
Using jQuery to disable function untill all selects are changed

I am using a javascript function (F) (jquery )which uses 3 select values selected by the user to calculates a value - R(result) R is a number ranging from (1 through 9), (11) and (22); I need 2 extra steps one before the calculation and one after. a. Before calculation takes place: Make sure all three select values are changed before ...

How to anchor with <option> tag in HTML?

I'm trying to anchor a div with an option tag but it doesn't work, what´s wrong with my code? Here´s the anchor snippet <select> <option value="#b1">1 test</option> </select> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <div id="b1">Testing!</div> ...

Line Break in Html Select Option?

Can I have a two line text in an html select option? How? ...

jquery plugin to show form based on select option

I have a form which includes select options with different items. Based on item selected, I need to show respective form on the same page.Does any one know jquery plugin for this or how aesthetically we can do this kind of requirement? ...

If I use a menu.xml to create an Options menu, can I change the standard menu attributes like text size, etc?

If I use a menu.xml to create an Options menu, can I change the standard menu button attributes like text size, etc inside of that menu.xml? I would like to make the text in each button larger, bold and different colors. Thank you for reading my question ...

html/js: Refresh 'Select' options

Hi, There's a class 'Car' with brand and model as properties. I have a list of items of this class List<Car> myCars. I need to represent 2 dropdowns in a JSP page, one for brand and another for model, that when you select the brand, in the model list only appear the ones from that brand. I don't know how to do this in a dynamic way. An...

Javascript: Select option based on its contents

Basically this, but in pure javascript: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2346257/how-to-get-value-of-select-tag-based-on-content-of-select-tag-using-nokogiri So I have a select list with a lot of countries/states, and I want to be able to select one based on what is between the <option> tags. <option value="4783">Argentina</option> ...

Are Maybes a good pattern for scala?

For a while I have been struggling to integrate scala with java methods that might return null. I came up with the following utility which helps a lot: // produce an Option, nulls become None object Maybe { def apply[T](t:T) = if (t==null) None else Some(t) } Maybe(javaClass.getResultCouldBeNull()).map( result => doSomeWork(resul...

Style Option Elements in Select List (Add Padding and/or Margins)

Is it possible to style the option elements of a select list/dropdown beyond background and font? I'm specifically looking to add some padding/margins so the list isn't as cramped. ...

How to make <option selected="selected"> set by MySql and PHP?

How to make <option selected="selected"> set by MySql and PHP? My code: echo '<select>'; $tempholder = array(); $rs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM id ORDER BY year"); $nr = mysql_num_rows($rs); for ($i=0; $i<$nr; $i++){ $r = mysql_fetch_array($rs); //if($year==$r["year"]){ $selected=' selected="selected"'; }//doesn't work so ...

show/hide div based on select option jquery

Here is my code ..tell me what is wrong, it doesn't work. <Script> $('#colorselector').change(function(){ $('.colors').hide(); $('#' + $(this).val()).show(); }); </Script> <Select id="colorselector"> <option value="red">Red</option> <option value="yellow">Yellow</option> <option value="blue">Blue</option> ...

how to confine to write a string in specific list ,on google-app-engine

class FirstModel(db.Model): p = db.StringProperty({option:['aa','bb','cc']}) the error is : NameError: name 'option' is not defined what should i do ,thanks ...

retain drop down value page posting back to itself asp.net

I have an aspx page that has... if (!IsPostBack) { PopulateBrand(); in the Page_Load. This PopulateBrand() simply populates my drop down. That works great and on post back it retains the value. The problem I'm having is that there is also a link on the page that is posting back some parameters to this page. What is h...

Using php to create a Folder select list - including child folders?

Hi all, I'm trying to use scandir to display a select list of folders listed in a specific directory (which works fine) however, I need it to also add the child folders (if there are any) into my select list. If anyone could help me, that would be great! This is the structure I want: <option>folder 1</option> <option> --child 1</opti...

how do a select option selection pick from some other page using html and js only?

Hi friends, I have to main pages in html with course details. One (X) page has html select option with all courses. If i select in any pages and any one course to apply, then i redirect to X page to user that option has selected by default in X page. I have idea to pass value in url, but how can i retrive the correct option in X pag...

php appending text

I want to append: selected="selected" to an option in my dropdown if my session value is equal to the value of the option. Example: if($_SESSION['sms-timezone'] == 'Africa/Abidjan') append selected="selected" where option value="Africa/Abidjan" <select> <option value="Africa/Abidjan"> Africa/Abidjan( +00:00 GMT ) </option> <optio...

onmouseover event for html select option list works only in firefox

Is there any other way we can get that to work in other browsers? I mean the options still can hovered and the background color changes, is there any event that cause that which we can catch? ...

Any ideas how I can detect mouse events beyond containment for a jquery-ui draggable?

Hi - I just made a div draggable, as in: .draggable({ axis: 'x', containment: [ pLeft+margin, 0, pWidth-(margin*2), 0] }).css('opacity', 0.6) and I can see the div overlayed over the parent and draggable along the x axis within the parent a few pixels away from left and right edge (from margin). This is the scenario. Question How do I...

From tabindex include <selects>

Is it possible to tab to a <select> element? I am creating a rather intensive form that would greatly benefit from being able to tab through everything not just the text fields. <input type="text" name="date" value="00/00/0000" tabindex="1" /> <select name="hour" tabindex="2"> <option value="1">01</option> <!-- Blah more --> </s...

JQuery: Hide options of select according to option value

Dear readers, given following html <select name="IBE1$IBE_NurFlug1$ddl_Abflughafen" id="IBE1_IBE_NurFlug1_ddl_Abflughafen" class="dropdownlist" style="width: 99%;"> <option value="Antalya;TR">Antalya</option> <option value="Berlin;DE">Berlin</option> <option value="Duesseldorf;DE">Duesseldorf</option> <option value="Frankfurt;DE">Frank...