
Enable bash output color with Lua script

I have several Lua scripts that run experiences and output a lot of information, in text files and in the console. I'd like to add some colors in the console output, to make it more readable. I know that it's possible to color the output of bash scripts using the ANSI escape sequences. For example : $ echo -e "This is red->\e[00;31mRE...

Joomla module works locally but displays nothing when hosted

Hello, I am new to joomla and I need to work on a joomla website for a school project. I modified an existing module to make it display featured projects and it does that flawlessly when I test the site locally. However, when I uploaded my files to the hosted copy of the website, the module will load but does not display anything. It jus...

Output parameter for TABLE OF VARCHAR2 Oracle odp.net

Hi all, I have this type: TYPE tipo_TableVarchar2 IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(1000) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; and procedure procedure get_array (p_arr out TableVarchar2 ) is ... OracleParameter param = new OracleParameter(); param.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2; param.CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray; param.P...

LaTeX output does not update

I have just begun using LaTeX. I am working in Windows and am using TeXnicCenter as my editor. When I build and output, having the following code: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} This is a test document \end{document} I do get a document that has the words "This is a test document". If I change the sentence in the above co...

Maven - How to let a plugin see the build output of its parent?

Hi folks, I’m new to maven and my first task is writing a Mojo. We are running a integration test tool which loads some classes of the build output and runs some tests on them. I managed to write a maven pom for the test library, so I can include it wherever I want. My Problem is now to write a plugin which runs the tests automatically....

Redirect window of command line tool to your app (Windows)

Hello, is there a way (on Windows XP+) to redirect the output of a window created by a process created with e.g. CreateProcess to a window of your own program? I'd like to make a nicer GUI for ffplay.exe which is an open source video player. It is a command line tool, which opens a simple window in which it plays back the video. Can I ...

What does an upside down question mark mean in the output in C?

Hi, I get an upside down question mark as an output from of of my function, what does it mean exactly? ...

Excel VBA - Recursively list files and output to csv

Hi guys, I've got a problem with my VBA (you guessed it). I took code from this post: vbaexpress.com/kb/getarticle.php?kb_id=405 and added in: wilmott.com/messageview.cfm?catid=10&threadid=40372 Basically, first code would output to a worksheet, but as I theoretically could breach the 65k rows limit, I'd like to output to a csv inste...

Not giving correct output of external batch script C#

I need the program to give the output of the batch script, and at the moment it's just printing System.IO.StreamReader and it should be printing whatever the batch script says This is only the part that has to do with starting a new process, the variables like the path to the file are declared and the script itself runs but doesn't s...

C++ Redirect Output

Is there a way to redirect c++ output inside the code? The situation is this, I am using some external .cpp and .h files which use printf's to put warnings to console. I wish to redirect "only" these outputs (not mine) to a file "without" modifying their code. So; in my program, I can redirect ouput to a file, and when I will put some o...

oracle pl/sql bug: can't put_line more than 2000 characters

Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon where dbms_output.put_line is unable to print more than 2000 characters at a time? Script is: set serveroutput on size 100000; declare big_str varchar2(2009); begin for i in 1..2009 loop big_str := big_str||'x'; end loop; dbms_output.put_line(length(big_str)); dbms_o...

How to set output path in a Qt project

After building, Qt Creator puts my output exe in folder "Debug". I want to change the output folder by adding output path to the .pro file. Any idea? ...

real time loop counter ouput wpf

What can I do if I want to have a text-box representing in real time the value of a loop counter in wpf? appending working solution: public partial class Window1 : Window { public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); } private delegate void UpdateTextBox(DependencyProperty dp, Object value); ... private void MyMe...

WPF Binding Custom Output Window

I am trying to create a custom Output Window for my software that is bound to my ViewModel. Usually in the past I have always used a TextBox and used the appendText() method to write to the Output Window. Of course with a ViewModel and trying to bind to a Textbox, it seems you can only Bind to the Text property. Below is what I am trying...

C - How to justify output lines using printf() to get equal length?

I have two functions, one which produces messages like "Starting initialization..." and the other which cheks return codes and outputs "Ok\n", "Warning\n", or "Error\n". However, produced output is of the different length: Starting initialization...Ok. Checking init scripts...Ok. How can I get smth. like that: Starting initialization...

How do I enable SASS line numbers in CSS output?

How can I enable line numbers in CSS output if I am using SASS? I found an article but I didn't quite understand where to make the modifications http://pivotallabs.com/users/damon/blog/articles/765-standup-04-07-2009-we-have-questions#comments Could you help me? ...

Sorting output with awk, and formatting it.

I'm trying to format the output of ls -la to only contain files modified in December and output them nicely, this is what they currently look like: ls -la | awk {'print $6,$7,$8,$9,$10'} | grep "Dec" | sort -r | head -5 Dec 4 20:15 folder/ Dec 4 19:51 ./ Dec 4 17:42 Folder\ John/ Dec 4 16:19 Homework\ MAT\ 08/ Dec 4 16:05 Folder\ Smith...

find value in a.txt , put it as an input in b.txt using batch

Hi guys, I am looking for your help on the following. I am going to read a value in a.txt, and put it as an input for b.txt The problem is, in a.txt, the value will keep changing due to iteration process. So, it is better to point a pointer to WHERE the value will appear. Ex. (as in a.txt file) X = 12345 so, i would like to point wh...

Java: Easier pretty printing?

At the end of my computations, I print results: System.out.println("\nTree\t\tOdds of being by the sought author"); for (ParseTree pt : testTrees) { conditionalProbs = reg.classify(pt.features()); System.out.printf("%s\t\t%f", pt.toString(), conditionalProbs[1]); System.out.println(); } This produces, for instance: Tree Odds of...

how to capture the result of `git status` in a Rails action?

If you run this code in a controller action (notice the backticks) def index … `pwd >> tc.log` `git status >> tc.log` `ls >> tc.log` … end , only the 1st and 3rd command will pipe their output to the tc.log file. I'm trying to get the output of git status (f.ex) in a controller action and have tried many variations (captur...