
Rotate to landscape for views added to the hierarchy manually (iPhone)

I have a simple UIViewController that uses a XIB for its interface. As such, the interface simply comprises a UIView, a UIActivityIndicator and a UILabel. I have the sizing constraints in Interface Builder set to keep the activity indicator and the label centred when the view rotates. The UIViewController is set to return YES for portr...

iPhone UIImagePicker Camera in Landscape Orientation

Is there any good way to set UIImagePicker to landscape orientation? I tried to call setStatusBarOrientation after presentModalViewController like following, [self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight animated: NO ]; However, ...

iPhone SDK: problem managing orientation with multiple view controllers.

I'm trying to build an iPhone application that has two subviews in the main window. Each view has its own UIViewController subclass associated with it. Also, within each controller's implementation, I've added the following method: -(BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: (UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { ret...

FastReport page orientation change in Delphi

Does anybody know how to design report in FastReport so that when user changes page orientation all column headers and data autofits new page width? I couldn't find any anchor mechanism there. Maybe I can do that during run-time? But then I need to catch page orientation change event somehow. Can anybody help? ...

iPhone ad hoc distribution results in wrong orientation

When I created an ad-hoc provision to test my app remotely, the landscape setting malfunctions. The app is supposed to be landscape with the home button on the right. When I create an adhoc provision for one of my devices here, it works fine. One of my devices a coworker is using remotely, however, shows the app in portrait mode (so t...

Android: Wakelock & handling orientation change

I'm using Wakelock in my application to prevent the phone from sleeping when the app is visible. The problem comes when there is an orientation change and the system destroys and re-creates the app in landscape mode. If the wakelock timer has expired in the background the system takes the release of wakelock as an opportunity to switch ...

Android Screen orientation, shake cellphone crashes the application

I am having search application, which loads data retreived from the webservice. While application on create it shows progress dialog once its done with loading data it dismiss the progress dialog. problem is while loading if i change the orientation of the phone it works fine it try to load activity again, but if i start shaking the ce...

iPhone sdk tab bar auto rotate on orientation change

Hi, I have a an application that has a tabbar controller and some navigation controllers inside the tab bar controller. I customized the tab bar by extending it and implementing the shouldAutoRotateOnOrientation Change method and returning YES for specific view controllers that I wish to show allow auto rotation. This works fine until I...

android orientation change

while activity loading if user shake the handset my activity was crashign to fix this i added android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation" to my activity, after that my activity stopped crashing and not calling oncreate again only changing then UI orientation, now i want to load images from drawable-land while orientation change...

How do I specify different layouts for portrait and landscape orientations?

I've seen references to being able to specify two separate layout xml files for an activity, one for Portrait and one for Landscape. I've not been to find any information on how to do that though. How do I specify for each activity which xml file is it's portrait layout and which is the Landscape layout? Is it also possible to speci...

iphone sdk subview/superview orientation problem

Hi guys i have a iphone sdk orientation issue... i push a "holding" view controller onto the navigationController. The holdingViewController uses viewDidLoad to show the navigationController navbar and add a flip button to it and a selector for the flipbutton. it then adds a subview using UIViewAnimationTransitionNone showing a UIView ...

How to make a shortcut/script that checks and toggles screen orientation in Ubuntu 9.10

I have a screen with pivot functionality, and I'd very much like just one shortcut/launcher on my desktop that toggles between two orientations. In my case that would be the two commands: xrandr -o left xrandr -o normal How can I make this a shortcut that checks which orientation is used and make it take appropriate action? I use nvi...

"Something wrong here, didn't expect PACKAGE to be resumed" error in andorid LogCat

I have an Android app modeled after the LunarLander example by Google. I am debugging it on a real device, (Motorola Droid) with Android 2.0. When the orientation changes, the program crashes on a null pointer Exception. Logcat from just before crash: 02-01 00:24:27.956: DEBUG/nate(8358): Starting Game 02-01 00:24:36.878: DEBUG/dalvi...

How to rotate an Info Button with the view?

Hey, I'm just trying to write a view based Application, which only uses the landscape Orientation. Using this Code: application.statusBarOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight; in the ApplicationDidFinishedLaunching Method the Application starts in landscape orientation. The problem is, that if I create a landscape view ...

Photo orientation issue in Three20's TTPhotoViewController ?

Hey There, I'm currently having some troubles with TTPhotoViewController : I try to display some photos (taken from my iPhone 3GS camera), and the orientation of the displayed pictures are almost always erroneous ... I mean that for example a photo taken in landscape mode will sometimes be displayed correctly, sometimes it will be upsi...

How to get notification iPhone device orientation when MPMoviePlayer is palying?

I have added notification observers for UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification in my appDelegate. But it is not getting called when movieplayer is visisble. But works fine with other views. ...

FFmpeg on iPhone - Modifying Video Orientation

I'm messing with h264 videos loaded with FFmpeg on the iPhone 3GS. The problem is any videos recorded in "Portrait" orientation have a transformation matrix applied to them causing them to display rotated 90 degrees counter-clock. From what I understand thus far, I just need to modify the transform matrix in the 'tkhd' atom. The problem...

emacs how to tell window orientation?

hi. How do I tell in emacs window orientation, e.g. if it was created by vertical or horizontal split? alternatively, how can I tell if window can be resized vertically or horizontally? on a related note, is there a tutorial for programming emacs windows, e.g. size, buffers associated, properties, etc.? Thank you very much. was able ...

UITabBar in Landscape with UITableView in Portrait

I am creating a large line graph, composed of several custom UIViews showing different sections of data within UITableViewCells, to facilitate easy scrolling of the graph. The problem is, that since UITableViews don't support horizontal scrolling or more than one cell in any given row, I can only correctly view the data if, while the vi...

handling orientation changes effectively for all controls with small code change

I have a Windows Mobile project built in C#. I have a lot of ready made forms having various controls on it, from Listviews to Editfields. When user changes orientation some elements are not refreshing correctly. For example the Listview's columns are same and doesn't accommodate the new screen width change (scrollbars appear or half of...