
--single-transaction --lock-tables options of mysqldump- what happens internally?

Hello, I did find other posts similar to this, but wanted a little extra information on these options of mysqldump. I have understood that the --single-transaction and --lock-tables are mutually exclusive operations. Following are my questions regarding these options. a) Suppose I have chosen to use --lock-tables option. In this case t...


Note: I am new to Tomcat... I am getting this message in the Tomcat localhost_access_log: - - [09/Oct/2009:09:37:30 -0700] "OPTIONS /stl/foo HTTP/1.1" 200 - Can anyone explain to me where the OPTIONS comes from? I am using a 3rd party library (DirectJngine) but in perusing the source I can't see any reference to this being s...

Dynamic options dialog (using reflection)

Does anyone know of a good component (C# WinForms) which would allow creating an options (settings) form, given a custom class with a bunch of properties? I am not looking for something shiny, but something merely better than a property grid. I can easily take care of the visual part, but I simply don't want to lose time doing reflection...

How to set VM for a java application in MAC OS X

I am setting my VM for my java application in windows using a batch file with following command: java -jar -Xmx800m "App.jar" Now I wanna do the same thing for MAC OS X? Any suggestions? ...

How to Show Custom options on Homepage

Hi i want to display product and its custom options like size, colour on home page. how should i do that? i want to allow my customer to add product directly from home page by providing its custom options value. is their any way to do this? Thanks Magento Developer ...

Javascript selecting option from a select dropdown, using a href.

Hello, Im working on a CMS website that creates form elements on the fly according to id and values. I need to select certain information out of these forms using a link. For radio options and checkbox options I use this code: <a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('RAL1').checked=true">1001</a> Which works fine. RAL1 is the id o...

How to get remote debugging work for Java on Solaris

Hello, I am trying to get remote debugging working with Java on Solaris OS. Following is what I have tried- I have a Java class called TestP which has the main method. When I try java -classpath . TestP the program works fine. But when I try adding the debug parameters to the JVM- java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=...

Apple's gcc, what's the difference between -arch i386 and -m32 ?

According to Apple's gcc 4.2.1 doc: -arch arch Compile for the specified target architecture arch. The allowable values are 'i386', 'x86_64', 'ppc' and 'ppc64'. Multiple options work, and direct the compiler to produce “universal” binaries including object code for each architecture specified with -arch. This option o...

How to change options of <select > with jQuery?

Suppose a list of options is available,how to update the <select> with new ones? ...

wordpress custom admin page - checkbox

I'mt trying to create a plugin which adds a custom page in the admin panel. I have a checkbox with name "deposit_sandbox" if check true it should update the option in the database to true, if not selected it should update the option in the database to false. how do I check if a checkbox was selected and then update the database with upd...

Filter duplicate options from select dropdown

I have a dropdown selector generated from a list and want to filter the options to remove the duplicate entries. e.g. I want to filter ... <select name="company"> <option "1">Microsoft</option> <option "2">Microsoft</option> <option "3">Microsoft</option> <option "4">Microsoft</option> <option "5">Apple</option> ...

Dynamic options object for jQuery plugin (examples of)

Is anyone aware of any jQuery plugins that can work with a dynamic options object? What I mean is, I need to be able to pass in: $('div').somePlugin({title : 'title1', label : function(element){}, etc.}); and also $('div').somePlugin({name : 'name1', url : function(element){}, event : 'event1', etc.}); So the ...

Tunnel a proxy through a proxy in cURL for PHP?

Hello! I'm trying to test open proxies to figure out who to block from my site, but I'd like to do that through a proxy of my own. Using PHP and cURL, how would I go about doing so? Is this what CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL is possibly used for..? pseudo code: Server (IP address A) connects to it's own proxy server (IP address B), which fo...

Select substring based on a string of options.

I have the following code // this text box can contain a URL such as: // http://vimeo.com/ // http://www.youtube.com/ // and so on. var text = $('#myTextBox').val(); var providers = "youtube|flickr|viddler|qik|revision3|hulu|vimeo"; if( text.match(providers).length > -1) { var selectedProvider = ???; } the match method looks i...

F#: Can someone explain my compiler error?

Anyone know what the problem with this code is? let rec Foo(a,b) = match a () with | None -> Some(b) | Some(c) -> Some(Foo(c,b)) Here's the compiler error: "Type mismatch. Expecting a 'a but given a 'a option The resulting type would be infinite when unifying ''a' and ''a option'" ...

Hide select option in IE using jQuery

Currently I am using jQuery to hide/show select options using following code. $("#custcol7 option[value=" + sizeValue + "]").hide(); This works fine in Firefox, but doesnt do any good in other browsers. How to I hide options from select in Chrome, Opera and IE? ...

Options, Settings, Properties, Configuration, Preferences — when and why?

There are several words with similar (in some sense) meaning: Options, Settings, Properties, Configuration, Preferences English is not my native language. Could you explain the difference in simple English please? I think the following template could be useful: Use XXX in your GUI in order to let people change behaviour of y...

A good C alternative for Boost.Program_options?

Any good alternative written in C to replace Boost.Program_options? Given it's able to parse: Short options like -h Long options like --help --input-file Parse repeated keys/options Accepts key-value pairs: --mysql=/usr/lib Parsing environmental variables and XML/INI files is optional. ...

Adding an Option to a Select Element with javascript using the Prototype library

Hey Guys n Gals! Want a to add an option dynamically to an Select element using prototype. There seems to be a lot of different ways to do it out there, all to do with options.add etc... Not seen much in the way of cross-browser ways. Want it to be as light-weight as possible. This is what I have got so far. It's just the appending ...

Nested Choices in a python program

I have a script that I wrote in python for testing out the sorting algorithms that I've implemented. The main part of the program asks the user to select on of the sort algorithms from a list. And then whether they would like to sort from a file of numbers or select a list of random numbers. I have it setup (i think) so that typing a num...