
Magento Bundled Product Restrictions

We need to represent computer systems on our Magento site. We're going to use bundled products to represent these systems. We'd like certain computer systems to have various options available (for example, mainboard, RAM, CPU, etc.). However, we want to prevent our customers from configuring the system with incompatible parts (i.e. us...

Sass options in Rails when installed as a Gem

I have Haml/Sass installed as a Gem and using it with Rails. I can't figure out, how to pass options like template_location and style to Sass. Sass::Plugin.options doesn't work (since Haml/Sass isn't installed as a plugin). The gem is required through Rails::Initializer#gem. Thanx a lot for help! ...

One-liner for Setting Global Default Options for Unix/Linux Commands - Best Practices

I consistently run the ruby sudo gem install mygem command with these two options on my production system: sudo gem install mygem --no-ri --no-rdoc I do that to save a little on space and on how long it takes to setup the documentation. Is there a way (other than hardcoding them into the bin/gem file) to say 'always run this command w...

Adding optgroups to select using javascript dynamically

Hello! I have a dynamically populated (by ajax) select box with resulting options like that: <select id="destination" name="destination"> <option value="london-paris">London-Paris</option> <option value="paris-london">Paris-London</option> <option value="london-newyork">London-New-York</option> <option value="newyork-london">New-York-...

HTML <option> tag tooltip

Hi, I have a tag with many child nodes. I want to keep the width of this drop-down list to a minimum size. However, there are times when the innerHTML of at least one option is very long, forcing the drop-down list box to expand its width. What I'm planning to do is to truncate the long text and use ellipses to denote that some chara...

Set select options with jQuery

Hi, how do I set an option value in select list with jQuery? I tried: $('#SelectGroup :all').replace("tmp4", "abc"); I mean: Search for tmp4 string and replace it with abc. By the way: in the list there are 4 items I don't mind to go directly to entrance #4. Thanks ...

Options for developing a web-based game

I am currently looking around for some tools for developing games on the webs. I want to avoid Flash because I have seen that many Flash games stutter a lot even on mid-end machines. The good thing is everyone has Flash on their computers, but the performance really hurts a lot. So are there some sort of a Game Engine (or other tool) ...

Is Javascript causing my form to not echo selected once error reloads the page?

Hello, I am still new at PHP/Javascript/Ajax and am having a very hard time (been going on for weeks) trouble shooting this problem. My site has a registration to be a member page that requires all fields to be filled out. This is a website for the Cystic Fibrosis community, so there is a section on the form where you choose your relat...

Dropdowns with 10 thousand possible values and sequence-important dropdowns vs. graceful degredation.

Background I have this form that uses javascript exclusively to search through ~5k entries (suppliers) and populate a select dropdown from them (factories, ~10k entries). Right now, it's a javascript-required form. I'd like to make it so that javascript errors no longer render the form unusable, but the number of entries and the seque...

HTML Select Option not recognized when tab and arrows used to select option

This is an odd problem and likely a rookie mistake. For some odd reason, if I use the arrow keys to select a select option from below, it fails to submit unless I deselect by clicking somewhere else on the page. If I keep focus on the select option, the submission will fail to recognize the value. Am I committing some stupid mistake? <s...

Controlling digits in R

There is an option in R to get control over digit display. For example: options(digits=10) is supposed to give the calculation results in 10 digits till the end of R session. In the help file of R, the definition for digits parameter is as follows: digits: controls the number of digits to print when printing numeric values. It...

Option Compare Text in Classic ASP

This should be a TOTAL no-brainer, but I haven't really written any classic ASP code in like 10 years and just cannot remember how to do this, and can't find it on google. All I'm looking to do is to set a Classic ASP page to use Option Compare Text, but I cannot remember the syntax for this. I've tried all of the following, as the fir...

css - dropdown (option, select)

I have been able to control the width of the option etc. However, you know that the selected option gets highlighted by making background blue and text-color white by default. That blue background is not covering the entire width of the selected option. The blue background is covering the entire text though. However, I would like it to...

Is there something like an "Options" library for .NET?

I'm working on a plugin system. Some plugins need user input. I would like them to be able to report to the main application what input they need and have the main application decide how to get it. It seems like there might be some kind of library designed for specifying options like this. So like the plugin could return some kind of Opt...

Where should addins for Office 2010 put their Options GUI? (and how?)

Up until Office 2007 it was common for addins to add a tab page to the main Options dialog (Tools|Options) where users could configure the addin's settings. While this essentially still works in Office 2010 the way it is implemented seems like a backwards-compatibility clutch similar to the "COM-Addins" tab on the new ribbon where button...

options menu in android application

hey … i want to open up options menu by clicking upon my own created button … is it possible ? if so, please help me out … thanks in advance ...

jQueryUI setting options in a variable - syntax for effects

$(function(){ var dialogOpts = { autoOpen: false, height: 400, width: 600, position: ["center", "center"], modal: false, closeOnEscape: true, stack: true, draggable: true, show: "clip", hi...

Jquery .Show() .Hide() not working as expected

I'm trying to use the show and hide to display a different set of select options when a certain report type is selected. I have a couple problems with this: The .show .hide only execute properly if I pass params, slow fast, in the the first result of my conditional statement. If I take out the params or pass params in both results, onl...

create jquery array to use as options

Hi all, I'm sure this is really simple, but I can't seem to get it working. I have a "time" select list, which has a number as "rel" attached to each option. If the user changes the time select, I want a new list of options to display depending on what is selected. If that makes sense? Here's my first select: <select name="time" id="ti...

List categories with checkbox in Wordpress Options?

Hi Guys, How would I go about displaying all of a site’s categories in checkboxes in my options panel? I can get a dropdown select menu to work, I just have no idea how to implement checkboxes. Code Here from Net Tuts: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/wordpress/how-to-create-a-better-wordpress-options-panel/ http://pastie.org/885320...