
Optimizing Oracle Query

Running explain plan on this query I am getting Full table Access. Two tables used are: user_role: 803507 rows cmp_role: 27 rows Query: SELECT r.user_id, r.role_id, r.participant_code, MAX(status_id) FROM user_role r, cmp_role c WHERE r.role_id = c.role_id AND r.participant_code IS NOT NULL AN...

Free/OSS Data model diagram generator from DDL

I am looking for some free/oss to reverse engineer from DDL a data model diagram. My database is Oracle if that matters. Do any exist? ...

Oracle Schema upgrade with new constraint- how can I reduce upgrade down time ?

I have a oracle repository up and running and has say 10 million records. One of the table is say CREATE TABLE TABLE_A NAME VARCHAR2(128), VER VARCHAR2(128), TYPE VARCHAR2(32), DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(256), CONSTRAINT TABLE_A_PK PRIMARY KEY ("NAME","VERSION"); This table is being used for long and now say I have a requirement to change...

How do I get an Oracle SCHEMA as DDL scripts with DBMS_METADATA (and SCHEMA_EXPORT)

I am having troubles to extract the DDL for a given schema with DBMS_METADATA, probably because my understanding of it is wrong. Here's what I basically do: set termout off create table copy_dml_schema(c clob, i number); declare m number; t number; e number; c clob; i number := 0; begin e := dbms_meta...

comparing a column with itself in WHERE clause of oracle SELECT

Hi, I have a multi-table SELECT query which compares column values with itself like below: SELECT * FROM table1 t1,table2 t2 WHERE t1.col1=t2.col1 --Different tables,So OK. AND t1.col1=t1.col1 --Same tables?? AND t2.col1=t2.col1 --Same tables?? This seems redundant to me. My query is, Will removing them ha...

How to Access Oracle Database Table Column Data within Javascript in Oracle ApEx

Hi, I have a column in a database table that contains several urls and I was wondering what is the best way to get these urls from the database table into a javascript function. Example code of how to approach this would be much appreciated. Thanks. ...

schema in Oracle

I want to know is there any software design the schema of oracle database?I mean if you work with Microsoft Sql U can easily design your database ,see the relation ,all tables and their fields,I want to know is there any software do same work in oracle. I already try to find it in oracle Developer but nothing found! ...

Is it possbile to update data inside a CLOB using SQL ?

I have a table having one clob column which has XML data in it. say i want to replace XYZ with ABC in clob column. Is it possible using sqlplus? ...

Migration tool from TSQL to PL/SQL?

We need to migrate our database from MSSQL to Oracle and we have over 100 stored procedures written in PL/SQL TSQL. I know its a long shot, but has anybody ever successfully used an automatic migration tool to do the work? I've seen some tools on the web, but I have no way to judge their ability to handle various code. Any personal exper...

oracle select if there is no entry in second table

I've two tables where I like to select from the second table where it has a foreign key to first table. The conditions are: (1). The qty field of second table must have a value greater than 0 Or (2). First table record doesn't have a corresponding entry in the second table. ...

setTimeout Not Working Oracle Apex

Hi, I am trying to run this code from this thread in StackOverflow in Oracle ApeX and it looks as if the setTimeout call is not working as suppose to: [see thread][1] <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Dashboard Example</title> <style type="text/css"> body, html { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } ifram...

How to get 0 value when count(*) returns null on multiply values

I have a table that contains error codes and entry times (among other things). What I need is a way to count the amount of lines with the same error code (that I choose) for the last hour, and to string the result the error code. SELECT COUNT(*) || ',' || error_code as amount_and_code FROM my_table WHERE error_code in (5001, 5002, 5003,...

how to convert csv to table in oracle

How can I make a package that returns results in table format when passed in csv values. select * from table(schema.mypackage.myfunction('one, two, three')) should return one two three I tried something from ask tom but that only works with sql types. I am using oracle 11g. Is there something built-in? ...

Oracle SQL script giving errors!

I get this error when trying to run this Oracle SQL script. Any help please? Error messages ((29,21) expected token:; [ ) * + , - / = > DROP WHERE HAVING AND OR NOT ON JOIN FROM GROUP ((34,21) expected token:; [ ) * + , - / = > DROP WHERE HAVING AND OR NOT ON JOIN FROM GROUP ((39,21) expected token:; [ ) * + , - / = > DROP WHERE HAVI...

Is there somewhere I can submit SQL code and have the website display a graphic?

I'm trying to create a graphs of my database. Is there somewhere online that offers this service for free? I think it would be a great tool. :) EDIT: Turning this CREATE TABLE pertipoempleado ( id_tipoempleado INT primary key, descripcion VARCHAR2(200) ); CREATE TABLE perarea ( id_area INT primary key,...

Java Oracle connection pooling - Closed Connection exception

Hello, This post is intended to be less of a question and more a confirmation that I'm doing things correctly. I've seen many similar posts but I'm not sure I fully understand everything that's been said. The problem is that, after a certain amount of time, I get an exception when trying to establish a connection to my oracle database....

subquery using IN clause

---------- User ---------- user_ID(pk) UserEmail ---------- Employer1 ---------- Emp1ID(pk) Emp1NO ---------- Employer2 ---------- Emp2ID(pk) Emp2NO ---------- Project ---------- ProjEmpID ProjEmpMGRID I need to display User Email ID. The relation between the table goes like this: In the Employer(1&2) table EmpID contains the value ...

oracle insert if row not exists

insert ignore into table1 select 'value1',value2 from table2 where table2.type = 'ok' When I run this I get the error "missing INTO keyword" . Any ideas ? ...

How to use concatenation '||' with distinct clause of SELECT query?

Hi, I get a missing expression error when I try, SELECT 'label1:'||distinct col1 from tab1; Is there a way to get around this error? Thanks in advance. Edit: The entire query is: SELECT 'label1:'||distinct col1 from tab1 order by col1; ...

Getting objects from a relational table in with Oracle pl/sql procedure.

I want to retrieve rows from an oracle table and convert them into objects. I am currently using a refcursor result and a datareader in c# to manually convert the rows to objects but this seems messy. Is their a better way of converting rows from a relational table to objects? EDIT: The project I'm on is not using any ORM tools so unf...