
T-SQL - how to get around the order by restriction in CTEs

Hi all I have the following CTE. Its purpose is to provide unique Month/Year pairs. Later code will use the CTE to produce a concatenated string list of the Month/Year pairs. ;WITH tblStoredWillsInPeriod AS ( SELECT DISTINCT Kctc.GetMonthAndYearString(DateWillReceived) Month FROM Kctc.StoredWills WHERE DateWillReceived BETW...

Get result from mysql orderd by IN clause

I have the following query SELECT * FROM invoice WHERE invoice_id IN (13, 15, 9, 27) My result is: invoice_id | invoice_number | ... ------------------------------------ 9 | 201006003 | 13 | 201006020 | 15 | 201006022 | 27 | 201006035 | which is the result set I want except that ...

MYSQL Order By Sum of Columns

Hi all, Any idea on how to order the results of a MYSQL query by the sum of two columns rather than by a single column? Select * FROM table ORDER BY (col1+col2) desc I know that won't work., but I hope it conveys what I want to do fairly well. Thanks! ...

linq multiple order DESCENDING

.OrderBy(y => y.Year).ThenBy(m => m.Month); How to set descending order? EDIT: I tried this: var result = (from dn in db.DealNotes where dn.DealID == dealID group dn by new { month = dn.Date.Month, year = dn.Date.Year } into date orde...

Sort MySQL result set using comparison between 2 columns of same value type

Hello, I have a table containing last_updated_1 and last_updated_2 columns, used respectively for text and images update time on a post. I wish I could get a result set of 10 rows based on all time last updated records contained in the 2 columns, ex. row 1 = last_updated_1 record, row 2 = last_updated_2 record, row 3 = last_updated_1 r...

LINQ multiple order by

Hi, I have created a function that has the follwing parameter: List<Expression<Func<CatalogProduct, bool>>> orderBy = null This parameter is optional, If it is filled it should create a order by and than by constuction for me, so that I can order the result on the SQL server. I tried: IOrderedQueryable temp = null; ...

Linq to SQL / C#: How to Order By using property in cross reference table with lambda expressions

I am trying to order a list of products based on the zindex property of the cross reference table with the category table (in this case called 'Chassis'), but I get the following error: Cannot order by type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[System.Int32]'. The following is the method I am using: public IQueryable<E_Product> Pr...

How to do an order by not case sensitive

I'm starting to work with MongoDB and NoRM and I would like to do an orderBy that is not Ccase sensitive, is it possible? Thanks for the help! ...

Dynamic ORDER BY clause in SQL Server 2008 R2

We have a stored procedure where we want to dynamically let the user choose which column to sort the result by, and in which order (ascending/descending). Currently, we have the following ORDER BY clause, but I'm sure it can be optimized. How? ORDER BY CASE WHEN @OrderBy = 'salvnummer' AND @OrderByDirection = 'DESC' THEN salvnummer ...

Syntax error when performing OrderBy<T> on an IEnumerable List

The error message I receive is: At least one object must implement IComparable The code causing this is below: private static IEnumerable<Result> setOrderBy(IEnumerable<Result> value, string order) { if (order.Equals("ASC")) { //value = value.OrderBy(c => c, new SearchService.ResultComparer<Attribute>()); value...

C# LINQ calculated Group By

To take it down to brass tacks, I have a List containing 100 various records. A Car has a Year, Make and Model. I need to be able to : order this according to Year, but I need to: have all Cars that are Ford Explorers appear as a "group" at the end of my List (also ordered according to Year) I'm not sure if I'll have to...

Order By, Group By - Problems

Ok, so here's the issue. Currently I'm using the symfony framework to develop a web app. I'm using MySQL in the backend but want to keep my queries in their doctrine format to avoid any problems if I ever need to change databases. In one section of the web application I'm looking for the last comment associated by any distinct user, s...

What criteria does SQL Server use to order its records, when none is specified on retrieval

Will the order of the record retrieved using a select query, be in the same order if retrieved infinite number of times, each time using a new connection? (to the same table, same select) What order method is used when none is specified?   ...

Using MySql, can I sort a column but have 0 come last?

I want to sort by an column of ints ascending, but I want 0 to come last. Is there anyway to do this in MySql? ...

Sorting a MySQL query with ORDER BY or with PHP sort functions

Hi all, I have a query that I want to sort alphabetically, but the trick is that I want the sorting to treat two columns equally. For instance, if the first row of first_col equals apple and the second row of second_col equals aardvark I want the value in the second row of second_col to be listed before the value in the first row of fir...

sorting error in union query

SELECT DISTINCT rt . d_rev_id , rt . d_rev_code , rt . d_reason , rt . d_rev_status , rt . d_apb , rt . d_cb , pt . d_partid , pt . d_part_no , pt . d_ab , pt . d_abd , pt . d_status , rt . d_part_name , rt . d_part_desc , rt . d_part_type , pnv . d_pn_val , pnv . d_pn_id , cfv . d_optionname , rt . d_projectid , rt . d_abd , rt . d_apbd...

Mysql select order by acts like a string, not a number

How do you order by number if your number can fall below and be bigger than 0? Example Mysql table: |Name|Karma| __________ |Me | -8 | |Bill| 5 | |Tom | 2 | |Saly| 0 | |San.| -3 | Example select query $sql="SELECT karma FROM table ORDER BY karma DESC"; The result I get is this (separated by comma): 5,2,0,-8,-3. Shouldn't...

How to work around ORA-02014: cannot select FOR UPDATE from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.

I want to lock one record in a table. The record is specified as "the next that has ID greater than..." CREATE TABLE test (id number); SELECT id FROM (SELECT id FROM test WHERE id > 10 ORDER BY id) WHERE ROWNUM = 1 FOR UPDATE; This seems intuitive and easy. But it is not. Any ideas? P.S. I do need the existing qu...

order collection by date where some items dont have a value

i have a collection of objects and i am looking to sort by a property that is a DateTime? list.OrderBy(r => r.Milestone) where milestone is a: public DateTime? Milestone { get; set; } it seems to put all of the items with novalue at the top of the sort. Is there anyway to sort by date but put the empty items at the bottom of t...

Can a SharePoint Calculated field check for existence of other columns?

I want to use OrderBy in SPSiteDataQuery to sort items by data, however, the field containing the date differs between the content types. Can this be solved by sorting with a calculated field? I am currently trying to create a calculated field that checks for existence of a field (using ISERROR), if it is found it returns the value, oth...