
Display WMS Layer Based on Zoom Level

Hello StackOverflow, I've been at this all day long and honestly I'm out of ideas. I have some WMS layers that I would like to display/not display depending on the current zoom level. Yes, I have went through the API docs and they seem to be clear as day, but I follow everything that is suggested and I'm not getting the results desire...

OpenLayers - how do I draw a Polygon from existing lonLat points?

I have in my database longitude-latitude verticies from user-defined polygons. My questions is: how do I recreate and display them on a map now? This is quite easy to do with the Google Maps API, but I can't find any documentation or examples on how to do this with OpenLayers. Has anyone had any experience doing this? ...

Fire an Event Only After Another Event Has Been Fired

Hello StackOverflow, I have a GeoExt map panel with a zoom control. I'd really like to disable some of the nodes in a tree panel when the layers on my map are "out of range" aka their setVisibility is set to false. I have my zoomend event working and I also have a checkchange event working, but the checkchange event gets evaluated mor...

qx.ui.root.Inline in an OpenLayers popup contentDiv => button won't click!

I'm working on a project that integrates OpenLayers and far I'm having lots of success. But now I want to be able to place qooxdoo widgets in an OpenLayers popup (FramedCloud in this case) and something weird is happening--the button won't click! The hover events seem to be working, and I've determined that qx.event.handler...

How to use markup in an OpenLayers layer name

I have a number of data layers defined in the following manner: var mylayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS("MY LAYER NAME", "", { type: "png", getURL: my_layer_geturl, isBaseLayer: false, visibility: false, attribution: 'Some Attribution text' }); Which I add to the map and it appears on the layer switcher and all is well etc. However, I ...

Geoserver GetFeatureInfo WMS Requests Do Not Work When Using GeoWebCache Layer

Hello StackOVerflow, I have been trying for the last few days to get my map GeoWebCache layers from Geoserver to display GetFeatureInfo in a popup event. When I was using WMS layers, GetFeatureInfo was working as requested. Ever since I started caching my layers using GeoWebCache, I am unable to GetFeatureInfo. So far I think I am su...

OpenLayers - dynamic POI example does not work on my machine

Hi, OpenLayers has a good example which I would like to reuse: But when I download it and run on my machine, it does not work. It also does not work when I download from site, unpack it on my machine and run this example. When I say "does n...