

Hello, everybody. I like the way OpenStreetMap display its map. It almost looks like Google Map. I have already installed GeoServer and PostGis on my notebook. I also got this cloudmade osm file for my country, Indonesia. I downloaded indonesia.osm.bz2. I successfully imported it into my PostGis and did setup it on my GeoServer but i...

Layer.Text vs Layer.Vector. Performance question

This is very fast in all browsers: var curLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Text("layer", { location: "test.txt"}); map.addLayer(curLayer); However, the following code is fast in Firefox and Chrome, but incredibly slow in IE8 (loading 500 features takes 30 minutes!): var curLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("layer", { protocol: new ...

CloudMade Marker Overlays - Can The Z-Index Be Controlled?

Does the CloudMade API have the ability to control the z-order or z-index of the marker overlays (e.g.icons)? I have used this before in Google Maps to make certain icons with more importance draw over the top of other icons with lesser importance (especially in some zoom levels where they may bunch together). The Google Maps GMarker ...

How can I remove standard controls in an OpenLayers-Map?

I use OpenLayers and want to create another navigation-control in the upper-left side. I know how to add Controls, but this navigation is added at default while creating the OpenLayers-Map. So I want to remove that Control, to add an own. I know already, that the default-control is an OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom. ...

Creating an abitrary, curved Well Known Text LineString for display in OpenLayers

I am dynamically generating a WKT LineString between points in a map layer being generated for display in OpenLayers. I'd like to make the lines between the points curved, and I'd like to be able to dynamically change the curvature based on various input variables. This is for a network monitoring app, and we'd like the curvature to ...

Upload KML file into database and display on OpenLayers Map

Hi, I want to create a simple form on my wordpress site so that people can upload KML files which will then be stored in the db and the route shown on on openlayers map - openstreetmap. The project is for a hiking site for storing hiking routes. Any docs for this/ forums / advice. I'm completely new to this map stuff. Cheers Andy ...