
How to re-skin a website at the client end?

Any ways to re-skin a website (at the client end) where the format and layout of the page is mostly known and constant? For example, changing the language of a certain form on eBay to Japanese. I know that with Opera and Firefox a website's CSS can be overridden. Are there any ways in any browsers or browser plugins to override text an...

override wpf button click event in child window

Hi, In Windows we usually set the Button modifier to public, in the base form we declare the click event as protected virtual void btn_click and in the derieved form we use protected override void btn_Click. How can i acieve this ? How do i override the WPF button click event in the child window? ...

override style ignored by Generic.xaml

My generic.xaml code in the Assembly1: <Style x:Key="myLabelStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Label}"> <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Red"/> <Setter Property="Content" Value="generic"/> </Style> <ControlTemplate x:Key="theButton" TargetType="{x:Type local:MyButton}"> <Grid Background="Beige"> <ContentPresenter/> ...

Cannot find constructor File() in java.io.File

This is probably obvious, so bear with me. YES, I KNOW THAT java.io.File has no default constructor. The problem is that When I try to extend java.io.File, it says "Cannot find constructor File() in java.io.File" even though I am overriding the default constructor in java.lang.Object. Here is my code: AbsRelFile.java import java....

JButton updating its own isEnabled value

I'm trying to create a sub-class of the JButton component that will enable or disable itself based on a condition (which looks like below) public interface Condition { public static final Condition TRUE = new Condition() { public boolean test() { ...

Overriding a Procedure in a Parent from a child control

I'm developing this usercontrol which requires I override the WndProc of the control's parent [which for all practical purposes is a Windows Form] and I'm stumped. Ordinarily, I could drop the user on the form and manually override the forms WndProc. Since my entire development team and possibly others I don't know of right now could be...

Modifying Joomla Main Menu's submenu using template override

Hi, I would like to achieve the following in my Joomla template's main menu: <ul class="topmenu"> <li><a class="nav_link" id="active" href="#">Home</a></li><span class="separator"></span> <li><a class="nav_link" href="#">About Us</a></li><span class="separator"></span> <li><a class="nav_link" href="#">Ser...

C# OO design problem with override from methods

Situation: Assembly 1 ________________________ ________________________ | Class A | | Class B | |-----------------------| |-----------------------| | Method someMethod |---------->| Method otherMethod | | | | | |_____...

Django Admin - Overriding the widget of a custom form field

Hi All, I have a custom TagField form field. class TagField(forms.CharField): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TagField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.widget = forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'tag_field'}) As seen above, it uses a TextInput form field widget. But in admin I would like it to be disp...

Modify Django user delete method?

If I go to the Django admin page and delete a user, I want it to run some code before/after it deletes the user. I know about overriding models' delete() methods, but I'm not sure how to apply it to a built-in model. Also, I'd like to be able to do it without 'subclassing' the User model and creating a (for instance) MyUser model. Is t...

C# Override Method at Runtime

I have two questions. 1) I found a little gem of code for how to make a control scroll smoothly. Great. But it overrides the WndProc method, so to use it, I had to tear out the FlowLayoutPanel I'd dropped on the form at design time, subclass FlowLayoutPanel, and then finally instantiate my new class and create all the properties manual...

implement comparable interface for bidirectional flows

this piece of code is supposed to consider flows in both direction as one flow. for example: srcAddr,dstAddr,srcPort,dstPort,, 123456,80 should be the same as,,80,123456 Another Example:,, 12345, 80, TCP,, 80, 12345, TCP 192.168...

Override strongly typed @page masterpagefile

Hi, I am working with a third party asp.net application that uses master pages and nested master pages. My needs are to dynamically set the master page files for each page(.aspx). The application by default sets the master page file in the strongly typed @Page directive for each page. I don't want to change the strongly typed directiv...

overriding JQuery .click() function

Hi guys, i'm having a bit of a prblem with the jquery click function, below is part of the layout of my code: <td id="01" class="day-main-diary"> <div title="sdfsdf" class="diary-event ui-corner-all"> <span id="delete"></span> <div class="diary-event-title ui-corner-all"> sdfsdf </div> <di...

Override Rails updated_at attribute

Hi, I would like to modify updated_at attribute so that every time record is updated it would only show date and hours while hours and minutes being zeros. Instead of 2010-08-13 11:04:12, there would be 2010-08-13 11:00:00. What is the most rational way to do this in Rails 2.3? Update The reason why I want to do what I have asked is ...

I want to override DetailsView.But I'm failing!?

Hello everybody, There is my RenderContents() and OnModeChanging() methods. On mode changing method is not working because the DataSource is null. How can I figure this out? protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter output) { base.RenderContents(output); output.Dispose(); } protected override void OnModeChanging(De...

Overriding constructors in Java

Hi, For school I need to learn Java and since I'm used to C++ (like Cocoa/Objective-C) based languages, I get really frustrated on Java. I've made a super-class (that can also be used as a base-class): public class CellView { public CellViewHelper helper; // CellViewHelper is just an example public CellView() { this.h...

Override a Property with a Derived Type and Same Name C#

I'm trying to override a property in a base class with a different, but derived type with the same name. I think its possible by covarience or generics but am not sure how to do it? The following code gets the error: Error 1 'Sun.Cache': type must be 'OuterSpace.Cache' to match overridden member 'OuterSpace.Cache' public class...

Overriding GridView Collection

Hi, I'm overriding the gridview methods but this is not enough for me.. I want to override GridView collections For Instance: <cc1:customGrid><asp:Columns> <cc1:customTemplate customAttribute=""> <cc1:customField /> </cc1:customTemplate> </asp:Columns> </cc1:customGrid> how can I do this? ...

Android - onBackPressed() not working

I have an application building against Android 2.1 and I want to override the back button. I have followed the example here: http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2009_12_01_archive.html And my code is as follows: @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (Integer.parseInt(android.os.Bui...