
How to Fix IE6 Bug - position: absolute; & overflow: auto;

I made a Editable Combo box using the following code <asp:TextBox ID="textbox" runat="server" Width="75px" Style="position: absolute;" /> <asp:DropDownList ID="ddl" runat="server" Width="95px" AppendDataBoundItems="true"> <asp:ListItem Text="" /> </asp:DropDownList> And I create a javascript for onChange of the dropdown and show the s...

CSS Floated Div height issue, no simple solution?

Hi, I have an issue with CSS I can't solve. I've made a little diagram. Let's say that the pink and green box's height are determined by there content. The pink box could sometimes be the smaller one. What I am trying to do is have the smaller box fix it's height to the outer containing div, so that it would have the same height as ...

How do I find a stack overflow problem in linux?

I am compiling my application with a third party lib and there seems to be some weird behaviour that suggests a stack overflow issue (this is just a guess). But when I add a print statement after the line that's crashing the application runs fine. If I remove the print statement (a simple cout << "print something" << endl; statement) t...

CSS: How to have position:absolute div inside a position:relative div not be cropped by an overflow:hidden on a container

I have 3 levels of div: (In green below) A top level div with overflow: hidden. This is because I want some content (not shown here) inside that box to cropped if it exceeds the size of the box. (In red below) Inside this, I have div with position: relative. The only use for this is for the next level. (In blue below) Finally a div I t...

CSS - restrict cell width to be not more than remaining space

The important thing in my example below is the wideData class selector. I want to use this to cause text surrounded by a wideData div to appear in a scroll box if it cannot otherwise be displayed without causing a horizontal scroll bar to appear on the containing browser window (overflow:auto). This works as I want if the div is not con...

Make container overflow its parent without making the parent bigger in IE 6?

I used the three column layout in A List Apart's "In Search of The Holy Grail" article for a store I'm working on that uses Magento. Inside the middle column, at the top, there's a container that I would like to overflow so it extends outside the middle column and goes over the top of the right column. Like below. _____________________...

Where is the cause for the width-overflow?

Hey Folks! I've got a problem... I cannot localize the cause for the width-overflow... Could anyone take a look at it? http://sulayman.org/ I've already been watching out for reasons - but didn't find anything. Thank you all! ...

CSS content overflow out of box IE <6

I have a div that holds some text, it has a background with a border, but for some reason the box is not expanding to the text, even with overflow: auto; here is my script for the box as well as a picture: .box { background: #ffdcba; border: 1px solid #f78d25; display: block; clear: both; margin: 4px 0px; padding-left: 15px; overflow: a...

[javascript] determine if conversion from string to 32-bit integer will overflow

Trying to do front-end validation on an html input instead of throwing an exception in the java back end. ...

CSS overflow and word-wrap behaviour not helping me at all

You can see how the filename field should look at http://www.plifk.com/henvic/114 and how it breaks the layout at http://www.plifk.com/henvic/159 If I used 108574main-neutron-star-and-a-very-bad-overfow-will-happen-here-so-sad.mpg I would not get an overflow, but in the first line "108574main-neutron-star-and-a-very-" and in the second ...

Patching an EXE using IDA

Say there is a buggy program that contains a sprintf() and i want to change it to a snprintf so it doesn't have a buffer overflow.. how do I do that in IDA?? ...

JQuery drag/scrolling/overflow issue.

I have a scrolling:auto problem with JQuery 1.4.2 and JQuery 1.7.2. I have a container DIV with 2 DIVs inside it. Like this: <div id="dragContain"> <div id="dragMe"> <div>Title goes here!</div> <div style="scrolling:auto;">Content goes here!</div> </div> </div> And I enable dragging the group by: $('#dragMe').draggable({ co...

C++ long overflowing prematurely

Hello there, I'm having a bizarre problem with C++ where the long data type is overflowing long before it should. What I'm doing (with success so far) is to have integers behave like floats, so that the range [-32767,32767] is mapped to [-1.0,1.0]. Where it stumbles is with larger arguments representing floats greater than 1.0: inline ...

Jquery animated overflow element shifts in Safari

I am developing an annual report site which needs to be compatible with major browsers such as IE, FF and Safari at least. I have a couple of issues with the jquery effect. I have added a jquery slide reveal effect to the page which partially shows the main content div for a couple of seconds then it animates to reveal the rest of the c...

jQuery UI droppables in overflow scroll containers

Hi I did ask this question already at the jQuery forums, but they are not as active as here. I have encountered a problem when I have multiple droppable areas on a page. I have a 'static' droppable area that will never move, above a div that has multiple droppable areas and can scroll (overflow: scroll). When I scroll the div so that...

No scrollbar for DIV wider than browser

I'm doing some tests on a website using Wordpress as a CMS. In the example below the top left of the page has an "S" graphic outside of the main content area, clipped accordingly depending on the browser width. I would like to do something similar with an "L" graphic to the right in the footer. The page width is set to 960px, and I'...

What can cause Phong specular shading to produce gamut overflows?

I am currently implementing a basic raytracer in c++. Works pretty well so far, matte materials (with ambient and diffuse brdf) work as expected so far. Adding specular highlights would result in the full Phong Model and that's exactly what i tried to do. Unfortunately, i encounter gamut overflow, with all kinds of values for the specu...

Inconsistent SQLDateTime Overflow with NHibernate

We have a very strange error that sometimes we get this error when we want to save something from our WCF service. The object that we are saving contains NO invalid datetimes, we all check them before we save. When we see this error the database hangs sometimes and the WCF is in a faulty state. When I restart the DB and the IIS web app w...

Checking for underflow/overflow in C++?

Is there a general way to check for an overflow or an underflow of a given data type (uint32, int etc.)? I am doing something like this: uint32 a,b,c; ... //initialize a,b,c if(b < c) { a -= (c - b) } When I print a after some iterations, it displays a large number like: 4294963846. ...

Using logarithms to normalize a vector to avoid overflow

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2293762/problem-with-arithmetic-using-logarithms-to-avoid-numerical-underflow-take-2 Having seen the above and having seen softmax normalization I was trying to normalize a vector while avoiding overflow - that is if I have an array x[1], x[2] x[3], x[4], ... , x[n] the normalized form for me has th...