
HTML5 canvas: Same code outputs different results in different browsers

In a simple canvas test I created for performance and quality measurement purposes, a canvas is painted with randomised colors and images during an unlimited period. A sample is shown here: http://litterific.com/minisite/ Warning: Only open this in Opera or Chrome, the script is pretty heavy can hang up on slow computers, don't le...

Opera and redirect issues

Has anyone seen or heard of Opera having redirect issues? I have a PHP script that POSTs back to itself, sets up some variables and then redirects to another page. This fails on a Linux box but works with no issues on Windows. EDIT: I also need to mention that redirect works well and as expected in Chrome, FF and IE. Redirect works in ...

Opera multiple file upload sends files to $_POST instead of $_FILES - suggestions?

I tried googling this with little success. Can I make Opera upload files to $_FILES or will I have to start editing the PHP script? ...

Obscure Javascript difference between IE / Firefox / Opera

Within a "cloaked" site, using obj.innerHTML = something to change the contents of a div seems to screw up the div's position in Firefox and Opera. Best way to understand the problem is by seeing the code in action. Go to http://www.guggs.net/index_redirected.htm in IE, Firefox or Opera and everything looks as it should. Hit one of th...

Event 'Window load' not work in opera with prototype

I use prototype ver Event.observer(window,'load',function(){ function1();// function with ajax request function2();//another function with ajax request }); It work on FireFox,Chrome but in Opera it work strange Func2 and fucnc2 not runing but if page scroll down it runing both function immediately Plz help. Thanks. ...

How do I make Opera upload files like other browsers?

When uploading one file using <input type="file" /> in Opera, it works as expected. That is, you find the expected file data in $_FILES in PHP server side. However, when I try to upload several files at once using Opera, by setting <input type="file" min="1" max="999" /> then all the files' contents are glued together in one long string...

Opera error : Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 'xxxxxx' to object

Hi to all again , i come today to show an error thrown by opera in Jquery ,about object transformation , here is the code ( function setColor(x,y) ): colourpixel = $('#colour').css('background-color').match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/);//["rgb(0, 70, 255", "0", "70", "255"] var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.h...

Is there user-select for Opera 10.62 and IE9?

Hi, I have been trying to apply user-select for both Opera 10.62 and IE9 without success. I can't/won't bind events with JavaScript that preventDefault(), because there are so many places to be set unselectable and I still need to retain selections in several places. In fact, I want the default behavior to be unselectable for the whole ...

Opera error in html5 : data-xxxx custom tag problem rewritting

Hi again , i come now cause Opera is giving me more job than what a think , the problem is the next : $('.colourbox').click( function() { $('.colourbox').css('border-color','#a3a3a3'); $('.colourbox').attr('data-selected','no'); $('.colourbox').children().css('border-color','transparent'); $(this).css('border-color','#22...

"list-style-image" picture identation in Opera via CSS

Opera has unacceptable rendering of image-bullet positioning of list items. Look at demo page with Opera and different browser. Style: /* body {line-height:150%;} */ ul {list-style: none outside url('img/bullet-lilac.gif'); HTML Sample: <ul> <li><a href="">Ut enim ad minim veniam</a></li> <li>Sample item</li> </ul> Bullets...

Why is text rendered with a greater font-size in Opera?

I'm working on an HTML page that needs to be more or less pixel-perfect, and I noticed that in Opera 10, fonts are rendering larger than they do in other browsers, even though the font-size is effectively the same. Please see this example page in Opera 10 and another browser like Firefox 3.6: http://troy.onespot.com/static/stack_overfl...

CSS box-shadow issues

I'm building this page: http://ss.rsportugal.org/ As you can see, there are two 10 pixel shadows in the page. One just bellow the menu and the other just above the footer bar. These shadows are made using box-shadow: 0 0 10 rgba(...); It works as expected in WebKit engine and for some reason that I am unable to figure out and I could u...

Opera div :hover issue

Ok, so I am developing this page: http://ss.rsportugal.org/ and the menu works as expected in every browser but Opera. What it should do: Mouse over the menu bar which has a black background and is div #menu-wrapper and the menu should drop down. It even works in IE so what am I doing wrong that stops Opera from doing it right? Is it a ...

Gradients in Internet Explorer 9

Hi Does anyone know the vendor prefix for gradients within IE9 or are we still supposed to still be using their proprietry filters? What I've got for the other browsers is: background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #444444, #999999); /* FF3.6 */ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #444444),co...

Detect left mouse button press

I hate this mess with the mouse buttons created by W3C an MS! I want to know if the left mouse button is pressed when I get a mousedown event. I use this code // Return true if evt carries left mouse button press function detectLeftButton(evt) { // W3C if (window.event == null) { return (evt.button == 0) } // IE else { ...

javascript onerror function doesn't execute in the normal sequential flow?

hello, my code is something like this: function func1() { document.getElementById("img").src="pic.jpg"; ---stament2---; } document.getElementById("img").onerror="func2()"; In other browser, if there is no pic.jpg, func2() is executed and AFTER that, stament2 is executed; in opera if there is an error loading the image, f...

Problem with email validation in Opera and Chrome.

I use simple js email validation like: function validation(email) { var reg = /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4})$/; return reg.test(email); } function check(){ if ($("#subemail").hasClass("bad")) { var subemail = $("#subemail").val(); if((subemail!=0)&&validation(subemail)) { ...

CSS 3D support on Mozilla,Chrome,Opera.

Hi ALL I am working on 3D Data rendering and I am not able to find out the equivalent of following in mozilla, opera, chrome Can anybody help me out from this problem. for e.g: -webkit-transform: rotateX(90deg) translateZ(200px) rotateY(90deg) rotateZ(90deg); Thanks, Amit ...

Multiple assignment in javascript?

For a project a developer sent us a .js file with code similar to this: var myList = [1,2,3]; var a,b,c; [a,b,c] = myList; It works in Opera 10.30, Firefox 3.6.x but it's not ok for Opera 10.60 and Chrome. It's just curiosity, do you have any reference or link that says this code is compliant to JS/ECMA standard or not? What do yo...

Problem with scrolling in opera

Update: I left the following javascript code in to show how the problem developed over time, but it turns out now this is NOT relevant as javascript is not the issue. Please take a look at the html/css code below. For an overview page with a large menu, I implemented the following function (most of which I stole from here): function is...