
IE6 + IE7 CSS problem with overflow: hidden; - position: relative; combo.

So I have created a slider for a homepage, that slides some images with a title and teaser text using jQuery. Everything works fine, and I went to check IE and found that IE 6 and 7 kills my slider css completely. I can't figure out why, but for some reason I can't hide the non active slides with overflow: hidden; I've tried tweaking the...

jQuery slide in from outside the screen and IE ofverflow issue

I needed a div to slide in from beyond right edge of the screen. So I defined the CSS: #mydiv { position: relative; left: 2000px; } and to prevent scrollbars: body { overflow-x: hidden; } Then in jQuery: $("#mydiv").animate({"left":"-=2000px"},1500); This solution worked just OK in FF and Chrome but than I found out overflow-x: hi...

Scrollbar disappearing in IE7

I have a div set to overflow: auto, max-width of 250px. Inside the div I have a paging control, which allows users to pull back 10, 20, 50, or 100 results. If they pull back enough results, the inner content (table) will grow larger than the div and should then be scrollable. This works fine in Firefox 3.5 and IE8, however in IE7, the ...

Why isn't my div scrolling horizontally when adding multiple images?

I have an outer div, and inside of that, I have an inner div which contains a list of images. When the images are wider than the outer div, I want to have it scroll horizontally, but instead, it just puts the image on the next line instead of expanding. If I add many rows, the div does scroll vertically, but horizontally, it doesn't do...

SqlDateTime overflow Error on simple LINQ, C# .Net Web Page

I have a simple page I'm creating that just inserts some data from textboxes in .Net using C#. I get the overflow error stating the date must be within a specific range. The text being entered in the txtBirthdate box would be something like: 01/01/1980. When debugging, the Client1 _Birthdate object shows {1/1/1980 12:00:00}. So as far a...

CSS horizontal menu links issue

I've got a simple (horizontal) CSS menu list with a problem. The links in the list are only active up to a certain point, for example menu item four in my list doesn't work, 1, 2, and 3 are fine. By not working I mean both 'hover' and hyperlinking actions are gone. It's got something to do with the 'float' and 'overflow' attributes, if...

How do I get real integer overflows in MATLAB/Octave?

I'm working on a verification-tool for some VHDL-Code in MATLAB/Octave. Therefore I need data types which generate "real" overflows: intmax('int32') + 1 ans = -2147483648 Later on, it would be helpful if I can define the bit width of a variable, but that is not so important right now. When I build a C-like example, where a variable g...

Overflow on UILabels

I have a table view that I am customizing and I am adding a UILabel as a subview of the contentView, and I want the number of lines to be relatively consistent. I set the numberOfLines property to be 3 so it can't go more than that, but there are still some that overflow onto the 4th line. If it overflows, I want to add a a trailing .....

How can avoid at this line an OverflowException?

LastInput.time is an Integer and m_idleTime is an Integer too. This line sometimes generates an Overflow exception, I think that this happens when both values are big negative values. (Environment.TickCount - lastInput.time) > m_idleTime How can I avoid that? With casting? (CType(Environment.TickCount,Long) - CType(lastInput.time,Lon...

html scrollable tab bar - make a td continue on the next row when it overflows the screen

What I'm trying to achieve is a scrollable tab-bar. I have a web page with multiple tabs. The "tab" control it's just an html table, with a single row, in which each tab is a td. The page has way over 10 tabs, an the tabs no longer fit in the screen. I'd like to have the tabs scroll, or at least continue on the following row (somethi...

Looping on a closed range

How would you fix this code? template <typename T> void closed_range(T begin, T end) { for (T i = begin; i <= end; ++i) { // do something } } T is constrained to be an integer type, can be the wider of such types and can be signed or unsigned begin can be numeric_limits<T>::min() end can be numeric_limits<T>::max() (i...

Scriptaculous Draggable/Droppable script not working properly when dragging into a scrolling div

I am using the Scriptaculous Draggable/Droppable scripts and have a problem when dragging into a scrolling div. I have the following layout (based on this question): #grid-container { left:33px; position:relative; width:300px; } #grid { width:310px; height:400px; overflow:auto; margin-bottom: 15px; } #grid-container ul { width:40...

"Arithmetic operation resulted in overflow" in Me.Invoke with multithreading

Hey everyone, I have this script: Private Sub WebDL_AmountDownloadedChanged(ByVal iNewProgress As Long) Handles WebDL.AmountDownloadedChanged 'On Error Resume Next If downloading Then Dim wbchanged As New WDL_AmountDownloadedChanged(AddressOf WebDLAmountChanged) Me.Invoke(wbchanged, New Object() {CLng(iNewPr...

Scroll inside div with jquery?

If I have a div that is overflowing, is there a way I could call a jquery function to scroll it down 60px or something? ...

Overflow issue in IE 7

I need some help with CSS overflow in IE, namely IE 7. I want the nested div content to be hidden. <div style="width:100px; height:100px; overflow:hidden; border:1px dashed red;"> <div style="width:60px; left:80px; position:relative;">hidden stuff goes here</div> </div> It works fine in FF but in IE 7, the overflow content is n...

How to make hyperlink change text in overflow:hidden div without jumping to the div

I have a div element with fixed height and width and overflow:hidden, and I have a menu that causes this div to scroll to anchors in the text within the div. However, when you click on an item on this menu, it doesn't just scroll the div, it also scrolls the page to the div. How do I prevent this second from happening. That is, I just...

How do I get the real .height() of a overflow: hidden or overflow: scroll div?

Hi all I have a question regarding how to get a div height. I'm aware of .height() and innerHeight(), but none of them does the job for me in this case. The thing is that in this case I have a div that is overflown width a overflow: scroll and the div has a fixed height. If I use .height() or innerHeight(), both of them gives me the he...

overflow:auto when textarea has content by default?

Hey This is a problem, that has annoyed me for a long time. If I have a textarea with long text in it, overflow doesn't work, even if content goes over the visible area. How to fix this? Martti Laine ...

CSS div/overflow Question: Why does the first HTML file work but not the second?

Notice how the first HTML/CSS works when you re-size the browser horizontally. It will shrink no further than around 800 pixels, but it will expand as far as you drag the right edge of the browser. It will also correctly overflow the table at the top and scroll it horizontally. The thing I don't like about the first code snippet is wh...

System.Overflow Exception - int32 is too large or small

I need a little advice. I've got windows service that runs at night. In my development environment, it runs without exception, but when I running it "installed on other machines", when I come in the morning, I'm welcomed with a System.Overflow exception that says that I've set an int32 to a value that is too large or small. I've carefu...