
Is there a way to override class variables in Java?

Hi, class Dad { protected static String me = "dad"; public void printMe() { System.out.println(me); } } class Son extends Dad { protected static String me = "son"; } public void doIt() { new Son().printMe(); } The function doIt will print "dad". Is there a way to make it print "son"? Thanks! Dikla ...

How to make a base class method non-overridable in ruby?

I have some base class A with a method that is not to be overridden. class A def dont_override_me puts 'class A saying, "Thank you for not overriding me!"' end end And another class B that extends A and tries to override the dont_override_me method. class B < A def dont_override_me puts 'class B saying, "This is my impl...

Why does a:hover get overriden in CSS?

If I have this CSS: a:link { color: blue; } a:hover { color: red; } #someID a:link { color: black; } Links under the ID always appears in black on hover. I'm aware that using an ID gives a higher priority, however, I'm not overriding the :hover selector, only the :link selector, so shouldn't the hover display in red? ...

Removing an Item from Magento's Admin Panel Navigation

Using the Magento Ecommerce system, is is possible to remove an item from the Admin Panel Navigation menu? More generally, is there a way to use the config override system to remove existing elements from a configuration? I know I can add to the navigation with an override that looks something like this ...

Using generics its declared as a Button but is treated as a Control internal to class. Why?

What a great site this is, I have lurked on here reading others questions for ages but now I have one of my own. My workmate wrote a class very like the one below. As soon as I saw it I knew it wouldn't work but I have no explination for him why it doesn't work. What he expected when declaring it as a ControlItem<Button> is that the...

Internal Workings of C# Virtual and Override

Hi, The topic of how C# virtual and override mechanism works internally has been discussed to death amongst the programmers... but after half an hour on google, I cannot find an answer to the following question (see below): Using a simple code: public class BaseClass { public virtual SayNo() { return "NO!!!"; } } public class Seco...

Another OOP Question in Asp.net

Hi, now i'm hoping the following is possible although I'm not entirely certain it is so here goes... Below is the setup of what I'm hoping is possible (in VB.net, feel free to answer in C# and I should be able to work it out): Public Class A Private _name As String Private _s As SearchA Public Property Name() As String ...

Inheritance and Overriding __init__ in python

I was reading 'Dive Into Python' and in the chapter on classes it gives this example: class FileInfo(UserDict): "store file metadata" def __init__(self, filename=None): UserDict.__init__(self) self["name"] = filename The author then says that if you want to override the __init__ method, you must explicitly call...

Objective C subclass that overrides a method in the superclass

In Objective C, if you are subclassing something, and are planning to override a method on the superclass, should you re-declare the superclass method in your subclass @interface? For example, if you are subclassing UIViewController (e.g. MyViewController), and you are planning to override "viewDidLoad" should you include that method in...

How to override List<T>.IsReadOnly in C#

I'm trying to derive from List and selectively turn the IsReadOnly property on and off. I was hoping that the Add/Remove/[] functions would honor this property, but they don't. What's the right way of doing this? My derived class has some additional properties, so I can't unfortunately just wrap the list in ReadOnlyCollection. ...

Is it possible to have specialized parameters in overridden methods?

Let's say I have an abstract parent class called "shape", and that there are multiple subclasses (triangle, square, circle... ). I want to define an abstract method in the parent "shape" class which all subclasses must implement, let's call it "draw". So all shape subclasses must provide the "draw()" method. But, the draw method takes a ...

How far to go overriding methods, properties, ... of a base class e.g. .net TreeNode class

I'm working on some application, that uses a TreeView control to represent business objects. Currently the link between business objects and TreeNodes is maintained through the Tag property of the TreeNode. Im not very happy with this, because I think the link is not "tight" enough. For example there could be an TreeNode object without a...

Extending Python's builtin Str

I'm trying to subclass str, but having some difficulties due to its immutability. class DerivedClass(str): def __new__(cls, string): ob = super(DerivedClass, cls).__new__(cls, string) return ob def upper(self): #overridden, new functionality. Return ob of type DerivedClass. Great. caps = super(D...

Why does C#/CLR not support method override co/contra-variance?

There are quite a few questions & answers about hacking around the limitation of C# not allowing method return (and argument) types to be changed to compatible types on overrides, but why does this limitation exist, either in the C# compiler or in the CLR? As I an see, there is nothing that could break if co/contra-variance was allowed, ...

Overriding an attribute in Rails and getting at the underlying value.

For the life of me, I can't figure out how to do this. I have a model for which the stored value is a path to a resource on the file system. I'd like the model to write and fetch the resource from the file system, so I naturally want to override the getter and setters to do this. How do I then get at the underlying value that's in the db...

Calling overridden function from the overriding function

Suppose I have virtual function foo() in class B, and I need slightly different behavior in one of B's derived classes, class D. Is it OK to create an overriding function D::foo(), and call B::foo() from there, after the special case treatment? Like this: void D::foo() { if (/*something*/) // do something else B::foo(); } ...

Overriding GetHashCode for mutable objects? [C#]

I've read about 10 different questions on when and how to override GetHashCode but there's still something I don't quite get. Most implementations of GetHashCode are based on the hash codes of the fields of the object, but it's been cited that the value of GetHashCode should never change over the lifetime of the object. How does that w...

Java Interface: Inheriting, Overriding, and Overloading Methods

Hi All, In "THE Java™ Programming Language, Fourth Edition" By Ken Arnold, James Gosling, David Holmes, its mentioned that: paragraph: (4.3.2) "Similarly, if an interface inherits more than one method with the same signature, or if a class implements different interfaces containing a method with the same signature, there is only one su...

Overriding a Base's Overloaded Function in C++

I ran into a problem where after my class overrode a function of its base class, all of the overloaded versions of the functions were then hidden. Is this by design or am I just doing something wrong? Ex. class foo { public: foo(void); ~foo(void); virtual void a(int); virtual void a(double); }; class bar : public fo...

Overriding a static method in python

Hello, Referring to the first answer about python's bound and unbound methods here, I have a question: class Test: def method_one(self): print "Called method_one" @staticmethod def method_two(): print "Called method_two" @staticmethod def method_three(): Test.method_two() class T2(Test): ...