
LINQ to XML, ORM or someting "Completely Different"?

I'm working on a Silverlight Project with all the features and limitations that entails. This is an update to a previous product. The intent, in order to be quick to market, is to maintain as much of the back-end (webservices, database, etc..) as at all possible. Our mandate it to only touch the back-end if there is no other way. We'...

JPA not generating "on delete set null" FK restrictions.

I have two related clases JPA-annotated. Alarm and Status. One Alarm can have one Status. What I need is to be able to delete one Status and "propagate" a null value to the Alarms that are in that Status that has been deleted. That is, I need the foreign key to be defined as "on delete set null". @Entity public class Alarm { @Id...

What OR/M tool that supports Linq/Iqueryable would you recommend?

I asked this question reguarding the use of Linq-2-Sql with the Rob Conery's use of the Repository in his MVC Storefront app and got an excellent response from Matt Briggs: L2S is used to generate the DAL, but the only thing that should know about the DAL is the repository, so a translation is made to his domain objects. ...

How well does ASP.NET Dynamic Data work with Nhibernate today?

I know there are a few people working on getting Nhibernate to support ASP.NET Dynamic Data. Anyone got real life experience of using it? ...

Should a Domain Object Contain Its Mapper?

Given a domain object (say, for example, Person), should that object contain its Data Mapper (Person_Mapper)? For example, I could have an inactivate action work in these two different ways: $mapper = new Person_Mapper(); $person = $mapper->load(1); $person->active = false; $mapper->save($person); Or like this: $mapper = new Perso...

How do I map a one-to-one association with NHibernate using foreign key generator?

So far the association works fine (the User class loads the appropriate UserRoles instance when present), but when creating a new User and setting its Roles property to a new instance of UserRoles, the UserRoles object is not saved. Here is my abridged User.hbm.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:...

SubSonic data layer that returns POCOs instead of SubSonic's ActiveRecord objects

I want to use SubSonic (2.2) in an application I'm building because I like its simplicity and it handles any type of query I can foresee needing. At the same time, I want to keep the upper layers of my application de-coupled from the Subsonic Types. I want to return just Plain Old C# Objects and also pass in POCOs to be saved. But here'...

How to get into SubSonic?

Hi anybody, a month ago i searched for some tools that will generate c# classes out for my sql database/tables. so i don't have to write DAL classes manually and to save a lot of time. i came across "ORM" and subsonic. i watched the webcasts on the homepage http://subsonicproject.com/ and was pretty impressed by it. but i am still miss...

What are the differences and pros and cons of these ORM tools/technologies?

Duplicate: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/66156/whose-data-access-layer-do-you-use-for-net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/380620/what-object-mapper-solution-would-you-recommend-for-net-closed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/217655/using-entity-framework-entities-as-business-objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/146087/...

Is It Incorrect to Make Domain Objects Aware of The Data Access Layer?

I am currently working on rewriting an application to use Data Mappers that completely abstract the database from the Domain layer. However, I am now wondering which is the better approach to handling relationships between Domain objects: Call the necessary find() method from the related data mapper directly within the domain object Wr...

Any Python OLAP/MDX ORM engines?

I'm new to the MDX/OLAP and I'm wondering if there is any ORM similar like Django ORM for Python that would support OLAP. I'm a Python/Django developer and if there would be something that would have some level of integration with Django I would be much interested in learning more about it. ...

Tranfer data between Object-relational mapper and Data Access Layer using DTO

Does it make sense to transfer data between Object-relational and Data Access Layer using DTO? When would this pattern be useful and when would it be an anti-pattern ...

Many-to-many mapping with extra columns in join table

Here is the domain that I wish to have: public class Person { public int Id { get; set; } public IList<AcquiredCertificate> AcquiredCertificates { get; set; } } public class AcquiredCertificate { public Person Acquirer { get; set; } public Certificate Certificate { get; set; } public DateTime DateAcquired; } public class Certific...

fast/right way to create Domain-Objects out of database

i have in the database typical tables like user, usergroup, and they have relations. in my domain-model i want that if you request users, you will get the users and each user has the property belongsto, which means these are the groups he belongs to. in the property i want to have the list of groups (typesafe as groups) the same should...

Best ORM Tool

I am looking for the best ORM tool for my upcoming .net web project. I have come across Tier Developer and MS Entity Model framework as the some of the choices. Does anyone guide me which one would be the best? Entity Framework model seems to have issues with referential integrity constraints (cascade delete). Which one would be a better...

NHibernate Update Not working

Hey Everyone.. I can't get my update to work. The test fails and I do not see any update statements being sent to the database. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? This is my repository update procedure: public void UpdateProject(Project proj) { Session.Update(proj); } This is the unit test I am trying: [Test] pub...

Modeling Entities with Things in Common: Super-type/Sub-type?

I will be using LLBLGen to generate a model, however I don't want to solve my design issues by just using whatever built-in inheritance tools it has. I want the model to make sense regardless of the OR/M tool. So, I have several different kinds of entities that can have addresses and each entity can have multiple address (primary, maili...

NHibernate on legacy DB.

I'm ashamed to say it, but I have to. I have not worked with ORM's. I'm really considering NHibernate as it seems to be the most mature product for .Net out there (please correct me if I'm wrong). Now, the thing is that we have a big e-commerce/booking system with an SqlServer as the main integration point, containing quite a lot of busi...

ORM (object relational manager) solution with multiple programming language support

Is there a good ORM (object relational manager) solution that can use the same database from C++, C#, Python? It could also be multiple solutions, e.g. one per language, as long as they can can access the same database and use the same schema. Multi platform support is also needed. Clarification: The idea is to have one database and ...

HQL in operator and parameters

Hello. There is need for quering NHibernate for several instances of the entity. I've tried following code, but it failed with wired NRE indepth of NHibernate. var query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery("from User u where u.id in (:ids)"); query.SetParameterList("ids", new Guid[]); query.ToList(); It looks like common problem - any s...