
Simple Mapper Pattern C# Code Generation Template

Can anybody recommend a decent C# Mapper Pattern code generation template that plays nicely with SQL stored procedures? I'm looking for something that generates POCO style entity objects, with a static mapper class for transferring data to/from the database through entity objects. I understand that NHibernate can generate POCO style en...

Lisp OODB with SQL backend - or good ORM

Are there any good Lisp OODBs implemented on top of SQL databases, or good Lisp ORM solutions? I want the administrative features and IT-familiarity of a RDMS, but still get the power of OO. Any recommendations? The state of the art, at least in non-commercial solutions, seems not to have advanced much in the past few years. I'd rath...

What are the advantages of using an ORM?

As a web developer looking to move from hand-coded PHP sites to framework-based sites, I have seen a lot of discussion about the advantages of one ORM over another. It seems to be useful for projects of a certain (?) size, and even more important for enterprise-level applications. What does it give me as a developer? How will my code di...

How can I set the schema name used by hibernate entities at query time?

Our application uses Hibernate for ORM, and stores data in several schemas, accessing them with a user whose grants are customized for the application. The schema names are determined at runtime based on data; it's not feasible to include their names in the entity mapping documents. This means that I need a way to tell Hibernate to use...

How to store a dictionary on a Django Model?

I need to store some data on a Django model. These data are not equal to all instances of the model. At first I thought on subclassing the model, but I'm trying to keep the application flexible; if I use subclasses, I'll need to create a whole class each time i need a new kind of object, and that's no good. I'll also end up with a lot o...

Is ORM still the "Vietnam of Computer Science"?

I read this post last night, and I noticed it was from 2006. I could go either way on the ORM, database thing, but I was just wondering if everything bad Jeff said about ORM still applies even now considering the post is from 2006. ...

Choosing ISAM rather than SQL

Many developers seem to be either intimidated or a bit overwhelmed when an application design requires both procedural code and a substantial database. In most cases, "database" means an RDBMS with an SQL interface. Yet it seems to me that many of the techniques for addressing the "impedance mismatch" between the two paradigms would be ...

Methods for interacting with a Pervasive SQL database

I'm in the process of developing a web interface to a service business management application that uses a Pervasive SQL database to store information (not my choice, by the way). At the moment, I'm using the official Pervasive SqlClient implementation with a custom set of query generation classes so I can write code like: new SelectQuer...

Anybody using .netTiers?

Hi I'm considering adopting .nettiers for a new project as it seems to provide a lot of functionality I could use. Is anybody using it in anger (I'm getting the feeling it hasn't got the following it once had) and if so, what are your perceptions of it? Also, I can't find any comparative performance metrics against things like SubSoni...

ORM and SOA in the .NET world

From my experience the major ORM frameworks for .NET (NHibernate, LinqToSql, Entity Framework) work best when they keep track of loaded objects. This works fine for simple client-server applications, but when using three- or more tier architecture with Web Services in a Service Oriented Archtitecture, this is not possible. Eventually, by...

ORM Entity Xml Serialization

I am looking for an ORM to use with .net, I need to be able to do full graph serialization to Xml on the entitys the ORM generates. My own research leads me towards using the WCF and the Entity Framework to achieve this, Is this the best option or is there a simpler way ? ...

ORM for DELPHI win32

Does anyone know about an ORM or something similar for Delphi Win32. ...

Object Relational Mapping Issues: Suggestions needed

I've been trying to come up with a good design pattern for mapping data contained in relational databases to the business objects I've created but I keep hitting a wall. Consider the following tables: TYPE: typeid, description USER: userid, username, usertypeid->TYPE.typeid, imageid->IMAGE.imageid IMAGE: imageid, location, imagetypeid-...

How to get Hibernate session inside a Hibernate Interceptor?

How to get Hibernate session inside a Hibernate Interceptor? I'm trying to use Hibernate to enforce data access by organization id transparently. I have set a global Filter to filter all queries by organization id. Now, I need to use an Entity interceptor to set Organizational Id on all Entities before Save/Update. The organization id...

Using KVC to generate SQL?

Hi, I wonder if it is possible to use KVC to generate SQL. I'm doing a light ORM; I wanna do something like this (pseudocode): for key in object.getKeys sql = sql + formatField(key,objet.value[key]); and get: INSERT INTO Table (Field1) VALUES (1); Is this possible in Objective-C? ...

Is there such thing CASE expression in JPQL?

Let say there is a table: TableA:Field1, Field2, Field3 and associated JPA entity class @Entity @Table(name="TableA") public class TableA{ @Id @Column(name="Field1") private Long id; @Column(name="Field2") private Long field2; @Column(name="Field3") private Long field3; //... more associated getter and setter... } ...

The N-Layer POCO/ DTO quandary

When there were only evil datasets and the microsoft application blocks your transfer objects between layers would be either datasets/datatables or DTO/POCO. I belong to the gang that likes using DTO/POCO. Now with this sudden wave of mapping layers like SubSonic, Entity Framework, NHibernate etc, should I still be using my favourite P...

Are stored procedures obsolete?

Duplicate: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/216569/are-the-days-of-the-stored-procedure-numbered Background We have a consultant who develops web applications using PHP and Ruby on Rails (RoR) who is responsible for designing/maintaining/developing a small web application for our company. I needed to build a data-feed from his MyS...

Adding a Business Layer to ADO .NET Entity Framework

I'm working on my first .NET project (.NET 3.5, ADO.NET and C#). We've built our entity models and are trying to build a clean business objects layer. We've got our basic entity model and we want to add certain business-level semantics to the default data accessors (navigation properties, etc). For example, let's assume that we have a...

Column comparison in Django queries

I have a following model: class Car(models.Model): make = models.CharField(max_length=40) mileage_limit = models.IntegerField() mileage = models.IntegerField() I want to select all cars where mileage is less than mileage_limit, so in SQL it would be something like: select * from car where mileage < mileage_limit; Using ...