
Execute a method from a form created by class reference (Delphi)

Hi, I have a form (form2) and I implemented the following PUBLIC method: function ShowInterface(i:integer):boolean; This form is in a package that will be DYNAMIC LOADED. Now I want to instantiate this form (form2) and execute the method above. Important: I can't reference form2's unit in form1. I tryed this code, but it never find...

2 Runtime Packages: how can I use a unit from each other? (Delphi)

Hi, Lets assume we have 2 runtime packages, with 1 form in each one; Pkg1 -> Unit1 (frm1) Pkg2 -> Unit2 (frm2) Now I want that they "know" each other. When pkg1 needs to know Unit2, we have to "require" Pkg2 in Pkg1. So now I can do a "uses" Unit2 and then do frm2.Show in Unit1 code. But when I do the same thing in Pkg2 (set to requ...

Python: Define Classes in Packages

I'm learning Python and I have been playing around with packages. I wanted to know the best way to define classes in packages. It seems that the only way to define classes in a package is to define them in of that package. Coming from Java, I'd kind of like to define individual files for my classes. Is this a recommended prac...

What's the standard way to organize the contents of Java packages -- specifically the location of interfaces and abstract classes

I suppose this could go for many OO languages. I'm building my domain objects and am not sure where the best place is for the interfaces & abstract classes. If I have a pets package with various implementations of the APet abstract class: should it live side-by-side with them or in the parent package? How about interfaces? It seems l...

Why doesn't a 32bit .deb package install on 64bit Ubuntu?

My .deb package, built on 32-bit Ubuntu and containing executables compiled with gcc, won't install on the 64-bit version of the OS (the error message says 'Wrong architecture i386'). This is confusing to me because I thought that in general 32-bit software worked on 64-bit hardware, but not vice-versa. Will it be possible for me to pr...

how to use oracle package to get rid of Global Temp table

I have a sample query like below: INSERT INTO my_gtt_1 (fname, lname) (select fname, lname from users) In my effort to getting rid of temporary tables I created a package: create or replace package fname_lname AS Type fname_lname_rec_type is record ( fname varchar(10), lname varchar(10) ); fname_lname_rec fname_lname_rec_type Type...

Packages name conflicting with getters and setters?

Hello, folks. So, I've came across this compilation error a while ago.. As there's an easy fix and I didn't find anything relevant at the time, I eventually let it go. I just remembered it and I'm now wondering if this is really part of the language grammar (which I highly doubt) or if it's a compiler bug. I'm being purely curious about...

Is there any way to list out the installed packages by synaptic in lenny

Hi All. I have installed some packages through synaptic. Now I want to know what are the packages I have installed But with out dependency packages names. What should I do to list.... I have used File->History but it shows with all dependency packages name. Any one help out of this problem... Thanks ...

Why can't my subclass access a protected variable of its superclass, when it's in a different package?

I have an abstract class, relation in package database.relation and a subclass of it, Join, in package database.operations. relation has a protected member named mStructure. In Join: public Join(final Relation relLeft, final Relation relRight) { super(); mRelLeft = relLeft; mRelRight = relRight; mStruct...

How do you create a python package with a built in "test/" main function?

Desired directory tree: Fibo |-- src | `-- `-- test `-- What I want is to call python after cd'ing into test and executing will run all the unit tests for this package. Currently if I do: import Fibo def main(): Fibo.fib(100) if __name__ == "__main__": main() I get an error: "ImportE...

Why can't I run my java Hello World program if it is inside a package?

I created a file called "" that looks like this: public class Hello { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, world!"); } } I ran javac, then java Hello, and everything worked as expected. I then added the line package testpackage; to the top of the file...

Optimal extended class naming convention?

Which of the following naming conventions is most used/accepted, or which is most optimal for most projects? I'm having a hard time deciding. Base class: \Model Sub class: \Model\User Base class: \Model\Model Sub class: \Model\User Base class: \Model\Base sub class: \Model\User So in other words, should I put the base class in the s...

How do you write your package documentation?

I haven't quite figured out a sensible workflow for building packages and writing their documentation. I want as much of the process (and the documentation) as possible to be automatically generated. The obvious way to do this seems to be to use package.skeleton to create the basic package files, then programmatically overwrite the DES...

packages deployment best definition

How we can define the term "deploy a package"? Is correct to say that to deploy a package means to make a procedure in which we create, put into a file system location and make them visible to the compiler an VM with options like -classpath CLASSPATH etc???? ...

Oracle utl_nla_array_dbl does not exist

Hi all, Trying to get ordinary least squares regression going using the UTL_NLA package in Oracle. The UTL_NLA package is installed by default and appears to be working. Next up, I tried to run some of the regression sample code (OLS_Regression) that ships with Oracle (olsexmpl.sql and olstype.sql). I am able to create the model just ...

Where to install files for Qt-based application on Ubuntu/Debian

I am looking for tips on how to package my Qt-based application for Ubuntu/Debian distributions. Let's say the application (executable) is myapp. Running objdump -p myapp | grep NEEDED, I see that it has the following dependencies:

Why do packages and views in Oracle SQL Developer sometimes appear to have errors even when they compile?

Sometimes when I browse views or packages in Oracle SQL Developer they have a red icon next to them, indicating that there was a compile error. This seems to randomly happen to objects that compile without any errors or warnings. They continue to work even with the red icon, but it's confusing and makes me wonder if I'm missing somethi...

package error in as3

package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.utils.*; public class SetTimeoutExample extends Sprite { private var delay:Number = 1000; // delay before calling myDelayedFunction public function SetTimeoutExample() { var intervalId:uint = setTimeout(myDelayedFunction, delay, "Hello", "World"); } public fun...

Custom solution configuration not showing up in Visual Studio 2010

I added a solution configuration called 'Staging'. It does show up on the drop down in VS, but not in the Configuration Manager in 'Package/Publish Web' screen. On this screen, the ones I see in the dropdown are: Active (Release) Debug Release All Configurations I don't see Staging in here for me to package in the Staging mode ...

Distribute applications for Ubuntu/Debian for offline installation with not-yet-supported packages

We have two challenges deploying our application for Ubuntu/Debian: 1. Offline installation Many (let's say 50%) of our users will need to install offline. They will have zero internet connectivity. Thus, we need to include all possible dependencies (run time / third-party libraries, etc.) on an installation CD/DVD. It looks like perha...