
Recursive SQL giving ORA-01790

Using Oracle 11g release 2, the following query gives an ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression: with intervals(time_interval) AS (select trunc(systimestamp) from dual union all select (time_interval + numtodsinterval(10, 'Minute')) from intervals where time_interval < systimestamp) sel...

OCI8 functions not found when run by apache with php5

I'm trying to set up a server for a project in my databases class. I'll be writing the project in php, deploying it via apache, and connecting to a remote oracle server. I'm having trouble with the oracle connection portion. I have the OCI8 module installed with oracle's instantclient version 10.2. I thought it was working because when I...

Can someone explain ORA-29861 error in plain english and its possible cause?

I have an application implemented in Grails framework using underlying Hibernate. After it runs for a while, I got an Oracle DB error and resolved it by rebuilding the offending index. I wonder if anyone can propose the possible cause(s) and ways to prevent it from happening. Caused by: org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLExce...

How to log the raw SQL from Oracle occi C++ api?

One of our customers is complaining our application is not working. Their reasoning is that our sql function call to their Oracle database is not getting the "expected" result. Sometime, it should failed but our application get success from their database. It's really frustrating because it's their database and we cannot do any test on i...

Autoincrement Primary key in Oracle database

Hi i would like to achieve something like CREATE TABLE RollingStock ( Id NUMBER IDENTITY(1,1), Name Varchar2(80) NOT NULL ); in Oracle how do i do it ? Thanks in advance ...

Speed Difference between native OLE DB and ADO.NET

I'm looking for suggestions as well as any benchmarks or observations people have. We are looking to rewrite our data access layer and are trying to decide between native C++ OLEDB or ADO.NET for connecting with databases. Currently we are specifically targeting Oracle which would mean we would use the Oracle OLE DB provider and the OD...

asp code for upload data

hello everyone i have this code for uploading an excel file and save the data into database.I m not able to write the code for database entry. someone please help <% if (Request("FileName") <> "") Then Dim objUpload, lngLoop Response.Write(server.MapPath(".")) If Request.TotalBytes > 0 Then Set objUpload = New vbsUpload For lngLoop ...

Sequential (comb) GUIDs for Oracle

We are in the process of switching from the C# Guid.NewGuid() random-ish guid generator to the sequential guid algorithm suggested in this post. While this seems to work well for MS SQL Server, I am unsure about the implications for Oracle databases, in which we store guids in a raw(16) field. Does anyone have any insight as to whether t...

Can I use Bind Variables with and Oracle 8i?

Hello, due to the lack of an testing environment I need to know if the following scenario will work: I have installed the Oracle Data Provider for .Net version In production I'll have to communicate from my C# application with two Databases, an Oracle 8i and 9i. Does Oracle 8i support Bind Variables in this scenario? I'm li...


What is the difference between these two statements? dbms_output.new_line(); // with no parameters. dbms_output.new_line; // with no parameters,no round brackets If there is function overloading,even for that close and open brackets are required after function name. ...

Weblogic 10.3, JDBC, Oracle, SQL - Table or View does not exist

Hi, I've got a really odd issue that I've not had any success googling for. It started happening with no changes to the DB, connection settings, code etc. Problem is, when accessing a servlet, one of the EJB's is doing a direct SQL call, very simple "select \n" + " value, \n" + " other_value \n" + " from \n" + " some_table \n" + " ...

sqlplus report - XML data being truncated

I am running a query that returns XML data and spools to a file. I'm having a problem where the output of the query is being truncated. Here's what it looks like: XMLDATA ---------------------------------------- <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <msgs> ...

php sql server help needed

Can any one suggest me a good framework for working with SQL Server or Oracle. ...

Parsing Web Service Response in Oracle 9i

I'm having trouble parsing an XML response from a web service. I have a feeling this is due to a namespace issue. But, after 4 hours of research, trial-and-error, and head-banging I haven't been able to resolve it. Please help. My goal is to get a dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList that contains "ERRORS" nodes. XML Response: <?xml version="1....

How to call update query in procedure of oracle

hello friends I have one table, t1, which has fileds called userid, week and year fields. I want to call a procedure which takes all three values as arguments and fires an update query. How can i do it? My update query should be like update t1 set week = (value of procedure argument) , year = (value of procedure argu...

how to access oracle storedprocedure from from mvc +nhibernate

how to call a oracle database storedprocedure from mvc using nhibernate and how to use sys_refcursor to display a data in view pages give me sample application . thanks ...

Where to find free-to-use, complex test databases?

I need a database for testing a data masking solution. Any database would do (Oracle/MSSQL flavor). I just need the schema / db definition. I have tools to generate data records. The magnitude of database I am looking should have 30 odd tables with 30 odd columns in each table - a HUGE database. Do freely available complex database /sc...

XSD data set with Oracle database

Hi folks, I'm having a major issue with an XSD dataset mapping thingy that I'm using within my current project. We are using XSDs for some data abstraction (it's quicker and debatably more maintainable that using Parameterised SQL or a StoredProc), and on my machine (running in the VS development environment) thy're working fine. Howe...

Where is the Oracle Bug Database?

They must have hidden the bug database somewhere. I could not find it with Google. Is the bug database public? ...

“Function” calling inside store procedure

Hi, I have a big store procedure, that contains a lot of INSERTs. There're many INSERTS that almost identical - they're different by some parameter(s) (all INSERTs to the same table) Is there a way to create a function/method, to which I'll pass the above parameter(s) and the function/method will generate concrete INSERT's? Thanks ...