
Override Index Return in C# Collection

I am adding functionality to an existing .Net collection. In order to do this, I am overriding several functions. I have not been able to override the return value of the basic array return in the collection. For example, if I call emailMessage.To[i], it does not return the proper value, but if I call emailMessage.Item(i), it returns ...

Ruby on Rails - Overriding the association id creation process

Hello there, I'm trying to override the way rails apply and id to an associated object, for example: There are 2 simple models: class Album < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :photos end class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :album end And then I want to do this: album = Album.new :title => 'First Album' album.photos.build alb...

how can I override .hgrc options on the command line

I typically want to ignore white space changes when diff'ing with mercurial. If I set this as a default by putting ignorews = true in my .hgrc's [diff] section then there doesn't seem to be a way to force the display of white space changes for a single invocation on the command line. What am I missing? FWIW: None of the relevant command...

iTextSharp +OnEndPage

I'm trying to override the OnEndPage event but I get the error message that there is no suitable method found to override public override void OnEndPage(PdfWriter wri, Document doc) { PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1); table.TotalWidth = doc.PageSize.Width - doc.LeftMargin - doc.RightMargin; PdfPTabl...

python: overriding access a var

I have a class: class A: s = 'some string' b = <SOME OTHER INSTANCE> now I want this class to have the functionality of a string whenever it can. That is: a = A() print a.b will print b's value. But I want functions that expect a string (for example replace) to work. For example: 'aaaa'.replace('a', a) to actually do: '...

How to compile jdk itself

Hi all, I want to compile jdk itself. I mean, I want to modify String.class in jdk to see created string objects in the system. Is there any way to modify classes in the jdk? When I try to modify source by modifying rt.jar, I got the error. java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.Hashtable.put(Hashtable.java:394) at ...

ok button in record Form plugin in extjs

how to get the updated records,i am overriding the on Ok function to save changes in form. 1.i just override the on ok function,but not able to get modified record.Ext.override(Ext.ux.grid.RecordForm , { onOK:function() { updateRecord1(); } }); function updateRecord1() {//alert('record'); var records =store.getModified...

How to override the handler for a button in ckeditor?

I would like to have a custom handler for the save button. How can I override the default command? ...

See the created string objects in the system

Hi all, I want to see the values of the created string objects in the system. To do so, I override the String.class by using Xbootclasspath option. In my new overriding class I modified constructors of String.class by adding the line System.out.println(value) to each, such that public String() { this.offset = 0; this.count = 0; this...

Doctrine Override Getters and Setters for Relation fields

Hi, Does anyone know how to override Doctrine_Record getters and setters for Relation fields. For example if I have a class Note, Note has many Users, now can I override, for example, this operation Note->Users[] = $user1 ? Thanks! ...

[django] How do I override a default value of a form?

Can someone help me here? My form looks like this: class RecieveLineForm(forms.ModelForm): purchaseorderline = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.HiddenInput()) rl_quantity = forms.IntegerField(label='Quantity') class Meta: model = RecieveLine Now, I need to set a default value for my purchaseorderline which is origi...

When is it ok to meddle in the page lifecycle an ASP.NET MVC page?

It seems that ASP.NET MVC just runs on top of ASP.NET WebForms. System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage in ASP.NET MVC inherits from System.Web.UI.Page which includes page lifecycle methods like OnRender and friends. I have seen a couple of comments around the web to the effect that you should resist the urge to override these methods AT ALL COSTS!. ...

CSS psuedo-class first-line overrides first-letter

My problem is this, that I want to style the first line and first letter of every paragraph but the first-line attributes move on to the first-letter attributes even if I re-declare them in the declaration of first-letter. This is how the code looks: p:first-line { font-variant:small-caps; } p:first-letter { font:none; font-variant...

How to override JTextArea isEnabled() method

I want to override isEnabled() method in java.awt.Component and use it with a JTextArea. This is what I do. This code snippet is called inside the Jframe constructor. jTextArea1 = new javax.swing.JTextArea(){ @Override public boolean isEnabled(){ if(getForeground()== new Color(0, 0, 0)){ ret...

Overriding the user registration form in Drupal 6

I want to be able to customise the user registration form in Drupal 6 I have found thousands of tutorials that show me how to override the structure in which you can output the form as a whole, but I want to move form elements around etc and I cant quite seem to see the best way to do this ...

C# - Override <T> method signature with ClassName?

Is there a way to override an abstract class's method signature which uses <T> with a ClassName so I can pass an object by reference without recasting it? For example, I have a bunch of Object Managers. I want them all to contain a .Save(Object) method which will perform the appropriate save action based on the object state (Insert, Upd...

Override ControlTemplate - not Style

I'm overriding the Content of a Button. My problem is that the default style of the button gets overridden when I do this. How can I keep the old style (the old style defines mouseover, mouseout effects and the like)? This is my code: <Fluent:DropDownButton SizeDefinition="Small"> ...

Function overriding with argument inheritance

I have a generic items list class to create a more specific listing using it as base class, something like this.. ref class ItemBase { } ref class ItemA : ItemBase { } ref class ItemList abstract { public: virtual void add(ItemBase ^p); } ref class ItemListA : ItemList { public: virtual void add(ItemA ^p) override; // it doesn't w...

What's wrong with overridable method calls in constructors?

I have a Wicket page class that sets the page title depending on the result of an abstract method. public abstract class BasicPage extends WebPage { public BasicPage() { this.previousPage = previousPage; add(new Label("title", getTitle())); } protected abstract String getTitle();...

ResourceManager override GetResourceFileName

Hi, I want to override a method in the System.Resources.ResourceManager class in mscorlib v4. I want to override the method GetResourceFileName like this; protected override string GetResourceFileName(CultureInfo culture) { string resourceFileName = base.GetResourceFileName(culture); return resourceFileName.Replace...