
C++: ptr->hello(); /* VERSUS */ (*ptr).hello();

i was learning about c++ pointers... so the "->" operator seemed strange to me... instead of ptr->hello(); one could write (*ptr).hello(); because it also seems to work, so i thought the former is just a more convenient way is that the case or is there any difference? ...

^ operator in java

Can anyone explain the use of ^ operator in java with some examples?Thanks ...

Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?

Is there any performance difference between using something like for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ... } and for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { ... } or is the compiler able to optimize in such a way that they are equally fast in the case where they are functionally equivalent? Edit: This was asked because I had a discussion with a co-work...

In what situation should the built-in 'operator' module be used in python?

I'm speaking of this module: http://docs.python.org/library/operator.html From the article: The operator module exports a set of functions implemented in C corresponding to the intrinsic operators of Python. For example, operator.add(x, y) is equivalent to the expression x+y. The function names are those used for special...

First Java program (calculator) problems

I'm in the process of learning Java and my first project is a calculator, however I've run into a snag. I'm trying to get my calculator to let me enter a number then click an operator (+, -, x, /), enter another number then hit an operator again and have the display update and be able to keep this going. Example, I would like to be abl...

null coalescing operator for javascript?

Is there a null coalescing operator in Javascript? For example, in C#, I can do this: String someString = null; var whatIWant = someString ?? "Cookies!"; The best approximation I can figure out for Javascript is using the conditional operator: var someString = null; var whatIWant = someString ? someString : 'Cookies!'; Which is so...

Where are the short-circuiting operators in ActionScript/JavaScript?

Like VB has operators AndAlso and OrElse, that perform short-circuiting logical conjunction, where can equivalent operators be found in JS / AS? ...

Why is short-circuiting not the default behavior in VB?

VB has operators AndAlso and OrElse, that perform short-circuiting logical conjunction. Why is this not the default behavior of And and Or expressions since short-circuiting is useful in every case. Strangely, this is contrary to most languages where && and || perform short-circuiting. ...

How to avoid short-circuit evaluation on

I'm working with Ruby on Rails and would like to validate two different models : if (model1.valid? && model2.valid?) ... end However, "&&" operator uses short-circuit evaluation (i.e. it evaluates "model2.valid?" only if "model1.valid?" is true), which prevents model2.valids to be executed if model1 is not valid. Is there an equivale...

How to search for language syntax in Google?

My current question is what does the << operator do in Ruby? But my real question is how would I search Google to find the answer? ...

Uses for this bash filename extraction technique?

I have a portion of a bash script that is getting a filename without extension, but I'm trying to understand what is really going on here. What are the "%%"'s for? Can someone elaborate on what bash is doing behind the scenes? How can this technique be used on a general basis? #!/bin/bash for src in *.tif do txt=${src%%.*} ...

?: Operator Vs. If Statement Performance

I've been trying to optimize my code to make it a little more concise and readable and was hoping I wasn't causing poorer performance from doing it. I think my changes might have slowed down my application, but it might just be in my head. Is there any performance difference between: Command.Parameters["@EMAIL"].Value = email ?? Strin...

Why isn't our c# graphics code working any more?

Here's the situation: We have some generic graphics code that we use for one of our projects. After doing some clean-up of the code, it seems like something isn't working anymore (The graphics output looks completely wrong). I ran a diff against the last version of the code that gave the correct output, and it looks like we changed on...

Operator overloading in C++

I have the following constructor in my "fraction class" fraction::fraction(int num, int den=1) { numerator=num; denominator=den; } I also have a function called lcm() that returns the least common multiple of values given as parameters. I need to overload the "+" operator in the class fraction. The operator "+" is to add t...

Saving an array value into a double variable

Greetings everyone. Having an issue compiling my script containing the following function. Three errors occur, all on the same line where I set distance += to distances [][]: error C2108: subscript is not of integral type error C2108: subscript is not of integral type error C2297: '+=' : illegal, right operand has type 'double (*)[15]' ...

What does $(var) mean in Actionscript?

I see $(var) often in the Actionscript code I am looking through, where var is a variable that is previously defined. What does it mean exactly? ...

php <> operator

can anyone tell me what this operator means exactly? is it the same as != (not equal)?? $foo = 'text'; if($foo <> 'photo') { echo 'foo'; } else { echo 'bar'; } ...

php == vs === operator

What is the difference between == and === in php. I am unsure when to use both. Updated note: So that it shows up in StackOverflow search, the difference between == and === is the same as the difference between != and !==. ...

Why aren't op-assign operators type safe in java?

I'm not sure the question is clearly worded, but an example will be clearer. I found out that will not work in Java: int a = ...; a = 5.0; but this will: int a = ...; a += 5.0; I.e., it seems that the = operator is type safe but += isn't. Is there any deep reason for this or is it just another arbitrary decision language designer...

What's up with static_cast with multiple arguments???

Can anyone tell me what this cast has for effect (besides setting happyNumber to 1337), if any at all, and if it has no other effect, how come I can write code like this??? Is this a compiler bug, or some "hidden away feature" of C++? int happyNumber = static_cast<int>(123.456, TRUE, "WTF" , false , "IS" , NULL , "GOING" , 0xff , "ON???...