
How to write eclipse rcp applications with scala?

The Scala Eclipse plugin page says: * Support for Eclipse plugin and OSGi development including hyperlinking to Scala source from plugin.xml and manifest files. How does this support work? There's no wizards for making Scala plugins. I've found no documentation on how to use Scala in a Eclipse plugin/RCP application. Is it even possible...

Felix/OSGi: How to use SCR components that are not OSGi services?

Apache Felix's SCR allows to declare (via annotations or XML) components that will then be instantiated, hooked up to their dependencies, and registered as OSGi services. It is also possible to skip the service registration part, and just have SCR create the component (by specifying @scr.component, but omitting @scr.service). I was thin...

Limiting contributed extension point data between eclipse plugins

I have 2 eclipse plugins that I am building; let's call them plugin A and plugin B... Plugin A requires a license to run and Plugin B is free to the world. I have created an extension point in Plugin B to which Plugin A contributes (and in some cases overrides) data. I would like to find a way to disregard that data in plugin B if plugi...

Embedded OSGi or Application Bundle

I've just spent the last two days reading up all the OSGi stuff I can get my hands on and I finally think I've got my head around it. I'm now trying to integrate it with an existing application for many reasons such as 3rd party plugins, automatic updates, not to mention that SOA just makes me happy. I now have a decision I'm strugglin...

ATG taglibs on OSGI problems

We're currently creating an app that needs ATG taglibs on SLING/OSGI, we have created a bundle with these taglibs and uploaded it, of course these taglibs call ATG classes, so we are including them in the bootdelegation, using sling.properties file. sling.bootdelegation.simple=atg.nucleus sling.bootdelegation.class.atg.nucleus.Nucleus=a...

Best practices for Eclipse Feature Integration Testing

I am developing an Eclipse feature consisting of several Eclipse plugins, using Equinox Declarative Services (DS) to wire the plugins together at runtime. I would like to add integration tests to verify the equinox configuration. In particular, I want to verify that the service components bind together as expected the bundles are a...

How do I get the OSGi BundleContext for an Eclipse RCP application ?

I have just gotten started with an Eclipse RCP application, it is basically just one of the provided "hello world" samples. When the application boots up, I would like to look at my command-line parameters and start some services according to them. I can get the command-line parameters in IApplication.start: public Object start(IApplic...

What OSGi Container Do You Recommend ?

For the purposes of building a service framework that works quietly behind the scenes in the JVM, logically separated from whatever the primary application running is, it seems like OSGi really lends itself to this purpose. Some of my challenges are class loader segregation, versioning, "plugability" and.... what's the term?.... updateab...

Is it possible to do bytecode manipulation when using OSGi?

I'm making an application server and in it I need to use some bytecode manipulation (e.g. inserting custom equals and hashCode methods to classes annotated with @Entity). Now I give the JVM a Java Agent (the -javaagent option) which does bytecode transformations using ASM. I've been considering using OSGi, but I don't know whether it al...

Which Rich Client Platform to use

Hi all, We recently started to develop a Java desktop app and management has requested that we make use of Rich Client Platform. I know of three for Java namely: Eclipse RCP - www link to ecipse rcp, Netbean RCP - Netbeans RCP web site, Spring RCP - spring rich client Has anyone got any experience in any of these and if so what are ...

iPOJO: Why would InstanceManager's getPojoObject() return null?

I'm using the Felix OSGi iPOJO library, and I'm programmatically accessing Factories to create ComponentInstances. I've read over the code here: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/felix/trunk/ipojo/core/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/InstanceManager.java?view=markup to try to figure out why my call to getPojoObject() is returning null...

Is mobile OSGi ready for real world usage on mobile phones?

I'm developing applications for mobile devices. I've never developed for OSGi and right now, I'm considering to get started with it. I've read a lot about using OSGi on mobile phones, and it's said to run on J2ME, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Android... But to me it seems as if nobody currently uses it there. I really would like to exploi...

ServiceTracker in OSGi r4.1

Im using a org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker (PrintableServiceTracker implements ServiceTrackerCustomizer and simply prints when a new service is added). Filter filter = bc.createFilter("(objectClass=se.enea.print.Printable)"); tracker = new ServiceTracker(bc, filter, new PrintableServiceTracker(bc)); I've read about "pse...

Dynamically load additional jar files using Web Start / JNLP

The Web Start Developers Guide states All application resources must be retrieved from the JAR files specified in the resources section of the JNLP file, or retrieved explicitly using an HTTP request to the Web server. Storing resources in JAR files is recommended, since they will be cached on the local machine by J...

How to obfuscate an OSGi bundle with ProGuard?

Hi all! I am currently trying to obfuscate my Eclipse RCP application with ProGuard. The problem is that it obfuscates the package names (the class My.Package.Class turns into something like a.b.c), but keeps the package names in the Export-Package section of MANIFEST.MF. This leads to the fact that my application (which is a set of OSG...

OSGi + Hibernate

Instead of having database actions scattered in four (osgi) bundles, all doing there slightly different things. I want to create a (simple) OSGi bundle that is responsible for all persistance issues. I feel that this is not as simple as it sounds because of the "unique classloader per bundle" thing. So what I really would appreciate is ...

Hibernate, JDBC-driver and OSGi problem

I'v encountered a somewhat frustating problem. Im using Apache Felix as my OSGi framework and Im also using Hibernate for persistency issues. Im using the "osgi-bundle" version of Hibernate (com.springsource.org.hibernate-3.2.6.ga.jar). As far as I know this is the Hibernate Core with some additional osgi-metdata installed in the META-...

Getting Bundle [] in Eclipse of all the bundles

I am writing an application that uses Equinox as my OSGi framework. I am trying to discover all of the bundles that are known at the time that my bundle is registered. I attempted to use the following line to retrieve all of the available bundles. However, EclipseStarter.getSystemBundleContext().getBundles(); gives me a warning of....

OSGi bundle's package structure

I've been thinking some about "good practice" regarding package structure within osgi bundles. Currently, on average, we have like 8-12 classes per bundle. One of my initiative/proposal has been to have two packages; com.company_name.osgi.services.api (for api related classes/interfaces. (which is exported externally) and one package com...

OSGi and J2EE - JOSGiEE?

After reading this article, one question came to my mind: 'Is OSGi becoming a J2EE? Is OSGi going to replace J2EE? Is OSGi incrementing J2EE?' It's true that historically OSGi is totally different from J2EE, but considering now the resulting work from the EEG, some of these services are J2EE services. Another fact is that who uses J2EE...