
ojspc always returns 0 on errors

In my Ant build.xml file, I am trying to compile JSPs using ojspc. The files are being compiled, however, the build process is still running to completion when the JSP compilation has errors. This is part of my build.xml: <java fork="true" jar="${env.ORACLE_HOME}\j2ee\home\ojspc.jar" resultproperty="result"> <jvmarg value="

Glassfish OpenSSO instructions (where to download OpenSSO)?

According to the tutorial, I should go to OpenSSO and download an "express build". However, the download links on the OpenSSO site for the "Express Build 7" appear to require logging in via an account with a paid support contract. How can one currently download the OpenSSO wars? ...

How to access Oracle system tables from inside of a PL/SQL function or procedure?

I am trying to access information from an Oracle meta-data table from within a function. For example (purposefully simplified): CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE MyProcedure IS users_datafile_path VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN SELECT file_name INTO users_datafile_path FROM dba_data_files WHERE tablespace_name='USERS' A...

oracle sql developer is truncating my results

I'm calling a stored function like this: select XML_INVOICE.GENERATE_XML_DOC('84200006823') from dual; The query results then show up in a table underneath, which I can right click and select "Export Data" -> XML <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF8' ?> <RESULTS> <ROW> <COLUMN NAME="XML_INVOICE.GENERATE_XML_DOC('84200006823')" <...

Install error on installing Developer 2k 1.2.1on Virtualized Windows NT

I am trying to install Developer 2k 1.3.2 on a virtualized windows nt system. I am facing the following access exception. An application error has occurred log has been generated ORAINST.exe Exception: Access violation (0xc0000005) , address:0x00ea78ea Can anyone help me understand what might be going wrong ? ...

trigger execution against condition satisfaction

I have created this trigger which should give a error, whenever the value of new rctmemenrolno of table-receipts1 is matched with the memenrolno of table- memmast, but it is giving error in both condition(it is matched or not matched). kindly help me. CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER HDD_CABLE.trg_rctenrolno before insert ON HDD_CABLE.RECEIPTS...

Date type in oracle does not include time values

I have a PHP application using an Oracle XE database. Whenever I add a date the hours minutes, and seconds seem to get left out. Is there some special format, or type I should use to be able to store this? I have tried using to_date, and specifying the format I am using. Many thanks for any suggestions from this confused MySql dvelope...

How to implement nested SQL transactions with ADO.NET?

I need to implement nested transactions in .NET using ADO.NET. The situation is as follows: --> Start Process (Begin Transaction) --> Do DB things --> Begin Transaction for step 1 --> Step 1 --> Commit transaction for step 1 --> Begin transaction for step 2 --> Step 2 --> Rollback transaction for s...

Login as SYS user to Oracle 11g from .NET

Using the Oracle Data Provider for .NET, my application connects to the database using the privileged SYS user. The connection string is as follows: Data Source=MyTnsName;User ID=sys;Password=MySysPassword;DBA Privilege=SYSDBA This works fine with Oracle 10, but Oracle 11 keeps complaining about an invalid username or password. I veri...

Oracle(10) SQL: calculating final sum depending on two field

First the disclaimer: I never learnt any programming in school, and just have to deal with various SQL problems (too). So now I've got two tables, TABLE1: ACCNO BAL1 BAL2 11111 20 10 And TABLE2 (which has the ACCNO key, of course) related rows to '11111': DATENUM AMT 1 -5 2 -10 3 8 4 -23 5 100 6 ...

DBD::Oracle and utf8

Hello, I have some troubles inserting an UTF8 string into an oracle 10 database on Solaris, using the latest DBD::Oracle on perl v5.8.4. This are my DB settings > --------SELECT * from NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS------------------------------- > NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET AL16UTF16 > NLS_LANGUAGE AMERICAN > NLS_TERRITORY AMERICA NLS_CURRENCY $...

How to loop through columns in an oracle pl/sql cursor.

I am creating a dynamic cursor and I would like to loop over the columns that exist in the cursor. How would I do that? For example: create or replace procedure dynamic_cursor(empid in varchar2, RC IN OUT sys_refcursor) as stmt varchar2(100); begin stmt := 'select * from employees where id = ' || empid; open RC for...

Compare values in each column of two Oracle Types

I've been playing around with the pluto-test-framework today, and I'd like to get some existing functions into a test harness with it. I have lots of functions with this type of specification. FUNCTION DO_SOME_STUFF (pOldSchedule IN SCHEDULE_OBJ, pNewSchedule OUT SCHEDULE_OBJ, ...

Oracle Trigger to persist value

I have a column that I need to be able to guarantee never gets set to anything other than "N" - I thought a trigger would be the perfect solution for this, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it so that anytime the column gets set to something other than "N" I reset it back to "N" Any pointers? EDIT: I wouldn't want to do a cons...

ADO.NET Known Issues?

So, I'm starting a new Project in my company, and it's kinda big. We are going to use .NET 3.5, and I wish to known if there are any know bugs or perfomance issues that could give weird behaviour for my project? I'm reading some things about EFv4 and all they say is that EFv3.5 have too many problems. After all, what's the best and fast...

Need to transform the rows into columns for the similar ID's in oracle

Hi, I need to transform the rows into columns for the similar ID's in oracle e.g. The following is the result I will get if i query my database Col1 Col2 Col3 ---- ---- ---- 1 ABC Yes 1 XYZ NO 2 ABC NO I need to transform this into Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 ...

replace function in dml statements in oracle 8i

Can we use Replace() function in an update statement ? If yes then how? I have a column enrollno having values like '800-00001' to '800-01800'. I want to replace initial '800-' to '800' in all 1800 records. (Output should be '8000001' to '80001800') Is it possible through replace function or any other option is there in ORACLE8i ? M...

Commit In loop gives wrong output?

I am trying to insert 1 to 10 numbers except 6and 8 in table messages,but when i fetch it from table mesages1, output is coming in this order 4 5 7 9 10 1 2 3 It should be like this 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 According to the logic ,it works fine when i omit commit or put it some where else, Please explain why it is happening? this is my code. ...

How to optimize an Oracle query that has to_char in where clause for date

I have a table that contains about 49403459 records. I want to query the table on a date range. say 04/10/2010 to 04/10/2010. However, the dates are stored in the table as format 10-APR-10 AM (time stamp). As a result when I do SELECT bunch,of,stuff,create_date FROM myTable WHERE TO_CHAR (create_date,'MM/DD/YYYY)' >= ...

DATE lookup table (1990/01/01:2041/12/31)

I use a DATE's master table for looking up dates and other values in order to control several events, intervals and calculations within my app. It has rows for every single day begining from 01/01/1990 to 12/31/2041. One example of how I use this lookup table is: A customer pawned an item on: JAN-31-2010 Customer returns on MAY-03-...