
Character set issues with Oracle Gateways, SQL Server, and Application Express

I am migrating data from a Oracle on VMS that accesses data on SQL Server using heterogeneous services (over ODBC) to Oracle on AIX accessing the SQL Server via Oracle Gateways (dg4msql). The Oracle VMS database used the WE8ISO8859P1 character set. The AIX database uses WE8MSWIN1252. The SQL Server database uses "Latin1-General, case-i...

Oracle - Getting Select Count(*) from ... as an output parameter in System.Data.OracleClient

Greetings all, I have a question. I am trying to build a parametrized query to get me the number of rows from a table in Oracle. Rather simple. However I am an Oracle newbie.. I know in SQL Server you can do something like: Select @outputVariable = count(*) from sometable where name = @SomeOtherVariable and then you can set up an...

Notification in case of data changes in SQL and Oracle

I am in the process of building a system where I need to notify a Window Service in a .net based application in case of any change in the DB table (Insert , Update , Delete). I know this can be done with the ADO.NET Events in SQL. Is there any common solution for Oracle and SQL which can provide these kind of notifications. This needs to...

What is the limit on number of columns in Oracle 10G and Derby Databases.

Until recently I thought limit on number of columns in Oracle DB was 255. But turns out the limit is 1000. Can someone confirm this? Also I was trying to find if there is any similar limit on number of columns in Derby DB, particularly embedded derby java DB ...

Check how old an Oracle database is?

Hi all, So, we have a mirror of a santized version of the production database. Is there anyway (that you know of) to find out how old the database is? i.e. when the database was put on the Oracle server. Thanks for any help! ...

How can I choose different hints for different joins for a single table in a query hint?

Suppose I have the following query: select * from A, B, C, D where A.x = B.x and B.y = C.y and A.z = D.z I have indexes on A.x and B.x and B.y and C.y and D.z There is no index on A.z. How can I give a hint to this query to use an INDEX hint on A.x but a USE_HASH hint on A.z? It seems like hints only take the table name, not the sp...

How Do You Insert Large Blobs Into Oracle 10G Using System.Data.OracleClient?

Trying to insert 315K Gif files into an Oracle 10g database. Everytime I get this error "ora-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested" whe I run the stored procedure. It appears that there is a 32K limit if I use a stored procedure. I read online that this does not apply if you are doing a direct insert, but I do not ...

Transactions not working for SubSonic under Oracle?

The following code sample works perfectly under SQL Server 2005: using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { using (SharedDbConnectionScope scope = new SharedDbConnectionScope()) { MyTable t = new MyTable(); t.Name = "Test"; t.Comments = "Comments 123"; ...

Using memtables in sql. When is it reasonable and is it safe?

I was just reading an update from a friend's project, mentioning the use of memtables to store data temporatily and then flush to a table on disk. Up to now, I have never faced a situation where I would use a memtable, or a situation where I would think the use of a mem table would be beneficial; so I wonder, when would someone use mem t...

Iterating Oracle collections of objects with out exploding them

I'm using Oracle object data types to represent a timespan or period. And I've got to do a bunch of operations that involve working with collections of periods. Iterating over collections in SQL is significantly faster than in PL/SQL. CREATE TYPE PERIOD AS OBJECT ( beginning DATE, ending DATE, ... some member functions...); C...

1 oracle schema support large reques per day , is this safe ?

I 'm java system designer. As we have large project to do tightly, Those projects are java api without webpage. I design to create general flow engine to support all project. This idea use 1 oracle schema , having general transaction table . And others control routing table. They all nearly complete. But DBA Team concern that he i...

How to extract the last name from [email protected] using Oracle?

I need to compare the value of a column (LASTNAME) with a system variable (:VARIABLE), but the variable is an email address, so I need to trim off the "" and "firstname." Some things I've tried: select * from TABLENAME where LASTNAME LIKE :VARIABLE select * from TABLENAME where LASTNAME IN :VARIABLE I've been abl...

How can i get rid of 'ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long' in this query?

this query gets the dominating sets in a network. so for example given a network A<----->B B<----->C B<----->D C<----->E D<----->C D<----->E F<----->E it returns B,E B,F A,E but it doesn't work for large data because i'm using string methods in my result. i have been trying to remove the string methods and re...

Remove Duplicates from LEFT OUTER JOIN

Hey folk my question is quite similar to I have a variation in that request though and the comment didn't allow too many characters hence posting as a new question. I hope this doesn't go against the posting rules/etiquette. Assuming i have a table SHOP and another tabl...

Understanding character encoding in typical Java web app

Some pseudocode: String a = "A bunch of text"; //UTF-16 saveTextInDb(a); //Write to Oracle VARCHAR(15) column String b = readTextFromDb(); //UTF-16 out.write(b); //Write to http response When you save the Java String (UTF-16) to Oracle VARCHAR(15) does Oracle also store this as UTF-16? Does the length of an Oracle VARCHAR refer to nu...

Range partition skip check

We have large amount of data partitioned on year value using range partition in oracle. We have used range partition but each partition contains data only for one year. When we write a query targeting a specific year, oracle fetches the information from that partition but still checks if the year is what we have specified. Since this yea...

Issue configuring Oracle database for SSL

Hello, I want to setup Oracle for SSL communication. I am not using SSL authentication for database user. As first requirement, generated self signed certificate using OpenSSL and added certificate to wallet. The wallet location is specified in server configuration. Created listener and it is starting however it does not provide any ser...

Oracle sample data problems

So, I have this java based data trasformation / masking tool, which I wanted to test out on Oracle 10g. The good part with Oracle 10g is that you get a load of sample schemas with half a million records in some. The schemas are : SH, OE, HR, IX and etc. So, I installed 10g, found out that the installation scripts are under ORACLE_HOME/de...

Does vsize give the correct result for number?

When I create a table as Create Table e_det(eno Number, ename Varchar2(20), sal Number); I inserted eno as 111 ename as jone sal as 2000 vsize(ename) returns 4 because name is 4 characters. vsize(sal); returns 2. Can you explain this? ...

the creation date of a database

This is a question that originated from this question by Jamie. I thought I'll check Dougman's answer. What's happening here? A restore? select created from dba_users where username = 'SYS'; select min(created) FROM dba_objects; select created from v$database; CREATED ------------------------- 10-SEP-08 11:24:44 ...