
What are some good Oracle Db maintenance Tools.

We have grown from a small time of 2-3 developers to about 30 developers very quickly. We supposedly never needed Source Control, or Db Monitoring or Schema diagrams. Now we see more and more terrible code being moved to the Production. Is there an off the shelf product for oracle that will help manage version control and deployment ma...

What's the difference between the Oracle SYS and SYSTEM accounts?

What are the differences between the Oracle SYS and SYSTEM built in accounts? Edit: Apart from 3 letters! ...

oracle insert with many bind variables over WAN is very slow

Hello, we have problem with slow insert statement using 40 bind variables as columns values. It runs several seconds when running over WAN link and we were not able to nail down the problem, until we used network analyzer. Every single execution of this prepared query required exchanging over 120 packets between client and server to com...

Testing SQL query on Oracle which includes a remote database

Our development databases (Oracle 9i) use a remote database link to a remote shared database. This decision was made years ago when it wasn't practical to put some of the database schemas on a development machine - they were too big. We have certain schemas on the development machines and we make the remote schemas look local by using ...

CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF with Conditions

Hi, Hoping someone can assist me - have a hierarchical set-up going on a table using the whole START WITH and CONNECT BY clauses, which I am using to set-up a vertical-aligned menu system that can expand out to the right, depending if a menu option has children and total number of Levels. Also, as part of the menu option, if a parent ha...

C# Database abstraction for Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL and DB2

I need an example C# source code that abstracts databases (easy to change from one database to another with minimal code modification). Do you know some sample sites or tutorials with good quality? Specific target databases are as follows: 1. Microsoft SQL Server 2. Oracle 3. MySQL 3. DB2 My specific requirements and encountered issue...

Windows 2008 x64 - WCF IIS - OracleException ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

I have WCF service is hosted in IIS on a Windows 2008 x64 machine. This WCF service needs to access an Oracle database but when it tries to do so it encounters an OracleException with the following error message: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified I tried to test the connection to the Oracle database usin...

Oracle Associative Array TYPE is not able to use in USING statement (If TYPE is declared within Package)

Hi All, If 'Associative Array variable' is declared globally, able to use that in OPEN CURSOR USING statement. If 'Associative Array variable' is declared within package, while use in OPEN CURSOR USING statement, getting compilation error. More details provided below I am storing some values in one Associative Array variable. Late...

no ocijdbc9 in java.library.path

When I try to run Java application, I receive the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc9 in java.library.path I don't have a file "ocijdbc9.*" on my PC, but I have "ocijdbc10.dll" in %ORACLE_HOME%\bin. %ORACLE_HOME% is correctly specified, so I think the problem is that the application...

Importing 3954275 Insert statements into Oracle 10g

How do i import a script with 3954275 Lines of Insert Statements into a Oracle 10g. I can do it with sqlplus user/pass @ script.sql but this is dam slow (even worse the commit is at the end of this 900MB file. I dont know if my Oracle configuration can handle this). Is there a better (faster) way to import the Data? Btw. the DB is empty...

What are the advantages/disadvantages of using Oracle Auto Segment Space Management?

I've been looking at switching many of our Oracle tablespaces over to use automatic segment space management. I know that it helps by managing freelists and the like, but I'm curious if anyone has seen any disadvantages to using this option? Major advantages? Our environment is somewhat a hybrid between an OLTP and Data Warehousing w...

Is it recommended practice to use uniform extent sizes in Oracle tablespaces?

I've been using Oracle for quite some time since Oracle 8i was released. I was new to the database at that time and was taught that it was best to use constant sized extent sizes when defining tablespaces. From what I have read, it seems that today using 10/11g, that Oracle can manage these extent sizes for you automatically and that i...

Can a JBoss JDBC connection be invalidated so that it doesn't get resupplied from the connection pool?

I have a circumstance where a JDBC connection places the Oracle session to which it is attached into a particular state (i.e. DBMS_FLASHBACK enabled mode). It's possible for the exit of this mode to fail (at least theoretically) which means that the session is left in the state erroneously. In this case, the connection can be returned to...

Problems Retrieving the Oracle TimeStamp Field in .Net

I need to begin working with milliseconds in .Net 3.0. The data will be returned from an Oracle Database and if I understand correctly Oracle can only store dates that use milliseconds as a TimeStamp. It does appears that the Date type in .Net can handle milliseconds but when I have tried to retrieve Timestamps from Oracle stored proc...

when will oracle discontinue the 9i database?

The Oracle 9i database is starting to look long in the tooth. When will Oracle discontinue support for it? ...

What is the minimal setup required to deploy a .NET application with Oracle client 11?

What is the minimal setup required to be able to deploy a .NET application that talks to an Oracle database? ...

Oracle: Calling multiple procedures in a batch

I need to call a number of different procedures within an Oracle package successively within a transaction. In fact, I need to call them about 5000 times. I was wondering what syntax I could use to batch these calls to Oracle, so I only need one round trip. I've tried "PACKAGE.PROCA :1, :2; PACKAGE.PROCB :3, :4, :5;" but I get back OR...

How do I execute private procedures in an Oracle package?

This is my first attempt at creating a package, so I must be missing something really really obvious (nothing that I've Googled for seems to even consider it worth mentioning). Obviously, if you have procedures in your package body that are not included in the specification section, then those procedures are private. The problem I've g...

ORA-4030 Oracle : How to resolve

Hi all, In our oracle server(10 g), we are getting ORA-4030 error on sometimes. ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate nn bytes We understood it is related with memory size adjustment. We are trying some memory settings. Other than this, wanted to know, (1) Any specific SQL query usages will be cause this kin...

Optimizing SELECT Query on Oracle 10 Dense Unique Index

I have a table in Oracle 10 with following structure Create Table Bookmarks( BOOKMARKID NUMBER(10,0) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, URL VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR) NOT NULL UNIQUE ) URL has a unique constraint set thus a unique index. There are about 1 million records in this table. I have to frequently check if a bookmark already exists in ...