
How to read a CLOB column in Oracle using OleDb ?

Hi, I have created a table on an Oracle 10g database with this structure : create table myTable ( id number(32,0) primary key, myData clob ) I can insert rows in the table without any problem, but when I try to read data from the table using OleDb connection, I get an exception. Here is the code I use : using (OleDbCon...

unix ksh retrieve oracle query result

Hi guys. I'm working on a small piece of ksh code for a simple task. I need to retrieve about 14 millions lines from a table and then generate a xml file using this informations. I don't have any treatement on the information, only some "IF". The problem is that for writing the file it takes about 30 minutes, and it is not acceptable fo...

Automatic Adjusting Range Table

I have a table with a start date range, an end date range, and a few other additional columns. On input of a new record, I want to automatically adjust any overlapping date ranges (shrinking them, splitting them, or deleting them to allow for the new input -- see algorithm below). I also want to ensure that no overlapping records can a...

Compare and find differences in two tables in Oracle

Hi! i have 2 tables: account: ID, ACC, AE_CCY, DRCR_IND, AMOUNT, MODULE flex: ID, ACC, AE_CCY, DRCR_IND, AMOUNT, MODULE I want to show differences comparing only by: AE_CCY, DRCR_IND, AMOUNT, MODULE and ACC by first 4 characters Example: ID ACC AE_CCY DRCR_IND AMOUNT MODULE -- --------- ------ -------- ------ ------ 1 734647...

What's the difference between OracleServiceORAL service(on Window XP) and Oracle instance?

Hi guys, I want to know what's the difference between OracleServiceORAL service(on Window XP) and Oracle instance. Great thanks. ...

Oracle: Insertion on an indexed table, avoiding duplicates. Looking for tips and advice.

Hi everyone, Im looking for the best solution (performance wise) to achieve this. I have to insert records into a table, avoiding duplicates. For example, take table A Insert into A ( Select DISTINCT [FIELDS] from B,C,D.. WHERE (JOIN CONDITIONS ON B,C,D..) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM A ATMP WHERE ATMP.SOMEKEY = A.SOM...

Oracle & Active Directory : A love/hate relationship

Hi SO'ers, I'm currently trying to access Active Directory via the dbms_ldap API in Pl/Sql (Oracle). The trouble is that I'm not able to connect with my own username and password or anynoymously. However, in C# I can connect anonymously with this code : DirectoryEntry ldap = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://Hostname"); DirectorySearcher sear...

How do you Configure the Connection String for ODP.NET Connection String with FailOver?

Converting to ODB.NET from System.Data.OracleClient and need help converting my connection string. Here is what I use with System.Data.OracleClient. SERVER=(DESCRIPTION_LIST=(LOAD_BALANCE=yes)(FAILOVER=ON)(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=

How can I drop a "not null" constraint in Oracle when I don't know the name of the constraint?

I have a database which has a NOT NULL constraint on a field, and I want to remove this constraint. The complicating factor is that this constraint has a system-defined name, and that constraint's name differs between the production server, integration server, and the various developer databases. Our current process is to check in chan...

Fill data gaps - UNION, PARTITION BY, or JOIN?

Problem There are data gaps that need to be filled. Would like to avoid UNION or PARTITION BY if possible. Query Statement The select statement reads as follows: SELECT count( r.incident_id ) AS incident_tally, r.severity_cd, r.incident_typ_cd FROM report_vw r GROUP BY r.severity_cd, r.incident_typ_cd ORDER BY r.severity_...

Start oracle dequeue on startup

Hi, I got the following error of Oracle, ORA-25226: dequeue failed, queue string.string is not enabled for dequeue And the following is the Cause and Action for it from the official document: Cause: The queue has not been enabled for dequeue. Action: Enable the queue using START_QUEUE. But this error occurs every time when resta...

Oracle SQL: ROLLUP not summing correctly

Hi guys, Rollup seems to be working correcly to count the number of units, but not the number of trains. Any idea what could be causing that? The output from the query looks like this. The sum of the Units column in yellow is 53 but the rollup is showing 51. The number of units adds up correctly though... And here's the oracle SQL ...

Executing oracle sql script with odp .net command object: mutual exclusive error messages

I'm trying to build a test environment to test an app against oracle and sql server. The aim is to have the same code base for both test scenarios, the only difference should are some SQL/DDL/... statements that are stored in script files. The problem is that oracle's ODP does not support the execution of scripts but only single commands...

parsing string according to oracle operators with regex

Hi, Basically I was trying to replace the part of string with its actual value which comes immediately after oracle operators. I can do this for limited operators list like {=,>,<} but I wonder that is there any way out to gather all the operators rather than giving them by hands? For instance, I have this string; "a = xyz", then I will...

Select result in single cell

How can i select all id's for records in single cell? For example: --example select of all values select id, name, address, phone from table And get all id's where phone like '%555%' and show them in single field like: '111 123 234 321 231 234' ...

Display query results like \G in MySQL when using Oracle / sqlplus?

In MySQL, you can use \G to run a query: select * from mytable\G And your results will be displayed in an inverted table, kinda like this: *************************** 1. row *************************** column1: 12345 another_colum: another value yet_another: ABCD *************************** 2....

Should we put our Reporting data warehouse on our Transaction database Server.

We are about to add a Reporting Data Warehouse to our system. Currently we are using Oracle 10g for our transaction database. Should we put the Reporting Warehouse on physically different hardware? or can we "go cheap" and share the Transaction Server? ...

Problem with oracle stored procedure - parameters

I have this stored procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "LIQUIDACION_OBTENER" ( p_Cuenta IN NUMBER, p_Fecha IN DATE, p_Detalle OUT LIQUIDACION.FILADETALLE%TYPE ) IS BEGIN SELECT FILADETALLE INTO p_Detalle FROM Liquidacion WHERE (FILACUENTA = p_Cuenta) AND (FILAFECHA = p_Fecha); END; / ...and my c# code: ...

need help optimizing oracle query

I need help in optimizing the following query. It is taking a long time to finish. It takes almost 213 seconds . because of some constraints, I can not add an index and have to live with existing ones. INSERT INTO temp_table_1 ( USER_ID, role_id, participant_code, status_id ) WITH A AS (SELECT USER_ID user_id,ROLE_ID, STATUS_ID,parti...

Is an Oracle 9i Client compatible with an Oracle 11g Server?

We currently have an Oracle 9i Client running on an HPUX Itanium platform and are looking at upgrading the Server from an Oracle 9i Windows 2000 Server to an Oracle 11g W2K3 Server. Is an Oracle 9i Client compatible with an Oracle 11g Server? Are there any problems with this configuration or is it recommended to upgrade the Oracle 9i C...