
"C# base class virtual function" - "override in Managed C++ ref class"

I have a .NET_4 Managed C++ ref class that I derive from a .NET_4 base class written in C#. EXAMPLE:: { C# BASE CLASS:: namespace Core { public class ResourceManager { public class _Resource { public virtual void Delete() {} } } } } MANAGED C++ CLASS namspace Input.DI { public ref class Mouse : ResourceManager...

Influence of HashMap optimization that caches the hash code associated with each entry to its get method

from p.46 "Effective Java" Joshua Bloch. Item 9: ALways override hashCode when you override equals Some class PhoneNumber overrides equals() and doesn't override hashCode() "two instances are involved: one is used for insertion into the HashMap, and a second, equal, instance is used for (attempted) retrieval." ... "... Even if the two ...

Is it possible to overload constructors in scala?

My question is that if it is possible to overload constructors in scala? So I can write code like: var = new Foo(1) var = new Foo("bar") And if it is not possible, are there any equivalent tricks? ...

Magento _prepareLayout() called 5 times to many

** New EDIT ** so what I'm trying to do is this. I want the to add new form elements generated by my module on the product view of the following url http://magento.example.com/catalog/product/view/id/46 ultimately these elements will be determined to show up by a related table in my module I expected that if I extended Mage_Catalog...

Can I override Python list displays?

I'd like to change the behavior of Python's list displays so that instead of producing a list, they produce a subclass of list that I've written. (Note: I don't think this is a good idea; I'm doing it for fun, not actual use.) Here's what I've done: old_list = list class CallableList(old_list): def __init__(self, *args): ...

Changing semantics of subclass methods in java

I've recently learned like 3 new languages and I'm starting to get them confused. I haven't worked Java in doing anything particularly complex (outside of android) in a couple years. I'm having trouble remembering if this is possible: I'm subclassing ArrayList mainly so I can keep the arraylist ordered. I'm trying to override the add(ob...

Magento - local file is not working.

Hi, I have a question regarding Magento's local directory. I am trying to override a core controller - Mage/Contacts/controllers/IndexController.php. So I copied IndexController.php to /app/local/Mage/Contacts/controllers/ but Magento is still using core file. I can confirm it because I see 404 page when I rename Mage/Contacts/contro...

@Override Snafu

i've create a project/class file in Eclipse Helios using JDK1.6. I had let the eclipse to generate the code for the implementation class of an Interface. public interface Foo { void bar(); } public class FooImpl implements Foo { @Override public void bar() { } } So for so good. Now for some reason, I've imported the p...

Do I need to restore the Graphics state after painting in my OnPaint override (for a .NET Control)

Consider the following overriden OnPaint method for a .NET Control: protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); e.Graphics.RotateTransform(180); // lots of drawing code } Is it a problem that I do not restore the state of the e.Graphics object when I am finished? In Java this is often done by making...

overriding a global function in javascript

I am trying to add my own error handling to the JavaScript setTimeout function. The following code works fine in chrome: var oldSetTimeout = window.setTimeout; window.setTimeout = function setTimeout(func, delay) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); args[0] = function timeoutFunction() { var timeoutArg...

Can I get polymorphic behavior without using virtual functions?

Because of my device I can't use virtual functions. Suppose I have: class Base { void doSomething() { } }; class Derived : public Base { void doSomething() { } }; // in any place { Base *obj = new Derived; obj->doSomething(); } the obj->doSomething() will call just the Base::doSomething() Is there a way with Base *o...

Explicit DataGrid CellStyle Setter is overridden by an implicit cellstyle in the same context!

I have a weird issue with DataGrid in WPFToolkit (.NET 3.5) and the built in version in .NET 4.0: When creating a keyed DataGrid-style with an explicit setter for CellStyle to another keyed style it works as suspected. But when also creating an keyless style for DataGridCell it will override the explicit CellStyle-setter in the DataGrid...

override a method using a partial class

I have a class formed by two partial classes. One created by ORM code generation and one for extensions. In this particular instance, I need to override one of the properties generated by the partial class because I need to do some validation on it first. Is it possible to use my extension class to kind of override the property of the...

Cannot compile a class which implements an interface without type parameter

I have the following test code: public interface Container<I> { public void addClass(Class<?> clazz); } public class MyContainer implements Container { public void addClass(Class<?> clazz) {} } and I get the following error when trying to compile these two class: MyContainer.java:1: MyContainer is not abstract and does no...

Android: Problem with overriding onKeyListener for a Button

Hi, I want a certain functionality when Enter key is pressed on a Button. When I override onKey(), I write the code to be executed for KEY_ENTER. This works fine. setupButton.setOnKeyListener(new OnKeyListener() { public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER == keyC...

Should I use @Override tag when implementing an interface method?

Should I put the @Override tag if I am implementing a method of an interface? I know @Override tag should be there when you override a method of super class (not an interface). But how about implementing a method of an interface? ...

Overriding a method in an instantiated Java object

I would like to override a method in an object that's handed to me by a factory that I have little control over. My specific problem is that I want to override the getInputStream and getOutputStream of a Socket object to perform wire logging; however the generic problem is as follows: public class Foo { public Bar doBar() { ...

"Method '%s' hides virtual method of base type '%s'". What's really being hidden?

After having read Ian Boyd's constructor series questions (1, 2, 3, 4), I realize I don't quite grasp the literal meaning on what's being hidden. I know (correct me if I'm wrong) override's sole purpose is to be able to have polymorphic behavior, so that run-time can resolve a method depending on the actual type of an instance - as oppo...

Overriding Javascript Confirm() while preserving the callback

Hello all! To the point, I want to override the standard js confirm() function within a jQuery plugin. I have figured out how to do it with the simple function layout below. function confirm(opts) { //code } Now, what I want to do is call another function within the confirm function above, like so... function confirm(opts) { op...

Interface implementation overrides, etc.

Here's the simplest form of my question: IApple requires, among other things, property Flavor IToffeeApple also requires property Flavor The problem is, I want IToffeeApple to implement IApple (public interface IToffeeApple : IApple), but they both have the same property requirement. This becomes a problem when, for 1 purpose I need a...