
CSS image down-scaling

Hi, I'm putting together a book flip where I flip pages using CSS, JavaScript and HTML. It works very well, except for this one thing. Every image has a block-level parent. The block-level parent's dimensions has the same ratio as the image but it's scaled down to fit inside the window. Every image has a width:100%; and height:100%; de...

Form submit on opra browser.

I am submitting the form through normal submit method. It is working fine for all browser. I got some problem with opera browser some time the forms get submitted properly but many times when I click on the submit button page remains as it is without any error. I think it is due to the internet speed. I want the valid reason to prove t...

Javascript in Opera strange math operations

i have js cript var lf = -10; if(lf < 0 ) $("element").setStyle({left:(parseInt(lf)+10)+'px'}); this lot very strange (parseInt(lf)+10) = - 20; in opera Version 10.62 Build 6438 Platform Linux System x86_64, 2.6.31-22-generic in all another browser (parseInt(lf)+10) = 0; How it can be ? ...

Opera javascript

This code function is runing when mouseover in div with interval 10ms It is using framework prototype In all another browsers it works fine but not in opera function openMenu(){ var pleft = $("slidemenubar2").getStyle("left"); if(parseInt(pleft) < 0){ $("slidemenubar2").setStyle({left: (parseInt(pleft)+10)+'...

JQuery val() does not work for textarea in Opera

I am displaying a modal dialog using jQuery. This dialog has a textarea control on it. But on submitting this dialog, the value of this textarea is not recognized by jQyery for some reason. It always comes blank. This works perfectly in other browsers. I put alert to display the value but it looks blank. Can anybody help me in this regar...

window.onfocus not firing in IE7, inconsistent in Opera

Note that this relates to focus and blur events on a window, not on form fields. I'm loading a document in a pop-up window, and it includes the following code: <script type="text/javascript"> window.onblur = function(){ document.title="BLURRED"; } window.onfocus= function(){ document.title="FOCUSED"; } </script> These functions are t...

Anchor tags stopped working in HTML5 website

I'm using HTML5 reset as the basis for writing an HTML5/CSS3 website. For some reason though, basic anchor tags are no longer clickable in anything other than IE! <a href="http://www.google.com"&gt;google&lt;/a&gt; renders in the correct colour text for A tags, but no hover effect is being applied, the pointer doesn't change and I cant ...

Strange Ajax behavior in JQuery in Opera and Chrome.

I have this functions //send JSON-RPC request var json_rpc = (function() { var id = 1; return function(url, method, params, success) { if (typeOf(params) != 'array') { params = [params]; } var request = JSON.stringify({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method':...

Script to automate URL opening in multiple tabs in Firefox or Opera from a text file

I have a text file with lots of links-each line has a link (i.e the separator is '\n'). i want to write a script so that each link opens in a different tab in Firefox or Internet explorer. How can I do this? I'm on Windows 7 ...

Link selection on Opera Mini 4.2 acting strangely

I'm developing a mobile site in HTML for use on 2 Blackberry models, one quite old (8700v) and one newer (8520) as specified by the client. The native browser on the 8520 is rendering my HTML/CSS pages perfectly. The native browser on the old 8700 is far from perfect however as the CSS support is minimal. As a solution I decided to tr...

Is it possible to start Opera in Kiosk Mode without command line switches?

Hi everyone... I'm trying to setup Opera to run in Kiosk Mode without using any command line switches on Windows XP. Originally I had it working by using a desktop shortcut with about 5 or 6 command line switches tagged on the end of the path to the opera.exe such as: "C:\Program Files\Opera\opera.exe" -kioskmode -kioskresetstation -no...

NPAPI automatic install

I've wrote NPRuntime/ActiveX plugin using FireBreath. I've done automatic installation from web-page for Firefox and Google Chrome, but I can't do it for opera and IE. Please, help me to understand how to do it. Edit: Now I'm trying to make WiX installer for it, but I see no *.msi file in project directory after building only plugin wit...

jQuery/CSS image issue. Opera only loading parts of the images for unkown reason.

Not that it's a surprise you encounter daily problems with Internet Explorer, but when you actually do it with a browser like Opera - it kind of throws you off the chair. I got most things working with Firefox, Chrome and IE (apart from the fact that fancybox isn't validating all the IE-fixes as green, but that's an issue for another ti...

My IFRAME facebook app doesn't work in Opera and IE

It works nicely in FF and Chrome, but in Opera I get timeout error. The loading animation is going and going on but nothing appears. Could you please help me? My deadline comes tommorow :-( Pastebin entire source code: http://pastebin.com/yjFWwqPv ...

Colspans in Opera Browsers not working right.

Ok, I can't understand the problem here but this looks fine in all browsers cept Opera. The HTML Code is as follows: <table width="395" height="214" border="1"> <tr> <td colspan="2">Here is some content in here that has 2 colspans</td> <td width="137">This only has 1 colspan.</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="113">This has o...

jQuery plugin Roundabout not scaling text in Opera

I've extensively tested the jQuery plugin Roundabout and got it working nicely in Internet Explorer 6 through 8, Chrome and Firefox. We would like to support Opera as well. However it does not scale text in moveable items moving to the back. I'd rather not post a link to my site yet. But the 'official' example has the same bug. The smi...

Opera onkeyup broken? Repeats, fires while down

When I add any onkeyup event, it does not do what it's supposed to in Opera. It fires repeatedly while the key is held, not when it's released. This same event works correctly in Chrome and Firefox. I have no listeners for keydown or keypressed. This simple code logs a stream of key events to the console in Opera when the key is held do...

JS function call won't work in Chrome and Opera (JS + jQuery)

Hi guys, I can't seem to get the following functionality to work under Chrome and Opera (latest versions on Windows XP). The code is: $.getScript('/js/modules/'+module+'.js', function() { setTimeout('window.'+module+'_init()', 800); }); Everything seems to work fine, the script loads, init function exists (a few debug alerts with...

Pressing both mouse buttons in Opera

In Opera, on some sites, pressing both mouse buttons simultaneously leads you to some other page, for example, to the separate comments page, when watching a Youtube video. Or to the sitemap on some other websites. May be it is related to Mouse chording ? or is it something different ? How to control this event (disable it or change t...

How to move and resize the browser's window in Opera and Chrome?

I was looking for a way to resize and move the browser's window and I've found it: self.resizeTo(w, h) and self.moveTo(x, y) - this seems to work perfectly, but only in Firefox and IE (tested with IE8, don't know how does it work in the previous versions). How can I force the same behavior (resizing and moving) in Opera and Chrome? In th...