
ORM For .Net ON Oracle

I'm gonna start a new project soon, using .Net 3.5 and Winform on an Oracle database. We were planning on using an ORM. NHibernate was suggested by our architect. Since I'm personally more familiar with Entity Framework, I thought it would be easier to use than NHibernate. But since there isn't any official provision from Oracle, we are ...

Continuation - Viewing FIRST_ROWS before query completes.

I have identified the query constructs my users normally use. Would it make sense for me to create composite indexes to support those constructs and provide FIRST_ROWS capability? If I migrate from SE to IDS, I will lose the ability to write low-level functions with C-ISAM calls, but gain FIRST_ROWS along with other goodies like: SET-RE...

Question about Cost in Oracle Explain Plan

When Oracle is estimating the 'Cost' for certain queries, does it actually look at the amount of data (rows) in a table? For example: If I'm doing a full table scan of employees for name='Bob', does it estimate the cost by counting the amount of existing rows, or is it always a set cost? ...

Getting results in a result set from dynamic SQL in Oracle

This question is similar to a couple others I have found on StackOverflow, but the differences are signficant enough to me to warrant a new question, so here it is: I want to obtain a result set from dynamic SQL in Oracle and then display it as a result set in a SqlDeveloper-like tool, just as if I had executed the dynamic SQL statement...

JBoss JDBC warning - "Unable to fill pool"

We're getting this random warning from JBoss.. any idea why? It happens at random times when there are no active threads. Everything works when any processing resumes. 13:49:31,764 WARN [JBossManagedConnectionPool] [ ] Unable to fill pool org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Could not create connection; - nested throwable: (ja...

JDBC query to Oracle

Hi, We are planning to migrate our DB to Oracle.We need to manually check each of the embedded SQL is working in Oracle as few may follow different SQL rules.Now my need is very simple. I need to browse through a file which may contain queries like this. String sql = "select * from test where name="+test+"and age="+age; There are near...

Statically Compiled Oracle Client Drivers/Code

Hello, I'm looking to write a command-line program that can execute database scripts against an Oracle server, however the machine the program will be run on may not have an Oracle client installed on it. I also don't want to rely on a language that requires a VM as there's no guarantee that the VM will be installed, so a language like...

[Oracle/PHP]Is it possible to pass an array to a PL/SQL procedure?

If it is possible, how does the parameter need to look like in the procedure? And how do you pass an array to a procedure? ...

Transaction Isolation on select, insert, delete

What could possibly go wrong with the following transaction if executed by concurrent users in the default isolation level of READ COMMITTED? BEGIN TRANSACTION SELECT * FROM t WHERE pid = 10 and r between 40 and 60 -- ... this returns tid = 1, 3, 5 -- ... process returned data ... DELETE FROM t WHERE tid in (1, 3, 5) INSERT INTO t (tid...

How do I use C# and ADO.NET to query an Oracle table with a spatial column of type SDO_GEOMETRY?

My development machine is running Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit version. I am using Visual Studio 2010 Release Candidate. I am connecting to an Oracle 11g Enterprise server version I had a difficult time locating Oracle client software that is made for 64-bit Windows systems and eventually landed here to download what I assume...

Simple oracle backup without using exp or expdp

I have Oracle 10g installed on Windows in C:\oracle. If I stop all Oracle services, is it safe to backup by just copying the entire directory (e.g., to C:\oracle_bak), or am I significantly better off using expdp? Pointers to docs/websites very welcome, I wasn't able to Google up anything relevant. ...

Dequeue notification table in Oracle

I have implemented below sample. It is working fine. I am planning to integrate with this .net application. As soon i read the entry i would like to dequeue the entry. Can any one tell how i can achive that. Meanwhile i am trying AQ. But it does not have good ...

UNIX script to convert queries

I need a UNIX shell script to convert my queries from Java compatible to Oracle compatible format. ie. I have all the java compatible queries: java: SELECT a, b, c, d, e, f,g "+// "from test where year(timestamp)=year(today) and month(timestamp)=month(today) " +// "and day(timestamp)=2 and h='" + "W" + "'" Oracle SELEC...

Dynamic SQL not working as expected

create or replace procedure createtables Authid current_user as begin execute immediate 'create table newcustomer as select * from customer'; end; create or replace procedure e is begin createtables; select * from newcustomer; end; I got two procedures above. first one will create a new tables called newcustomer, second procedu...

How to prevent dbms_output.put_line from trimming leading whitespace?

I am trying to right-align the output of some PL/SQL code, but dbms_output.put_line is trimming the leading whitespace from my strings. How do I make it stop? Or is there a better way to output strings with leading whitespace? dbms_output.put_line(lpad('string', 30, ' ')); outputs: string instead of: string...

ResultSet.getTimestamp("date") vs ResultSet.getTimestamp("date", Calendar.getInstance(tz))

java.util.Date, java.util.Timetamp were seems to be causing great confusion for many. Within StackOverflow there are so many questions, Unfortunately my question is bit twisted. There are 2 JDBC api. How they should perform? Was there any consistencies among RDBMS’es? ResultSet.getTimestamp("dateColumn") ResultSet.getTimestamp("dateCo...

SQL query: how to translate IN() into a JOIN?

I have a lot of SQL queries like this: SELECT o.Id, o.attrib1, o.attrib2 FROM table1 o WHERE o.Id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT Id FROM table1 , table2 , table3 WHERE ... ) These queries have to run on different database engines (M...

"Parameter type conflict" when calling Java Stored Procedure within another Java Stored Procedure

Here's the problem (sorry for the bad english): i'm working with JDeveloper and Oracle10g, and i have a Java Stored Procedure that is calling another JSP like the code: int sd = 0; try { CallableStatement clstAddRel = conn.prepareCall(" {call FC_RJS_INCLUIR_RELACAO_PRODCAT(?,?)} "); clstAddRel.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER...

How can I use "FOR UPDATE" with a JOIN on Oracle?

The answer to another SO question was to use this SQL query: SELECT o.Id, o.attrib1, o.attrib2 FROM table1 o JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT Id FROM table1, table2, table3 WHERE ...) T1 ON = T1.Id Now I wonder how I can use this statement together with the keyword FOR UPDATE. If I simply append it to the query, Or...

Interoperability between Weblogic 10.3.1 and Oracle BPM 10.3.1

Hi, Im migrating an ALBPM 6.5 running on a WLS 10.0 to an Oracle BPM 10.3.1 running on WLS 10.3.1 I got some problems with the Oracle driver because the old driver ( was definitely removed from the server and is not longer supported. Instead I used the thin driver (oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXADataSource...