
Exception when calling stored procedure: ORA-01460 - unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested

I'm trying to call a stored procedure using ADO .NET and I'm getting the following error: ORA-01460 - unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested The stored procedure I'm trying to call has the following parameters: param1 IN VARCHAR2, param2 IN NUMBER, param3 IN VARCHAR2, param4 OUT NUMBER, param5 OUT NUMBER, param6 OUT ...

Reading from a oracle temp table in a separate procedure than the one it was populted in

I have a 2 stored procedures, the first creates an oracle temp table and the second reads from it. The temp table only has scope for that session. I'm calling the procedures from .Net and the second procedure never returns any results. However if I use the same sprocs and parameters in SQL*Plus it works fine. I've tried creating an Orac...

Getting a ResultSet/RefCursor over a database link

From the answers to it seems that it is not possible to call a stored procedure and get the ResultSet/RefCursor back if you are making the SP call across a remote DB link. We are also using Oracle 10g. We can successfully get single value results across the l...

Dropping all user tables/sequences in Oracle

As part of our build process and evolving database, I'm trying to create a script which will remove all of the tables and sequences for a user. I don't want to do recreate the user as this will require more permissions than allowed. My script creates a procedure to drop the tables/sequences, executes the procedure, and then drops the...

Oracle Enterprise Server SOAP/Servlet/SoapRouter

Does anyone know any sample Oracle SOAP XML requests that that queries the database? For example, the url: http://myoracle:7778/oracle/soap/soaprouter/ I'd like to program xml requests and get return xml database. But I have no idea on the Oracle SOAP format. Please provide an example. ...

need help with a simple SQL update statement.

There's a field with type of varchar. It actually stores a float point string. Like 2.0 , 12.0 , 34.5 , 67.50 ... What I need is a update statement that remove the ending zeros of fields like 2.0 , 12.0 , change them to their integer representation , that is 2 , 12 ...,and leave 3.45 , 67.50 unchanged . How should I do this ? I am using ...

Using CONNECT BY to get all parents and one child in Hierarchy through SQL query in Oracle

I was going through some previous posts on CONNECT BY usage. What I need to find is that what to do if I want to get all the parents (i.e, up to root) and just one child for a node, say 4. It seems Like I will have to use union of the following two:- SELECT * FROM hierarchy START WITH id = 4 CONNECT BY id = PRIOR parent union...

Oracle PL/SQL: Dump query result into file

Hi. I'm working on a pl sql stored procedure. What I need is to do a select, use a cursor and for every record build a string using values. At the end I need to write this into a file. I try to use dbms_output.put_line("toto") but the buffer size is to small because I have about 14 millions lines. I call my procedure from a unix ksh. I...

Customer Support Identifier-How to get this?

I was trying to create an account in this site which gives you complete functional implementation of the Oracle Applications 11i ( ) . The site ask...

Exporting database on oracle

Hi, I have a DB on oracle on Windows Server 2003. How do I export it with all the data and put it into other Windows server? ...

How to export data with sql developer?

Hi, How to export oracle DB data with sql developer? I need all data, tables, constrains, structure and so on. Thanks ...

Logback DBAppender url

I'm trying to use Logback's DBAppender. My logback.xml has the following appender: </appender> <appender name="DatabaseAppender" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.db.DBAppender"> <connectionSource class="ch.qos.logback.core.db.DriverManagerConnectionSource"> <driverClass>oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver</driverClass> <url>jdbc:oracle:thin:...

Oracle: error while trying to use formulas

I created an element with an input value of type "Day" , when i write a formula i get this error. Any idea what's wrong? APP-FF-33232: EATC_EXTRA_DAYS_ENTRY_EFFECTIVE_DATE_ENTRY_VALUE has null or not found allowed, but no default set specified. Cause: If a Database Item has null allowed, or not found allowed, the...

manipluation of date in vb

how can we extract system time in vb and do calculation ie. adding or subtracing time then store change time in oracle database table in earlier format . ...

Oracle get previous day records

Ok I think I'm getting the previous year instead of the previous day, but I need to previous day. SELECT TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(CURRENT_DATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD'),'YYYY-MM-DD') - 1 FROM Dual I'm comparing it to a datetime stamp in this format and wish to get all the rows from the previous day. YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS So I'm trying something like thi...

Importing a dmp with partitioned tables into Oracle XE

I've got a schema containing partitioned tables. I can use exp to create a .dmp, but when I import that into Oracle XE, I get errors because Oracle XE doesn't support partitioned tables. How do I get the .dmp imported into Oracle XE? I think pre-creating the tables might do it, but how do I extract the DDL in some automated way to do th...

Where is the C precompiler for Oracle10g located?

I am looking for a newer version of the Pro*C/C++ to upgrade my procui.exe I downloaded the 10g client disk and when install I have the following options: instant client administrator runtime custom I dont seem to able to find the actual program other than just getting some common files. Can someone help? ...

help req for subsonic for oracle database

i m using subsonic with sqlserver its working fine. now wat changes for oracle database req in app.cof ??? .....plz help me ........thanx in advance. ...

View a SYS.XMLTYPE returned from an Oracle function, using PL/SQL

I have an Oracle function that dynamically creates an XML document, and returns it in a SYS.XMLTYPE value. I want to run a query from SQL Developer that calls that function and prints the document (either via a select, or dbms_output - I don't care). But all the examples/documentation seem to refer to querying XML columns in tables, an...

Exporting many tables on Oracle

Hi, I would like to know, how to export many tables from oracle DB. I use exp.exe, create file expdat.dmp and so on. I choose to export only tables and there I must write which ones. Is there any chance of getting all of them? thanks ...