
MapView overlay popup with layout loses focus

Hi, I'm trying to implement an infowindow like the web version of google maps. I have created a custom layout extending a linear layout and populated it with a TextView and a button. I have overrided the dispatchDraw method of the balloonLayout (wich extends LinearLayout) to draw a container with rounded corners and the balloon tip. On...

How can I return the location pressed to the MapActivity from an Overlay onTap method

Hi, I have an activity that has a button which opens a new MapActivity to select a location by tapping on the map. The map has an overlay that overrides the onTap method to get the location but I want to return that location to the previous activity but, I don't know how to return the geopoint to the mapactivity in order to call the se...

Export / Save Picture of Map + Overlays in Android

Is there a way (after the mapview has been created and overlays added) to save a picture of the mapview? I am writing a GPS app in which the customer needs to produce a report of where the user has been. The need to overlay blips to show the route traveled and then export the map and route to be saved as an image. ...

How do I overlay the preference menuitem in FF4/MacOSX ?

Hello, I'm having problems to define the overlay of preferences menuitem for FF4 beta in MacOSX. It works for previous version of FF and in FF4 for other platforms. Basically want to open my .xul window when the user click in Preferences, but now is opening the FF preferences (The overlay is not working). Any help will be great :) Die...

Problem deserializing Serializable ArrayList of Overlays

Hello, i been having problem... first of this is for android. I have created a Serializable ArrayList<E> class that extends ArrayList<E> and implements Serializable. This class works flawlessly when saving and loading ArrayList<String>. Now i am trying to save and reload a SerializableArrayList<Overlay>. at first i couldn't save the ...

AVFoundation Camera Preview Screen gives wrong zoom

Hello all I'm currently developing an app that has a camera functionality, with a custom camera screen, featuring a preview screen and an overlay. I'm using the AVFoundation classes and methods as per the eradication of UIScreenCapture. The problem I have is that the preview data I get from AVCaptureSession is too zoomed in. If i take...

how to make a Custom Overlays draggable using google-maps v3 .

the marker can drag , so the Custom Overlays can drag too , so how to make the Custom Overlays draggable , thanks ...

Combining jQuery tools Overlay and Scrollable/Tabs with direct navigation

Im using jQuery tools overlay to load a page via ajax. I need to be able to pass some parameters to this page when the overlay is opened. The aim is that when the external page is opened it can look at these parameters and then use jquery to display the appropriate information depending on which link was clicked to open the overlay. Th...

Strange layout problem in IE6

URL: http://www.hkpete.com/test.html jQuery 1.42 jQuery Tools 1.2.3 overlay IE7 has this problem too (tested on ietester) I can not find where the problems lie. Thanks a lot. <div id="dialog-content"> <!--Login --> <div id="login" class="panel" style="display:none"> Login.................. </div> <!--Register -...

How to add a transparent xul element to a browser overlay

Hello All. I am working on an extension that adds a box element with a browser in it to each open tab. The idea is that my plugin may display different content according to the url displayed in the tab. My current solution is a single box element overlayed to main-window, with several browsers that i hide/display according to the selec...

Remove all Overlays

Hello, I have the following code to add an Overlay myMapView.getOverlays().add(sites); myMapView.invalidate(); I also have the following remove code where sites is a global variable. if (sites != null) { // myMapView.getOverlays().clear(); myMapView.getOverlays().remove(sites); myMapVi...

Help with JFreeChart overlay

I'm having an issue with a JFreeChart overlaid graph. I'm using JFreeChart 1.0.13. What I am trying to do seems like it was easier to do in earlier versions of JFreeChart? The graph shows a line chart and a bar chart. The data range plotted by the line chart for the Y axis is in the 0-100 range, and the axis for the bar chart is in the ...

How to overlay on top of the Keyboard in xcode

How do you overlay something, ie a UIImageView over the keyboard which pops up when editing a UITextFIeld? ...

How to create a completely custom Dialogue/Popup in Android (change overlay colour and dialogue window layout)

I would like to completely re-skin the default dialogue component in Android. Specifically I would like to do this: Change the semi-transparent overlay background from the default black to a semi-transparent white. Change the Dialogue window by removing the default windowed frame border, and replacing it with a layout defined in XML (...

screen color filtering

Hi everybody! I want to create a filter over a specific area of the screen to perform filtering opertions. Examples what a filtering opertion might be:     - inverting (e.g. change black pixel to white pixels, red to cyan)     - masking pixels (e.g. mask = ff0000; input c79001 -> c70000)     - operations like photoshop's layer effects ...

iPhone SDK Photopicker sample - impossible to add a subview!

That's pretty simple to test and explain. If you get the PhotoPicker sample, and you add a UILabel to the timedPhotoFire:timer method, like this: - (void)timedPhotoFire:(NSTimer *)timer { //ADD THIS LABEL HERE UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(200, 180, 50, 30)]; [label setText:@"Hello!"]; [self...

how to show multi color map overlays or pins in android on google map?

friends, right now i am showing list of map overlays on google map using following code mapOverlays = mapView.getOverlays(); drawable = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.balloon); itemizedOverlay = new MarkerItemizedOverlay(drawable,this); GeoPoint point; OverlayItem overlayitem; for ...

Showing the Google Maps reticle on Android

I'v encountered a problem with Google Maps on Android. In my app I have a location-chooser where the user navigates to his desired location to save the exact street location. In order for the user to actually see what street he is no (and not just the general area) I need to mark the middle of the map clearly. The problem is that the re...

iphone4 camera flip button not working when using overlay

Hi, I'm setting the UIImagePickerController's cameraOverlayView to a view that I created so that it simply overlays an image when someone is using the camera. This works fine. The problem is that on the iPhone 4 there are two buttons: one for flash and the other to flip to the front facing camera. These buttons no longer work. I'm assumi...

How to remove an automatic click event on google map overlay?

Hi, Can anyone help me to remove click event from the kml polygon? When I click on any part of polygon, window message pops up with a data KML TEST which is from KML file. I just want to have polygon drawn over google map without having any click events. Does anyone know how to achieve this? This is my page: http://www.keithwoodrow.c...