
Packaging a Mac application for manual install even though it has frameworks?

I'm currently building my first Mac application and I'm a little confused by the delivery process. I've quickly read through the Software Delivery Guide but it seems to imply that if I have several components in my app, I should use a managed install. My application is very simple but it does rely on VVOpenSource frameworks, so when I bu...

Python packaging-installation-virtualenv question

With Python 2.4 on Centos, when I create an RPM with setuptools (bdist_rpm), add it to my yum repository and install it with yum, the top-level Python packages are extracted and put directly in site-packages, along with a .egg-info directory for the full package. So, e.g., if spam-1.2.3 has a top-level package called "spam", then packag...

How can I create a Package on a memory stream

Is it possible to create a System.IO.Packaging.Package on a memory stream. I'd like to avoid the file system and do everything in memory if possible. However, the only way to create a Package is to call Package.Open which accepts a stream. However, if the stream is empty, this fails. Any clue? ...

How can I make a Debian package depend on another package with exactly the same version

I'm building a Debian package which gathers together a number of other closely tied packages by declaring them as dependencies. I want those dependencies to be exactly the same version as the package. Is there a way within the Debian build system to avoid hard coding this within the control file (aside from pre-processing the control f...

How to send a package to PyPi?

hi, i wrote a little module and i would like to know what are the basic steps to package it in order to send it to pipy: what is the file hierarchy? how should i name files? should i use distutils to create PKG-INFO? where should i include my documentation (made with sphinx)? ...

How to package example scripts using distribute?

I use distribute to package a small python library. I made a directory structure as described in the Hitchhiker's Guide to Packaging. My question: Where (in the directory structure) do I place an example scripts that shows how to use the library and what changes are necessary to the ...

Executable Jar with depedencies

Hi all, I'm trying to build an executable jar from the command line (I don't want to use ant or OneJar ) . Here is the content of my file.jar: jar tvf file.jar 0 Mon Sep 20 17:16:12 CEST 2010 lib/ 45396 Mon Sep 20 17:16:12 CEST 2010 lib/org.apache.commons.logging_1.0.4.v201005080501.jar 321330 Mon Sep 20 17:16:12 CEST 2010 lib/or...

Partition a large Hibernate model to manage schema dependencies

We are considering splitting our hibernate tables into packages or domains (invoicing, sales, ..etc), primarily for dependency management issues. It doesn't break neatly of course, so we aren't sure how to handle relationships that cross domains. It would be nice to have a new entity annotation for this, but meanwhile one idea is to ma...

Is it permissable to repackage a third-party application as an RPM?

A Linux application we have developed relies upon the presence of licensed, third-party applications to which we defer some internal processing. Our customer has requested that we package our software as RPMs for deployment in their environment --- the question is how best to handle the third-party dependencies which do not provide RPMs....

Versioning of debian packaging Information

Hi, I'm developing certain scripts and small software packages which I also package as debian packages. The code is maintained in git and I create new release tarballs with an make target and git-archive. This tarball is then fed to "uupdate -u .tar.gz" to update from the previous packaged version. This far everything works great and ...

Inno setup ask user to restart system once installation is finished, to make system apply changes in HKLM

Im using inno setup 5.3 latest to package my application. Im setting Environment variables during installation to the windows system. It needs a reboot of the system to implement the changes made in the Environment variables. How do i prompt the user to reboot the system so as to implement changes ( as done in many applications). ...

xcopy installation of Visual C++ 2008 runtime

Hello! Is it possible to make my C++ application run on a machine without Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package by simply including some dlls in the program folder? I want to make my app as portable as possible and want to avoid forced installation of the runtime, so is it possible? I don't care about possible future runtim...

Should Maven package different WARs for different application servers?

I am just starting to package my web application project as a WAR file and am running into differences between the configuration for Tomcat vs Jetty vs JBoss vs Websphere, etc. Should I try to configure some super-smart an all-in-one WAR file, or should I create different Maven profiles to create different WARs for each app server? ...

What is the runtime environment of the %postinstall item in EPM

According to the EPM documentation it's possible in BSD packages to run a script post-installation. I'd like to invoke a script installed as part of the package, if possible, but to do so I need to know a few things about the runtime: What user will run the script? What environment variables are set when it runs? What is the CWD when t...

How to compile python code that uses boto to access S3?

I'm trying to compile a simple Python program, that uploads files to an S3 bucket using the boto package, in to a single, redistributable .exe file. I'm open to any compilation method. So far I've tried both bbfreeze and py2exe and both yield the same results. The code in question that causes trouble looks like this: import boto #...sni...

How to package PHP apps so they will work on any user computer?

Is there a way to distribute a PHP program like a desktop app, so that even if the user of the app doesn't have a local server environment setup on there PCs, the app will still work? I was thinking, if there was some type of portable server environment program which includes PHP/Apache, then we could create a batch file which when clic...

How to handle multiple database schema creation scripts with Maven?

I have an application in development that supports several databases including SQL*Server 2008, Oracle 10G, Oracle 11G, MYSQL 5, etc. Already within Maven I have done three things: 1) There is a profile for each database so that the system can use it for integration testing during the build. 2) Maven invokes the hibernate3 plugin to ...

Developing and using the same Python on the same computer

I'm developing a Python utility module to help with file downloads, archives, etc. I have a project set up in a virtual environment along with my unit tests. When I want to use this module on the same computer (essentially as "Production"), I move the files to the mymodule directory in the ~/dev/modules/mymodule I keep all 3rd-party mod...

How to exclude certain plugins from war in grails 1.3.5

Hi I'm seeking how to exclude plugins for specific environments. According to GRAILS documentation, starting with 1.3.5 it's now possible to disable a bunch of plugins. For example, I add the jetty plugin for local testing, but don't need it for deployment. I try to use the following in Config.groovy: envname { . . . pl...

Seam & multiple wars: Contexts.getSessionContext() is null in other war

Hey all, I am using Seam 2.2.1.CR1 on Weblogic 10.3.2 and JSF 1.2. I have an ear application with 2 war files. The first war is a JSF / Seam application, the second one does have JSF / Seam, but also has some Servlets pages as well. When I set things in the Session context in the first web application: Contexts.getSessionContext().se...