
Is there a way to flag (at compile time) "overriden" methods whose signatures don't match base signature?

Basically, I want the C# compiler functionality of its override keyword in my C++ code. class Base { virtual int foo(int) const; }; class Derived : public Base { virtual int foo(int); // wanted to override Base, but forgot to declare it const }; As we all know, the above code will compile fine, but yield some strange runtime be...

ActionScript - Overriding Method Without Matching Signature?

when extending a class, is it impossible to override a method without also matching the parameters? for example, i'd like to use the method's name, in this case it's a socket extension and the method i want to override is connect. however, i want to request additional parameters that the stock connect function does not request. is the...

How do I override a php method in situ

How do I override a class method in php in situ, i.e. without extending it? I would extend if I could, but I cant. ...

Override default php function

Hello, I have script wherein basename() is used 100-1000s of time, I was just thinking if we can override the function rather than changing the function name to something else in all scripts. The problem with basename() is that it doesnt works well with names of files in foreign languages. I found one on php site http://php.net/manual/...

invocation of polymorphic like event

Considering the code below: public class TableMain { public virtual event Action UpdateFilter; .... } public class TableSub : TableMain { public override event Action UpdateFilter; public void UpdateQuery(){ ..... if(UpdateFilter!=null){ UpdateFilter(); // Invocation of polymorphic field-like event??? } } ...

Java: generics inheritence confusion

Hey, Imagine we have following classes: public interface MyInterface<T> { List<T> getList(T t); } abstract class BaseClass<T extends Number> implements MyInterface<T> { @Override public List<T> getList(Number t) { return null; } } class ChildClass extends BaseClass<Integer> { @Override public List<Inte...

override : textBox1.Text.ToString()

How to override? ToString() textBox1.Text.**ToString()** ...

Override JTextArea.getDocument.remove()?

Okay, I want to override JTextArea's Document's remove method, I can't figure out what class to extend. I can't extend Document cause it's a interface, and that also means it must not be the document that JTextArea creates. So how exactly can I easily override my JTextArea's document's remove method? ...

Overriding a method contract in an extended interface that uses generics (Java)?

I am attempting to override a method declaration within an interface that extends another interface. Both of these interfaces use generics. According to the Java tutorials, this should be possible, but the example does not use generics. When I try to implement it, the compiler shows the following error (I've replaced names because some o...

Overrides a "list of base class" property and returning a "list of child class"

Hello, I have a base class (ex: Class1) containing a list of another base class (ex: ClassA). Each child class of first base class (ex: Class1AA, Class1AB,..) containing a list of child class of second base class (ex: ClassAA, ClassAB,...) The client must never know which child class is using, then i don't think i can use generic for m...

Overriding = operator in C++

Hi, I am trying to override the = operator so that I can change my Point class into a Vector3 class. Point tp = p2 - p1; Vec3 v; v = tp; The problem I am facing is that, "v" will have its x,y,z members equal to zero all the time. Vec3.h: Vec3 operator =(Point a) const; Vec3.cpp: Vec3 Vec3::operator =(Point a) const { ...

No Matching Function - Specialized Signature hiding Generic?

Hello, I just got stuck with the following C++ compiler error: no matching function for call "EPTDerivedException::HandleClass( BaseClass& )" candidates are: void EPTDerivedException::HandleClass( DerivedClass ) I cannot explain this, because there should be a function HandleClass( BaseClass ). This is the calling code: BaseClass oB...

C# - Overriding an Event Handler - Adding a parameter

I'm using the System.Diagnostics.Process class to execute a command line program. I am using the OutputDataReceived method to redirect the output to my own method. pr.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(OnDataReceived); pr.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(OnDataReceived); However, I have multiple Threa...

Overriding default Rails date_select

So what I'd like to do is to override the default date_select method (I'd like to make an 'optional / unspecified' date input). What I've tried so far is this: lib/overrides.rb ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper::DateTimeSelector.class_eval do def build_selects_from_types(order) select = '' order.reverse.each do |type| sep...

Use URLLIB without system default proxy Python

I have a small script that needs to communicate with me, it is part of my proxy. The script needs to run before the proxy starts, but the system is set to use the proxy, so it does not go through. How would I use urllib, but not the default proxy? ...

Android Overridden onScroll still scrolls a little

I've got my own version of the SimpleOnGestureListener. Within it is the onScroll function. I have it set to do absolutely nothing because at this point I don't want it to scroll at all. I've got plans for it later, but for now I want to override the scrolling with nothing. This is all that's in the function: public boolean onScroll(Mot...

Overriding "initialize" in Ruby Ncurses::WINDOW class?

I have following code to try and alter the default Ruby Ncurses behavior: #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'logger' require 'rubygems' require 'ncurses' class Ncurses::WINDOW def initialize( height, width, starty, startx ) w = super( height, width, starty, startx ) w.clear w.move(0,0) w.addstr('first psot') ...

ASP.net over ride client ID for form elements

Given a textbox: <asp:Textbox runat="server" id="txtAddress1" /> This renders as something similar to: <input name="ctl00$mainContent$txtAddress1" type="text" id="ctl00_mainContent_txtAddress1" /> I don't think browsers autocomplete features recognise this name/ID as a field they can autofill, they are not standard recognised names...

no suitable method found to override error with partial class

hello, i need to define a class partially in seperate assemblies. actually i need to redefine a class partially, that is already defined in an assembly written in C++ Cli, but this is maybe a different question. for the case, all codes written in c#, i have a baseclass definition in basenamespace assembly using System; namespace BaseN...

Confused with Overriding in C++

I'm trying to make a class inherits from other and override some methods. Classes 'header' is: class Objeto { public: virtual bool interseca(const Rayo &rayo, float magnitud); virtual bool breakNormal(const Punto &punto); virtual Vector normal(const Punto &punto); int idMaterial; }; class Esfera: public Obj...